FloatingPointMultiplierSimple constructor

  1. FloatingPoint a,
  2. FloatingPoint b, {
  3. Logic? clk,
  4. Logic? reset,
  5. Logic? enable,
  6. FloatingPoint? outProduct,
  7. Multiplier multGen(
    1. Logic a,
    2. Logic b, {
    3. Logic? clk,
    4. Logic? enable,
    5. String name,
    6. Logic? reset,
    }) = NativeMultiplier.new,
  8. ParallelPrefix ppTree(
    1. List<Logic> inps,
    2. Logic op(
      1. Logic term1,
      2. Logic term2
    ) = KoggeStone.new,
  9. String name = 'floating_point_multiplier',

Multiply two FloatingPoint numbers a and b, returning result in product FloatingPoint.

  • multGen is a multiplier generator to be used in the mantissa multiplication.
  • ppTree is an parallel prefix tree generator to be used in the leading one detection (ParallelPrefixPriorityEncoder).

The multiplier currently does not support a product with narrower exponent or mantissa fields and will throw an exception.


FloatingPointMultiplierSimple(super.a, super.b,
    Multiplier Function(Logic a, Logic b,
            {Logic? clk, Logic? reset, Logic? enable, String name})
        multGen = NativeMultiplier.new,
    ParallelPrefix Function(
            List<Logic> inps, Logic Function(Logic term1, Logic term2) op)
        ppTree = KoggeStone.new,
    : super(
          definitionName: 'FloatingPointMultiplierSimple_'
              '${outProduct != null ? '_OE${outProduct.exponent.width}_'
                  'OM${outProduct.mantissa.width}' : ''}') {
  if (exponentWidth < a.exponent.width) {
    throw RohdHclException('product exponent width must be >= '
        ' input exponent width');
  if (mantissaWidth < a.mantissa.width) {
    throw RohdHclException('product mantissa width must be >= '
        ' input mantissa width');
  final aMantissa = mux(a.isNormal, [a.isNormal, a.mantissa].swizzle(),
          [a.mantissa, Const(0)].swizzle())
  final bMantissa = mux(b.isNormal, [b.isNormal, b.mantissa].swizzle(),
          [b.mantissa, Const(0)].swizzle())

  // TODO(desmonddak): do this calculation using the maximum exponent width
  // Then adapt to the product exponent width.
  final expCalcWidth = exponentWidth + 2;
  final addBias =
      (a.bias.zeroExtend(expCalcWidth) + b.bias.zeroExtend(expCalcWidth))
  final deltaBias =
      (product.bias.zeroExtend(expCalcWidth) - addBias).named('rebias');
  final addExp = (a.exponent.zeroExtend(expCalcWidth) +
  final productExp = (addExp + deltaBias).named('productExp');

  final mantissaMult = multGen(aMantissa, bMantissa,
      clk: clk, reset: reset, enable: enable, name: 'mantissa_mult');

  final mantissa = mantissaMult.product
      .getRange(0, (a.mantissa.width + 1) * 2)

  // TODO(desmonddak): This is where we need to either truncate or round to
  // the product mantissa width.  Today it simply is expanded only, but
  // upon narrowing, it will need to truncate for simple multiplication.

  final isInf = (a.isInfinity | b.isInfinity).named('isInf');
  final isNaN = (a.isNaN |
          b.isNaN |
          ((a.isInfinity | b.isInfinity) & (a.isZero | b.isZero)))

  final productExpLatch = localFlop(productExp);
  final aSignLatch =
      localFlop(a.sign).named('a_sign', naming: Naming.renameable);
  final bSignLatch =
      localFlop(b.sign).named('b_sign', naming: Naming.renameable);
  final isInfLatch = localFlop(isInf);
  final isNaNLatch = localFlop(isNaN);

  final leadingOnePosPre = ParallelPrefixPriorityEncoder(mantissa.reversed,
          ppGen: ppTree, name: 'leading_one_encoder')
      .zeroExtend(exponentWidth + 2)
      .named('leadingOneRawExtended', naming: Naming.mergeable);

  final leadingOnePos = mux(
          Const(product.bias.value.toInt() + 1,
              width: leadingOnePosPre.width),

  final remainingExp =
      ((productExpLatch - leadingOnePos).named('productExpMinusLeadOne') + 1)

  final internalOverflow = (~remainingExp[-1] &
          remainingExp.gte(Const(1, width: exponentWidth, fill: true)
              .zeroExtend(exponentWidth + 2)))

  final overFlow = (isInfLatch | internalOverflow).named('overflow');

  final fullMantissa = (mantissaWidth + 1 > mantissa.width)
      ? [
          Const(0, width: mantissaWidth + 1 - mantissa.width, fill: true)
      : mantissa.named('fullMantissa');

  final fullShift = SignedShifter(
          mux(productExpLatch[-1] | productExpLatch.lt(leadingOnePos),
              productExpLatch, leadingOnePos),
          name: 'full_mantissa_shifter')
  final finalMantissa = fullShift
      .getRange(fullShift.width - mantissaWidth - 1, fullShift.width - 1)

    If(isNaNLatch, then: [
      internalProduct < product.nan,
    ], orElse: [
      If(overFlow, then: [
        internalProduct < product.inf(sign: aSignLatch ^ bSignLatch),
      ], orElse: [
        internalProduct.sign < aSignLatch ^ bSignLatch,
        If(remainingExp[-1], then: [
          internalProduct.exponent < Const(0, width: exponentWidth)
        ], orElse: [
          internalProduct.exponent < remainingExp.getRange(0, exponentWidth),
        internalProduct.mantissa < finalMantissa