ColumnCompressor constructor
- PartialProductArray pp, {
- Logic? clk,
- Logic? reset,
- Logic? enable,
Initialize a ColumnCompressor for a set of partial products
If clk is not null then a set of flops are used to latch the output after compression (see extractRow). reset and enable are optional inputs to control these flops when clk is provided. If clk is null, the ColumnCompressor is built as a combinational tree of compressors.
ColumnCompressor(this.pp, {this.clk, this.reset, this.enable}) {
columns = List.generate(pp.maxWidth(), (i) => ColumnQueue());
for (var row = 0; row < pp.rows; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col < pp.partialProducts[row].length; col++) {
final trueColumn = pp.rowShift[row] + col;
final term = CompressTerm(CompressTermType.pp,
pp.partialProducts[row][col], [], row, trueColumn);