Cosim mixin

When applied to a ExternalSystemVerilogModule, will configure it so that it can be cosimulated in a SystemVerilog simulator along with the ROHD simulator.

Superclass Constraints


verilogSources List<String>?
A list of verilog source files to include in the build.
no setter
filelists List<String>?
A list of filelists (.f files) to pass to the compile stage.
no setter
compileArgs List<String>?
A list of additional arguments to pass to both compile phase of the SystemVerilog simulator.
no setter
extraArgs List<String>?
A list of additional arguments to pass to both compile and execute phase of the SystemVerilog simulation.
no setter
cosimHierarchy String
The hierarchy from the SystemVerilog cosimulation top to reach this module.
no setter
registreeName String
The unique instance name for this registree in cosimulation.
no setter
parameters Map<String, String>?
A map of parameter names and values to be passed to the SystemVerilog module.
name String
The name of this Module.
reserveName bool
If true, guarantees uniqueInstanceName matches name or else the build will fail.
reserveDefinitionName bool
If true, guarantees definitionName is maintained by a Synthesizer, or else it will fail.
parent Module?
The parent Module of this Module.
no setterinherited
inputs Map<String, Logic>
A map from input port names to this Module to corresponding Logic signals.
no setterinherited
outputs Map<String, Logic>
A map from output port names to this Module to corresponding Logic signals.
no setterinherited
subModules Iterable<Module>
An Iterable of all Modules contained within this Module.
no setterinherited
internalSignals Iterable<Logic>
An Iterable of all Logics contained within this Module which are not an input or output port of this Module.
no setterinherited
signals Iterable<Logic>
An Iterable of all Logics contained within this Module, including inputs, outputs, and internal signals of this Module.
no setterinherited
uniqueInstanceName String
If this module has a parent, after build this will be a guaranteed unique name within its scope.
no setterinherited
definitionName String
The definition name of this Module used when instantiating instances in generated code.
no setterinherited
hasBuilt bool
Indicates whether this Module has had the build() method called on it.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
expressionlessInputs List<String>
A list of names of inputs which should not have any SystemVerilog expressions (including constants) in-lined into them. Only signal names will be fed into these.


addInput(String name, Logic x, {int width = 1}) Logic
Registers a signal as an input to this Module and returns an input port that can be consumed.
addInputArray(String name, Logic x, {List<int> dimensions = const [1], int elementWidth = 1, int numUnpackedDimensions = 0}) LogicArray
Registers and returns an input LogicArray port to this Module with the specified dimensions, elementWidth, and numUnpackedDimensions named name.
addOutput(String name, {int width = 1}) Logic
Registers an output to this Module and returns an output port that can be driven.
addOutputArray(String name, {List<int> dimensions = const [1], int elementWidth = 1, int numUnpackedDimensions = 0}) LogicArray
Registers and returns an output LogicArray port to this Module with the specified dimensions, elementWidth, and numUnpackedDimensions named name.
build() Future<void>
Builds the Module and all subModules within it.
cosimRegister() → void
Registers the current Cosim module with the cosimulator for generation and cosimulation. Only registered modules will be cosimulated.
generateSynth() String
Returns a synthesized version of this Module.
hierarchy() Iterable<Module>
Returns an Iterable of Modules representing the hierarchical path to this Module.
hierarchyString([int indent = 0]) String
Returns a pretty-print String of the heirarchy of all Modules within this Module.
input(String name) Logic
Accesses the Logic associated with this Modules input port named name.
instantiationVerilog(String instanceType, String instanceName, Map<String, String> inputs, Map<String, String> outputs) String
Generates custom SystemVerilog to be injected in place of a module instantiation.
isInput(Logic net) bool
Returns true iff net is the same Logic as the input port of this Module with the same name.
isOutput(Logic net) bool
Returns true iff net is the same Logic as the output port of this Module with the same name.
isPort(Logic net) bool
Returns true iff net is the same Logic as an input or output port of this Module with the same name.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
output(String name) Logic
Accesses the Logic associated with this Modules output port named name.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
tryInput(String name) Logic?
Provides the input named name if it exists, otherwise null.
tryOutput(String name) Logic?
Provides the output named name if it exists, otherwise null.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

logger Logger?
An enablable logger (null if disabled) for Cosim related information.
no setter
registrees Map<String, Cosim>
A collection of all registered Cosim modules.
no setter

Static Methods

connectCosimulation(CosimConfig cosimConfig) Future<void>
Starts the SystemVerilog simulation and connects it to the ROHD simulator.
endCosim() → void
Passes an "END" message to Cosim as if it had been sent by the other simulator. This is helpful in cases where the simulator dies unexpectedly without gracefully notifying Cosim.
generateConnector({String directory = './', String pythonModuleName = defaultPythonModuleName, bool enableLogging = false}) → void
Generates collateral for building and executing a cosimulation.
reset() Future<void>
Resets all context for cosimulation.


defaultPythonModuleName → const String
The default name of the python module containing the connector.