Intel® QuickAssist Technology (QAT) QATzip Library


The QATzip library can be installed by either:

  • Installing from pre-built packages

  • Installing from source code

Distributions such as Fedora 34+, RHEL 9.1+, CentOS 9 Stream, and Ubunutu 24.04 each include qatzip packages within their repositories.


The instructions here are to be used when using QATzip with qatlib.

If using qatzip with the out-of-tree QAT package, refer to the latest installation instructions available at:

Installing from Packages

This section outlines the installation of QATzip using package managers.

Instructions cover:

  • Ubuntu 24.04

  • RPM (RPM Package Manager)

Ubuntu 24.04


To install QATzip on older versions of Ubuntu, you must manually compile and install it from the source code.

See the Installing from Sources section for instructions on installing from source.

  1. Install the QATzip library by running the below command:

    sudo -E apt install -y qatzip libqatzip3
  2. Install the QATzip development package by running the below command:

    sudo -E apt install -y libqatzip-dev


  1. Install the QATzip library by running the below command:

    sudo dnf -y install qatzip
  2. Install the QATzip development package by running the below command:

    sudo dnf -y install qatzip-devel


    If this package is not available we can build all QATzip packages from source files.

    Prior to building the library, uninstall QATzip package using the following command:

    sudo dnf remove qatzip

    See the Installing from Sources section for instructions on installing from source.

  3. Install the QATzip test application(s) by running the below command:

    sudo dnf -y install qatzip-test


    If this package is not available we can build all QATzip packages from source files.

    Prior to building the library, uninstall QATzip package using the following command:

    sudo dnf remove qatzip

    See the Installing from Sources section for instructions on compiling from source.

Installing from Sources

  1. Install the package dependencies by running the below command:

    sudo dnf install -y autoconf automake libtool zlib-devel lz4-devel

    For Debian-based distros like Ubuntu, use these names for the latter two packages:

    sudo apt -y install zlib1g-dev liblz4-dev
  2. Obtain the QATzip source package by running the below commands:

    cd ~
    git clone
  3. Configure the QATzip library by running the following commands:

    cd QATzip/
    export QZ_ROOT=`pwd`
  4. Build and install the QATzip library by running the below commands:

    make clean
    sudo make install


At least one QAT endpoint needs to have data compression (dc) services enabled to utilize QATzip.

Refer to the following sections for details on configuring qatlib.


The QATzip package, when installed from source includes a test application that can be used for benchmarking.

The application is placed in ~/QATzip/test/test directory.

Example test

taskset -c 1 ~/QATzip/test/test -m 4 -l 100 -t 1 -D comp -L 1 -B 0 -i ./silesia

This test performs compression test at level 1 utilizing QAT to compress file silesia. Software fallback is disabled in this test case.

Test Details


Usage: ./test [options]

Required options:

-m testMode           1 test memcpy feature
                      2 test Memory
                      3 test comp/decomp by default parameters
                      4 test comp/decomp by configurable parameters
                      5 test comp/decomp by format parameters
                      6 test set default configurable parameters

Optional options:

-i inputfile          input source file
                      default by random generate data
-t thread_count       maximum forks permitted in the current thread
                      0 means no forking permitted.
-l loop count         default is 2
-v                    verify, disabled by default
-e init engine        enable | disable. enabled by default
-s init session       enable | disable. enabled by default
-A comp_algorithm     deflate | lz4 | lz4s
-B swBack             0 means disable sw
                      1 means enable sw
-C hw_buff_sz         default 64K
-b block_size         If set this option, the test will split test
                      data into pieces. qzCompress/qzDecompress will
                      de/compress block_size bytes every time.
                      It must be the power of 2. The minimum is 4k,
                      and maximum is 1M. Default is -1, don't split
                      the test data.
-D direction          comp | decomp | both
-F format             [comp format]:[orig data size]/...
-L comp_lvl           1 - (12)
-O data_fmt           deflate | gzip | gzipext | deflate_4B | lz4 | lz4s
-T huffmanType        static | dynamic
-r req_cnt_thrshold   max inflight request num, default is 16
-S thread_sleep       the unit is milliseconds, default is a random time
-P polling            set polling mode, default is periodical polling
-M svm                set perf mode with file input, default is non
                      svm mode. When set to svm, all memory will
                      be allocated with malloc instead of qzMalloc
                      This option is only applied to test case 4
-p compress_buf_type  pinned | common, default is common
                      This option is only applied to file compression test in case 4
                      If set common, memory of compress buffer will be allocated through malloc
                      If set pinned, memory of compress buffer will be allocated in huge page, the
                      allocation limit is 2M
-h                    Print this help message