Library Testing#

Intel® Query Processing Library (Intel® QPL) is distributed with its own test system based on the GoogleTest framework. The tests are classified into:

  • Functional tests

  • Cross tests

  • Fuzz tests

  • Thread tests

Functional Tests#

Functional tests provide functional validation of Intel QPL APIs. These tests are further divided into four groups:

  • Algorithmic tests (ta_*) serve to find errors that reflect logic errors in data processing on correct data.

  • Bad argument tests (tb_*) verify the code path for invalid arguments. They perform null input checks, buffer overlap checks, and input size checks to ensure the safety of all operations.

  • Negative tests (tn_*) serve to find errors that reflect lack of control over the input data format. These tests also check for cases that would lead to output overflow, and ensure proper error codes are thrown before overflow occurs.

The tests can be launched using a single executable <install_dir>/bin/tests. To run all the functional tests, execute the following command:

<install_dir>/bin/tests --dataset=<qpl_library>/tools/testdata/

To run specific tests only, use the GoogleTest option --gtest_filter. For example, to run algorithmic tests only, use:

<install_dir>/bin/tests --dataset=<qpl_library>/tools/testdata/ --gtest_filter=ta_*

In order to get the list of GoogleTest test options, use the following command:

<install_dir>/bin/tests --help

To see the full list of other available test options specific to the library (e.g., execution path, synchronous or asynchronous mode), use the following command:

<install_dir>/bin/tests --qpl-tests-help


software_path and synchronous execution mode is used for testing by default, use –async=on and –path=hw to specify otherwise


Running functional tests on the hardware path requires first configuring Intel® In-Memory Analytics Accelerator (Intel® IAA). See Accelerator Configuration.

Cross Tests#

Cross tests provide validation of:

  • Input/output stream format compatibility between the hardware and software paths for the same Intel QPL operation. Especially for compression/decompression functionality.

  • Aggregates, checksums equality between the hardware and software paths for the same Intel QPL operation.

Cross tests intend to assure that the software and hardware paths can be exchanged in the application code without behavior change.

The tests can be launched using a single executable <install_dir>/bin/cross_tests. To run cross tests, execute the following command:

<install_dir>/bin/cross_tests --dataset=<qpl_library>/tools/testdata/


Running cross tests requires first configuring Intel IAA. See Accelerator Configuration.

Fuzz Tests#

Fuzz testing is an automated software testing technique that attempts to find hackable software bugs by randomly feeding invalid and unexpected inputs and data into a computer program in order to find coding errors and security loopholes.

Intel QPL fuzz testing is based on LibFuzzer tool and requires a separate build using the Clang compiler (version 12.0.1 or higher) with the -DLIB_FUZZING_ENGINE=ON CMake option.

Fuzz tests are not installed into <install_dir>/bin/ but available in:

  • <qpl_library>/build/tools/tests/fuzzing/low-level-api/

To run fuzz tests, specify the maximum run time using -max_total_time=<seconds>, for example:

<qpl_library>/build/tools/tests/fuzzing/low-level-api/deflate_dynamic_default_nodict_fuzz_test -max_total_time=15

Thread Tests#

Thread tests validate library behavior when run in a highly multithreaded environment. The thread tests detect the number of physical cores on the system, then spawn an equivalent number of threads and attempt to perform library operations with each thread. It then ensures that the resulting output is correct.

To run thread tests, execute the following command:

<install_dir>/bin/tests --dataset=<qpl_library>/tools/testdata/ --gtest_filter=tt_*

Thread tests support both hardware and software paths. To specify the path, use the flag –path=sw or –path=hw. Users can also specify if asynchronous behavior is supported via the flag –async=on or –async=off. By default the path is set to software and behavior is set to synchronous.