
As shown in this blog post, memcached can efficiently utilize PMEM as replacement for DRAM. This makes it possible to increase cache sizes and/or reduce costs. The memcached maintainers make container images available which support this feature. This example shows how to take advantage of PMEM with memcached running on Kubernetes.


The instructions below assume that:

  • kubectl is available and can access the cluster.

  • PMEM-CSI was installed with the default driver name and with the pmem-csi-sc-ext4 storage class.

  • telnet or similar tools like socat are available.

It is not necessary to check out the PMEM-CSI source code.

PMEM as DRAM replacement

Memcached can map PMEM into its address space and then store the bulk of the cache there. The advantage is higher capacity and (depending on pricing) less costs.

The cache could be stored in a persistent volume and reused after a restart (see next section), but when that isn’t the goal, a deployment with one CSI ephemeral inline volume per memcached pod is very simple:

  • A Kubernetes deployment manages the memcached instance(s).

  • In the pod template, one additional PMEM volume of a certain size is requested.

  • An init container prepares that volume for use by memcached:

    • It determines how large the actual file can be that memcached will use.

    • It changes volume ownership so that memcached can run as non-root process.

  • A wrapper script adds the --memory-file and --memory-limit parameters when invoking memcached, which enables the use of PMEM.

In this mode, the PMEM-CSI driver is referenced through its name (usually No storage classes are needed. That name and other parameters in the deployment can be modified with kustomize. Here’s how one can change the namespace, volume size or add additional command line parameters:

$ mkdir -p my-memcached-deployment

$ cat >my-memcached-deployment/kustomization.yaml <<EOF
namespace: demo
- update-deployment.yaml

$ cat >my-memcached-deployment/update-deployment.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: pmem-memcached
      - name: memcached
        - name: MEMCACHED_ARGS
          value: --conn-limit=500
      - name: data-volume
            size: 500Mi

These commands then create the namespace and the deployment:

$ kubectl create ns demo
namespace/demo created
$ kubectl create --kustomize my-memcached-deployment
service/pmem-memcached created
deployment.apps/pmem-memcached created

Eventually, there will be one pod with memcached running:

$ kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready -n demo pods -l
pod/pmem-memcached-96f6b5986-hdx6n condition met

How to access a service from remote varies between cluster installations and how they handle incoming connections. Therefore we use kubectl port-forward to access the service. Run this command in one shell and keep it running there:

$ kubectl port-forward -n demo service/pmem-memcached 11211
Forwarding from -> 11211
Forwarding from [::1]:11211 -> 11211

In another shell we can now use telnet to connect to memcached:

$ telnet localhost 11211
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

Memcached accepts simple plain-text commands. To set a key with 10 characters, a time-to-live of 500 seconds and default flags, enter:

set demo_key 0 500000 10
I am PMEM.

Memcached acknowledges this with:


We can verify that the key exists with:

get demo_key
VALUE demo_key 0 10
I am PMEM.

To disconnect, use:

Connection closed by foreign host.

The following command verifies the data was stored in a persistent memory data volume:

$ kubectl exec -n demo $(kubectl get -n demo pods -l -o jsonpath={}) grep 'I am PMEM.' /data/memcached-memory-file
Binary file /data/memcached-memory-file matches

To clean up, terminate the kubectl port-forward command and delete the memcached deployment with:

$ kubectl delete --kustomize my-memcached-deployment
service "pmem-memcached" deleted
deployment.apps "pmem-memcached" deleted

Restartable Cache

The restartable cache feature works like non-persistent usage of PMEM. In addition, memcached writes out one additional, short state file during a shutdown triggered by SIGUSR1. The state file describes the content of the memory file and is used during a restart by memcached to decide whether it can use the existing cached data.

The example deployment uses a stateful set because that can automatically create persistent volumes for each instance. The shell wrapper around memcached translates the normal SIGTERM shutdown signal into SIGUSR1.

Deploying like that becomes less flexible because the memcached pods can no longer move freely between nodes. Instead, each pod has to be restarted on the node where its volume was created. There are also several caveats for memcached in this mode that admins and application developers must be aware of.

This example can also be kustomized. It uses the pmem-csi-sc-ext4 storage class. Here we just use the defaults, in particular the default namespace:

$ kubectl apply --kustomize
service/pmem-memcached created
statefulset.apps/pmem-memcached created

We can verify that memcached really does a warm restart by storing some data, removing the instance and then starting it again.

$ kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pods -l
pod/pmem-memcached-0 condition met

Because we use a stateful set, the pod name is deterministic.

There is also a corresponding persistent volume:

$ kubectl get pvc
NAME                                     STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS       AGE
memcached-data-volume-pmem-memcached-0   Bound    pvc-bb2cde11-6aa2-46da-8521-9bc35c08426d   200Mi      RWO            pmem-csi-sc-ext4   5m45s

First set a key using the same approach as before:

$ kubectl port-forward service/pmem-memcached 11211
Forwarding from -> 11211
Forwarding from [::1]:11211 -> 11211
$ telnet localhost 11211
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
set demo_key 0 500000 10
I am PMEM.

Then scale down the number of memcached instances down to zero, then restart it. To avoid race conditions, it is important to wait for Kubernetes to catch up:

$ kubectl scale --replicas=0 statefulset/pmem-memcached
statefulset.apps/pmem-memcached scaled

$ kubectl wait --for delete pod/pmem-memcached-0
Error from server (NotFound): pods "pmem-memcached-0" not found

$ kubectl scale --replicas=1 statefulset/pmem-memcached
statefulset.apps/pmem-memcached scaled

$ kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pods -l
pod/pmem-memcached-0 condition met

Restart the port forwarding now because it is tied to the previous pod.

Without the persistent volume and the restartable cache, the memcached cache would be empty now. With telnet we can verify that this is not the case and that the key is still known:

$ telnet 11211
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
get demo_key
VALUE demo_key 0 10
I am PMEM.
Connection closed by foreign host.

To clean up, terminate the kubectl port-forward command and delete the memcached deployment with:

$ kubectl delete --kustomize
service "pmem-memcached" deleted
statefulset.apps "pmem-memcached" deleted

Beware that at the moment, the volumes need to be removed manually after removing the stateful set. A request to automate that is open.

$ kubectl delete pvc -l
persistentvolumeclaim "memcached-data-volume-pmem-memcached-0" deleted