An end-to-end example: quantize a custom model with Neural Solution
In this example, we show how to quantize a custom model with Neural Solution.
Demonstrate how to prepare requirements.
Demonstrate how to start the Neural Solution Service.
Demonstrate how to prepare an optimization task request and submit it to Neural Solution Service.
Demonstrate how to query the status of the task and fetch the optimization result.
Demonstrate how to query and manage the resource of the cluster.
Customizing the model requires preparing the following folders and files.
dataset/, place dataset
model/, place model weight and configuration files, the running python script
The folder structure is as follows:
├── dataset
│ └── train-00173-of-01024
├── model
│ └── mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_frozen.pb
├── README.html
├── task_request_distributed.json
├── task_request.json
Start the Neural Solution Service
# Activate your environment
conda activate ENV
# Start neural solution service with default configuration, log will be saved in the "serve_log" folder.
neural_solution start
# Start neural solution service with custom configuration
neural_solution start --task_monitor_port=22222 --result_monitor_port=33333 --restful_api_port=8001
# Stop neural solution service with default configuration
neural_solution stop
# Help Manual
neural_solution -h
# Help output
usage: neural_solution {start,stop} [-h] [--hostfile HOSTFILE] [--restful_api_port RESTFUL_API_PORT] [--grpc_api_port GRPC_API_PORT]
[--result_monitor_port RESULT_MONITOR_PORT] [--task_monitor_port TASK_MONITOR_PORT] [--api_type API_TYPE]
[--workspace WORKSPACE] [--conda_env CONDA_ENV] [--upload_path UPLOAD_PATH] [--query] [--join JOIN] [--remove REMOVE]
Neural Solution
positional arguments:
{start,stop,cluster} start/stop/management service
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--hostfile HOSTFILE start backend serve host file which contains all available nodes
--restful_api_port RESTFUL_API_PORT
start restful serve with {restful_api_port}, default 8000
--grpc_api_port GRPC_API_PORT
start gRPC with {restful_api_port}, default 8000
--result_monitor_port RESULT_MONITOR_PORT
start serve for result monitor at {result_monitor_port}, default 3333
--task_monitor_port TASK_MONITOR_PORT
start serve for task monitor at {task_monitor_port}, default 2222
--api_type API_TYPE start web serve with all/grpc/restful, default all
--workspace WORKSPACE
neural solution workspace, default "./ns_workspace"
--conda_env CONDA_ENV
specify the running environment for the task
--upload_path UPLOAD_PATH
specify the file path for the tasks
--query [cluster parameter] query cluster information
--join JOIN [cluster parameter] add new node into cluster
--remove REMOVE [cluster parameter] remove <node-id> from cluster
Submit optimization task
Step 1: Prepare the json file includes request content. In this example, we have created request that quantize a custom model.
[user@server tf_example1]$ cd path/to/neural_solution/neural_solution/examples/custom_models_optimized/tf_example1
[user@server tf_example1]$ cat task_request.json
"script_url": "tf_example1",
"optimized": "True",
"arguments": [
"--dataset_location=dataset", "--model_path=model"
"approach": "static",
"requirements": [
"workers": 1
When using distributed quantization, the workers
needs to be set to greater than 1 when submitting a request.
[user@server tf_example1]$ cat task_request_distributed.json
"script_url": "tf_example1",
"optimized": "True",
"arguments": [
"--dataset_location=dataset", "--model_path=model"
"approach": "static",
"requirements": [
"workers": 3
Step 2: Submit the task request to service, and it will return the submit status and task id for future use.
[user@server tf_example1]$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @./task.json http://localhost:8000/task/submit/
# response if submit successfully
"status": "successfully",
"task_id": "7602cd63d4c849e7a686a8165a77f69d",
"msg": "Task submitted successfully"
Query optimization result
Query the task status and result according to the
[user@server tf_example1]$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/task/status/{task_id}
# return the task status
"status": "done",
"tuning_info": {},
"optimization_result": {
"optimization time (seconds)": "151.16",
"Accuracy": "0.8617",
"Duration (seconds)": "17.8213",
"result_path": "http://localhost:8000/download/7602cd63d4c849e7a686a8165a77f69d"
Download optimized model
Download the optimized model according to the
[user@server tf_example1]$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/download/{task_id} --output
# download
Manage resource
# query cluster information
neural_solution cluster --query
# add new node into cluster
# parameter: "<node1> <number_of_sockets> <number_of_threads>;<node2> <number_of_sockets> <number_of_threads>"
neural_solution cluster --join "host1 2 20; host2 5 20"
# remove node from cluster according to id
neural_solution cluster --remove <node-id>
Stop the service
neural_solution stop