Calibration Algorithms in Quantization

  1. Introduction

  2. Calibration Algorithms

  3. Support Matrix


Quantization proves beneficial in terms of reducing the memory and computational requirements of the model. Uniform quantization transforms the input value $x ∈ [β, α]$ to lie within $[−2^{b−1}, 2^{b−1} − 1]$, where $[β, α]$ is the range of real values chosen for quantization and $b$ is the bit-width of the signed integer representation. Calibration is the process of determining the $α$ and $β$ for model weights and activations. Refer to this link for more quantization fundamentals

Calibration Algorithms

Currently, Intel® Neural Compressor supports three popular calibration algorithms:

  • MinMax: This method gets the maximum and minimum of input values as $α$ and $β$ [^1]. It preserves the entire range and is the simplest approach.

  • Entropy: This method minimizes the KL divergence to reduce the information loss between full-precision and quantized data [^2]. Its primary focus is on preserving essential information.

  • Percentile: This method only considers a specific percentage of values for calculating the range, ignoring the remainder which may contain outliers [^3]. It enhances resolution by excluding extreme values but still retaining noteworthy data.

Support Matrix

Framework Supported calibration algorithm
weight activation
Pytorch minmax minmax, kl
Tensorflow minmax minmax, kl
MXNet minmax minmax, kl
OnnxRuntime minmax minmax, kl, percentile

kl is used to represent the Entropy calibration algorithm in Intel® Neural Compressor.

The calibration algorithm is one of the tuning items utilized by Intel® Neural Compressor auto-tuning. The accuracy-aware tuning process will select an appropriate algorithm. Please refer to tuning_strategies.html for more details.


[^1]: Vanhoucke, Vincent, Andrew Senior, and Mark Z. Mao. “Improving the speed of neural networks on CPUs.” (2011).

[^2]: Szymon Migacz. “Nvidia 8-bit inference width tensorrt.” (2017).

[^3]: McKinstry, Jeffrey L., et al. “Discovering low-precision networks close to full-precision networks for efficient embedded inference.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.04191 (2018).