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sm3intrin.h File Reference

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#define __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
#define _mm_sm3rnds2_epi32(A, B, C, D)    (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vsm3rnds2((__v4su)A, (__v4su)B, (__v4su)C, (int)D)
 This intrinsic performs two rounds of SM3 operation using initial SM3 state (C, D, G, H) from __A, an initial SM3 states (A, B, E, F) from __B and a pre-computed words from the __C. More...


static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128 _mm_sm3msg1_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B, __m128i __C)
 This intrinisc is one of the two SM3 message scheduling intrinsics. More...
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128 _mm_sm3msg2_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B, __m128i __C)
 This intrinisc is one of the two SM3 message scheduling intrinsics. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128
__attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__, __target__("sm3"), \
_Float16 __2f16 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2)))
Zeroes the upper 128 bits (bits 255:128) of all YMM registers.

Definition at line 17 of file sm3intrin.h.

◆ _mm_sm3rnds2_epi32

#define _mm_sm3rnds2_epi32 (   A,
)     (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vsm3rnds2((__v4su)A, (__v4su)B, (__v4su)C, (int)D)

This intrinsic performs two rounds of SM3 operation using initial SM3 state (C, D, G, H) from __A, an initial SM3 states (A, B, E, F) from __B and a pre-computed words from the __C.

__A with initial SM3 state of (C, D, G, H) assumes input of non-rotated left variables from previous state. The updated SM3 state (A, B, E, F) is written to __A. The imm8 should contain the even round number for the first of the two rounds computed by this instruction. The computation masks the imm8 value by AND’ing it with 0x3E so that only even round numbers from 0 through 62 are used for this operation. The calculated results are stored in dst.

__m128i _mm_sm3rnds2_epi32(__m128i __A, __m128i __B, __m128i __C, const int
#define _mm_sm3rnds2_epi32(A, B, C, D)
This intrinsic performs two rounds of SM3 operation using initial SM3 state (C, D,...
Definition: sm3intrin.h:233

This intrinsic corresponds to the VSM3RNDS2 instruction.

__AA 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
__BA 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
__CA 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
imm8A 8-bit constant integer.
A 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
DEFINE ROL32(dword, n) {
count := n % 32
dest := (dword << count) | (dword >> (32-count))
DEFINE P0(dword) {
RETURN dword ^ ROL32(dword, 9) ^ ROL32(dword, 17)
DEFINE FF(x,y,z, round){
IF round < 16
RETURN (x ^ y ^ z)
RETURN (x & y) | (x & z) | (y & z)
DEFINE GG(x, y, z, round){
IF round < 16
RETURN (x ^ y ^ z)
RETURN (x & y) | (~x & z)
A[0] := __B.dword[3]
B[0] := __B.dword[2]
C[0] := __A.dword[3]
D[0] := __A.dword[2]
E[0] := __B.dword[1]
F[0] := __B.dword[0]
G[0] := __A.dword[1]
H[0] := __A.dword[0]
W[0] := __C.dword[0]
W[1] := __C.dword[1]
W[4] := __C.dword[2]
W[5] := __C.dword[3]
C[0] := ROL32(C[0], 9)
D[0] := ROL32(D[0], 9)
G[0] := ROL32(G[0], 19)
H[0] := ROL32(H[0], 19)
ROUND := __D & 0x3E
CONST := 0x79CC4519
CONST := 0x7A879D8A
FOR i:= 0 to 1
S1 := ROL32((ROL32(A[i], 12) + E[i] + CONST), 7)
S2 := S1 ^ ROL32(A[i], 12)
T1 := FF(A[i], B[i], C[i], ROUND) + D[i] + S2 + (W[i] ^ W[i+4])
T2 := GG(E[i], F[i], G[i], ROUND) + H[i] + S1 + W[i]
D[i+1] := C[i]
C[i+1] := ROL32(B[i],9)
B[i+1] := A[i]
A[i+1] := T1
H[i+1] := G[i]
G[i+1] := ROL32(F[i], 19)
F[i+1] := E[i]
E[i+1] := P0(T2)
dst.dword[3] := A[2]
dst.dword[2] := B[2]
dst.dword[1] := E[2]
dst.dword[0] := F[2]
dst[MAX:128] := 0

Definition at line 233 of file sm3intrin.h.

Function Documentation

◆ _mm_sm3msg1_epi32()

static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128 _mm_sm3msg1_epi32 ( __m128i  __A,
__m128i  __B,
__m128i  __C 

This intrinisc is one of the two SM3 message scheduling intrinsics.

The intrinsic performs an initial calculation for the next four SM3 message words. The calculated results are stored in dst.

__m128i _mm_sm3msg1_epi32(__m128i __A, __m128i __B, __m128i __C)
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128 _mm_sm3msg1_epi32(__m128i __A, __m128i __B, __m128i __C)
This intrinisc is one of the two SM3 message scheduling intrinsics.
Definition: sm3intrin.h:72

This intrinsic corresponds to the VSM3MSG1 instruction.

__AA 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
__BA 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
__CA 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
A 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
DEFINE ROL32(dword, n) {
count := n % 32
dest := (dword << count) | (dword >> (32 - count))
DEFINE P1(x) {
RETURN x ^ ROL32(x, 15) ^ ROL32(x, 23)
W[0] := __C.dword[0]
W[1] := __C.dword[1]
W[2] := __C.dword[2]
W[3] := __C.dword[3]
W[7] := __A.dword[0]
W[8] := __A.dword[1]
W[9] := __A.dword[2]
W[10] := __A.dword[3]
W[13] := __B.dword[0]
W[14] := __B.dword[1]
W[15] := __B.dword[2]
TMP0 := W[7] ^ W[0] ^ ROL32(W[13], 15)
TMP1 := W[8] ^ W[1] ^ ROL32(W[14], 15)
TMP2 := W[9] ^ W[2] ^ ROL32(W[15], 15)
TMP3 := W[10] ^ W[3]
dst.dword[0] := P1(TMP0)
dst.dword[1] := P1(TMP1)
dst.dword[2] := P1(TMP2)
dst.dword[3] := P1(TMP3)
dst[MAX:128] := 0

Definition at line 72 of file sm3intrin.h.

◆ _mm_sm3msg2_epi32()

static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128 _mm_sm3msg2_epi32 ( __m128i  __A,
__m128i  __B,
__m128i  __C 

This intrinisc is one of the two SM3 message scheduling intrinsics.

The intrinsic performs the final calculation for the next four SM3 message words. The calculated results are stored in dst.

__m128i _mm_sm3msg2_epi32(__m128i __A, __m128i __B, __m128i __C)
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS128 _mm_sm3msg2_epi32(__m128i __A, __m128i __B, __m128i __C)
This intrinisc is one of the two SM3 message scheduling intrinsics.
Definition: sm3intrin.h:129

This intrinsic corresponds to the VSM3MSG2 instruction.

__AA 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
__BA 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
__CA 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
A 128-bit vector of [4 x int].
DEFINE ROL32(dword, n) {
count := n % 32
dest := (dword << count) | (dword >> (32-count))
WTMP[0] := __A.dword[0]
WTMP[1] := __A.dword[1]
WTMP[2] := __A.dword[2]
WTMP[3] := __A.dword[3]
W[3] := __B.dword[0]
W[4] := __B.dword[1]
W[5] := __B.dword[2]
W[6] := __B.dword[3]
W[10] := __C.dword[0]
W[11] := __C.dword[1]
W[12] := __C.dword[2]
W[13] := __C.dword[3]
W[16] := ROL32(W[3], 7) ^ W[10] ^ WTMP[0]
W[17] := ROL32(W[4], 7) ^ W[11] ^ WTMP[1]
W[18] := ROL32(W[5], 7) ^ W[12] ^ WTMP[2]
W[19] := ROL32(W[6], 7) ^ W[13] ^ WTMP[3]
W[19] := W[19] ^ ROL32(W[16], 6) ^ ROL32(W[16], 15) ^ ROL32(W[16], 30)
dst.dword[0] := W[16]
dst.dword[1] := W[17]
dst.dword[2] := W[18]
dst.dword[3] := W[19]
dst[MAX:128] := 0

Definition at line 129 of file sm3intrin.h.