clang  20.0.0git
Driver Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for Driver:


file  aarch64-mlr-for-calls-only.c [code]
file  Action.h [code]
file  Compilation.h [code]
file  Distro.h [code]
file  Driver.h [code]
file  DriverDiagnostic.h [code]
file  InputInfo.h [code]
file  Job.h [code]
file  Multilib.h [code]
file  MultilibBuilder.h [code]
file  OffloadBundler.h [code]
 This file defines an offload bundling API that bundles different files that relate with the same source code but different targets into a single one.
file  Options.h [code]
file  OptionUtils.h [code]
file  Phases.h [code]
file  SanitizerArgs.h [code]
file  Tool.h [code]
file  ToolChain.h [code]
file  Types.h [code]
file  Util.h [code]
file  XRayArgs.h [code]