clang  19.0.0git
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1 //===--- CloneDetection.cpp - Finds code clones in an AST -------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 ///
9 /// This file implements classes for searching and analyzing source code clones.
10 ///
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 #include "clang/AST/Attr.h"
16 #include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
18 #include "llvm/Support/MD5.h"
19 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
21 using namespace clang;
24  unsigned StartIndex, unsigned EndIndex)
25  : S(Stmt), D(D), StartIndex(StartIndex), EndIndex(EndIndex) {
26  assert(Stmt && "Stmt must not be a nullptr");
27  assert(StartIndex < EndIndex && "Given array should not be empty");
28  assert(EndIndex <= Stmt->size() && "Given array too big for this Stmt");
29 }
32  : S(Stmt), D(D), StartIndex(0), EndIndex(0) {}
35  : S(nullptr), D(nullptr), StartIndex(0), EndIndex(0) {}
37 bool StmtSequence::contains(const StmtSequence &Other) const {
38  // If both sequences reside in different declarations, they can never contain
39  // each other.
40  if (D != Other.D)
41  return false;
45  // Otherwise check if the start and end locations of the current sequence
46  // surround the other sequence.
47  bool StartIsInBounds =
48  SM.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(getBeginLoc(), Other.getBeginLoc()) ||
49  getBeginLoc() == Other.getBeginLoc();
50  if (!StartIsInBounds)
51  return false;
53  bool EndIsInBounds =
54  SM.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(Other.getEndLoc(), getEndLoc()) ||
55  Other.getEndLoc() == getEndLoc();
56  return EndIsInBounds;
57 }
60  if (!holdsSequence()) {
61  return &S;
62  }
63  auto CS = cast<CompoundStmt>(S);
64  return CS->body_begin() + StartIndex;
65 }
68  if (!holdsSequence()) {
69  return reinterpret_cast<StmtSequence::iterator>(&S) + 1;
70  }
71  auto CS = cast<CompoundStmt>(S);
72  return CS->body_begin() + EndIndex;
73 }
76  assert(D);
77  return D->getASTContext();
78 }
81  return front()->getBeginLoc();
82 }
87  return SourceRange(getBeginLoc(), getEndLoc());
88 }
91  assert(D);
92  assert(D->hasBody());
94  Sequences.push_back(StmtSequence(D->getBody(), D));
95 }
97 /// Returns true if and only if \p Stmt contains at least one other
98 /// sequence in the \p Group.
101  for (StmtSequence &GroupSeq : Group) {
102  if (Seq.contains(GroupSeq))
103  return true;
104  }
105  return false;
106 }
108 /// Returns true if and only if all sequences in \p OtherGroup are
109 /// contained by a sequence in \p Group.
111  CloneDetector::CloneGroup &OtherGroup) {
112  // We have less sequences in the current group than we have in the other,
113  // so we will never fulfill the requirement for returning true. This is only
114  // possible because we know that a sequence in Group can contain at most
115  // one sequence in OtherGroup.
116  if (Group.size() < OtherGroup.size())
117  return false;
119  for (StmtSequence &Stmt : Group) {
120  if (!containsAnyInGroup(Stmt, OtherGroup))
121  return false;
122  }
123  return true;
124 }
127  std::vector<CloneDetector::CloneGroup> &Result) {
128  std::vector<unsigned> IndexesToRemove;
130  // Compare every group in the result with the rest. If one groups contains
131  // another group, we only need to return the bigger group.
132  // Note: This doesn't scale well, so if possible avoid calling any heavy
133  // function from this loop to minimize the performance impact.
134  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Result.size(); ++i) {
135  for (unsigned j = 0; j < Result.size(); ++j) {
136  // Don't compare a group with itself.
137  if (i == j)
138  continue;
140  if (containsGroup(Result[j], Result[i])) {
141  IndexesToRemove.push_back(i);
142  break;
143  }
144  }
145  }
147  // Erasing a list of indexes from the vector should be done with decreasing
148  // indexes. As IndexesToRemove is constructed with increasing values, we just
149  // reverse iterate over it to get the desired order.
150  for (unsigned I : llvm::reverse(IndexesToRemove))
151  Result.erase(Result.begin() + I);
152 }
156  if (IgnoredFilesPattern.empty() || Group.empty() ||
157  !IgnoredFilesRegex->isValid())
158  return false;
160  for (const StmtSequence &S : Group) {
162  StringRef Filename = llvm::sys::path::filename(
163  SM.getFilename(S.getContainingDecl()->getLocation()));
164  if (IgnoredFilesRegex->match(Filename))
165  return true;
166  }
168  return false;
169 }
171 /// This class defines what a type II code clone is: If it collects for two
172 /// statements the same data, then those two statements are considered to be
173 /// clones of each other.
174 ///
175 /// All collected data is forwarded to the given data consumer of the type T.
176 /// The data consumer class needs to provide a member method with the signature:
177 /// update(StringRef Str)
178 namespace {
179 template <class T>
180 class CloneTypeIIStmtDataCollector
181  : public ConstStmtVisitor<CloneTypeIIStmtDataCollector<T>> {
182  ASTContext &Context;
183  /// The data sink to which all data is forwarded.
184  T &DataConsumer;
186  template <class Ty> void addData(const Ty &Data) {
187  data_collection::addDataToConsumer(DataConsumer, Data);
188  }
190 public:
191  CloneTypeIIStmtDataCollector(const Stmt *S, ASTContext &Context,
192  T &DataConsumer)
193  : Context(Context), DataConsumer(DataConsumer) {
194  this->Visit(S);
195  }
197 // Define a visit method for each class to collect data and subsequently visit
198 // all parent classes. This uses a template so that custom visit methods by us
199 // take precedence.
200 #define DEF_ADD_DATA(CLASS, CODE) \
201  template <class = void> void Visit##CLASS(const CLASS *S) { \
202  CODE; \
203  ConstStmtVisitor<CloneTypeIIStmtDataCollector<T>>::Visit##CLASS(S); \
204  }
206 #include "clang/AST/"
208 // Type II clones ignore variable names and literals, so let's skip them.
209 #define SKIP(CLASS) \
210  void Visit##CLASS(const CLASS *S) { \
211  ConstStmtVisitor<CloneTypeIIStmtDataCollector<T>>::Visit##CLASS(S); \
212  }
220 #undef SKIP
221 };
222 } // end anonymous namespace
224 static size_t createHash(llvm::MD5 &Hash) {
225  size_t HashCode;
227  // Create the final hash code for the current Stmt.
228  llvm::MD5::MD5Result HashResult;
231  // Copy as much as possible of the generated hash code to the Stmt's hash
232  // code.
233  std::memcpy(&HashCode, &HashResult,
234  std::min(sizeof(HashCode), sizeof(HashResult)));
236  return HashCode;
237 }
239 /// Generates and saves a hash code for the given Stmt.
240 /// \param S The given Stmt.
241 /// \param D The Decl containing S.
242 /// \param StmtsByHash Output parameter that will contain the hash codes for
243 /// each StmtSequence in the given Stmt.
244 /// \return The hash code of the given Stmt.
245 ///
246 /// If the given Stmt is a CompoundStmt, this method will also generate
247 /// hashes for all possible StmtSequences in the children of this Stmt.
248 static size_t
249 saveHash(const Stmt *S, const Decl *D,
250  std::vector<std::pair<size_t, StmtSequence>> &StmtsByHash) {
251  llvm::MD5 Hash;
252  ASTContext &Context = D->getASTContext();
254  CloneTypeIIStmtDataCollector<llvm::MD5>(S, Context, Hash);
256  auto CS = dyn_cast<CompoundStmt>(S);
257  SmallVector<size_t, 8> ChildHashes;
259  for (const Stmt *Child : S->children()) {
260  if (Child == nullptr) {
261  ChildHashes.push_back(0);
262  continue;
263  }
264  size_t ChildHash = saveHash(Child, D, StmtsByHash);
265  Hash.update(
266  StringRef(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&ChildHash), sizeof(ChildHash)));
267  ChildHashes.push_back(ChildHash);
268  }
270  if (CS) {
271  // If we're in a CompoundStmt, we hash all possible combinations of child
272  // statements to find clones in those subsequences.
273  // We first go through every possible starting position of a subsequence.
274  for (unsigned Pos = 0; Pos < CS->size(); ++Pos) {
275  // Then we try all possible lengths this subsequence could have and
276  // reuse the same hash object to make sure we only hash every child
277  // hash exactly once.
278  llvm::MD5 Hash;
279  for (unsigned Length = 1; Length <= CS->size() - Pos; ++Length) {
280  // Grab the current child hash and put it into our hash. We do
281  // -1 on the index because we start counting the length at 1.
282  size_t ChildHash = ChildHashes[Pos + Length - 1];
283  Hash.update(
284  StringRef(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&ChildHash), sizeof(ChildHash)));
285  // If we have at least two elements in our subsequence, we can start
286  // saving it.
287  if (Length > 1) {
288  llvm::MD5 SubHash = Hash;
289  StmtsByHash.push_back(std::make_pair(
290  createHash(SubHash), StmtSequence(CS, D, Pos, Pos + Length)));
291  }
292  }
293  }
294  }
296  size_t HashCode = createHash(Hash);
297  StmtsByHash.push_back(std::make_pair(HashCode, StmtSequence(S, D)));
298  return HashCode;
299 }
301 namespace {
302 /// Wrapper around FoldingSetNodeID that it can be used as the template
303 /// argument of the StmtDataCollector.
304 class FoldingSetNodeIDWrapper {
306  llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &FS;
308 public:
309  FoldingSetNodeIDWrapper(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &FS) : FS(FS) {}
311  void update(StringRef Str) { FS.AddString(Str); }
312 };
313 } // end anonymous namespace
315 /// Writes the relevant data from all statements and child statements
316 /// in the given StmtSequence into the given FoldingSetNodeID.
317 static void CollectStmtSequenceData(const StmtSequence &Sequence,
318  FoldingSetNodeIDWrapper &OutputData) {
319  for (const Stmt *S : Sequence) {
320  CloneTypeIIStmtDataCollector<FoldingSetNodeIDWrapper>(
321  S, Sequence.getASTContext(), OutputData);
323  for (const Stmt *Child : S->children()) {
324  if (!Child)
325  continue;
328  OutputData);
329  }
330  }
331 }
333 /// Returns true if both sequences are clones of each other.
334 static bool areSequencesClones(const StmtSequence &LHS,
335  const StmtSequence &RHS) {
336  // We collect the data from all statements in the sequence as we did before
337  // when generating a hash value for each sequence. But this time we don't
338  // hash the collected data and compare the whole data set instead. This
339  // prevents any false-positives due to hash code collisions.
340  llvm::FoldingSetNodeID DataLHS, DataRHS;
341  FoldingSetNodeIDWrapper LHSWrapper(DataLHS);
342  FoldingSetNodeIDWrapper RHSWrapper(DataRHS);
344  CollectStmtSequenceData(LHS, LHSWrapper);
345  CollectStmtSequenceData(RHS, RHSWrapper);
347  return DataLHS == DataRHS;
348 }
351  std::vector<CloneDetector::CloneGroup> &Sequences) {
352  // FIXME: Maybe we can do this in-place and don't need this additional vector.
353  std::vector<CloneDetector::CloneGroup> Result;
355  for (CloneDetector::CloneGroup &Group : Sequences) {
356  // We assume in the following code that the Group is non-empty, so we
357  // skip all empty groups.
358  if (Group.empty())
359  continue;
361  std::vector<std::pair<size_t, StmtSequence>> StmtsByHash;
363  // Generate hash codes for all children of S and save them in StmtsByHash.
364  for (const StmtSequence &S : Group) {
365  saveHash(S.front(), S.getContainingDecl(), StmtsByHash);
366  }
368  // Sort hash_codes in StmtsByHash.
369  llvm::stable_sort(StmtsByHash, llvm::less_first());
371  // Check for each StmtSequence if its successor has the same hash value.
372  // We don't check the last StmtSequence as it has no successor.
373  // Note: The 'size - 1 ' in the condition is safe because we check for an
374  // empty Group vector at the beginning of this function.
375  for (unsigned i = 0; i < StmtsByHash.size() - 1; ++i) {
376  const auto Current = StmtsByHash[i];
378  // It's likely that we just found a sequence of StmtSequences that
379  // represent a CloneGroup, so we create a new group and start checking and
380  // adding the StmtSequences in this sequence.
381  CloneDetector::CloneGroup NewGroup;
383  size_t PrototypeHash = Current.first;
385  for (; i < StmtsByHash.size(); ++i) {
386  // A different hash value means we have reached the end of the sequence.
387  if (PrototypeHash != StmtsByHash[i].first) {
388  // The current sequence could be the start of a new CloneGroup. So we
389  // decrement i so that we visit it again in the outer loop.
390  // Note: i can never be 0 at this point because we are just comparing
391  // the hash of the Current StmtSequence with itself in the 'if' above.
392  assert(i != 0);
393  --i;
394  break;
395  }
396  // Same hash value means we should add the StmtSequence to the current
397  // group.
398  NewGroup.push_back(StmtsByHash[i].second);
399  }
401  // We created a new clone group with matching hash codes and move it to
402  // the result vector.
403  Result.push_back(NewGroup);
404  }
405  }
406  // Sequences is the output parameter, so we copy our result into it.
407  Sequences = Result;
408 }
411  std::vector<CloneDetector::CloneGroup> &Sequences) {
413  Sequences, [](const StmtSequence &A, const StmtSequence &B) {
414  return areSequencesClones(A, B);
415  });
416 }
419  const StmtSequence &Seq, std::size_t Limit,
420  const std::string &ParentMacroStack) {
421  if (Seq.empty())
422  return 0;
424  size_t Complexity = 1;
426  ASTContext &Context = Seq.getASTContext();
428  // Look up what macros expanded into the current statement.
429  std::string MacroStack =
430  data_collection::getMacroStack(Seq.getBeginLoc(), Context);
432  // First, check if ParentMacroStack is not empty which means we are currently
433  // dealing with a parent statement which was expanded from a macro.
434  // If this parent statement was expanded from the same macros as this
435  // statement, we reduce the initial complexity of this statement to zero.
436  // This causes that a group of statements that were generated by a single
437  // macro expansion will only increase the total complexity by one.
438  // Note: This is not the final complexity of this statement as we still
439  // add the complexity of the child statements to the complexity value.
440  if (!ParentMacroStack.empty() && MacroStack == ParentMacroStack) {
441  Complexity = 0;
442  }
444  // Iterate over the Stmts in the StmtSequence and add their complexity values
445  // to the current complexity value.
446  if (Seq.holdsSequence()) {
447  for (const Stmt *S : Seq) {
448  Complexity += calculateStmtComplexity(
449  StmtSequence(S, Seq.getContainingDecl()), Limit, MacroStack);
450  if (Complexity >= Limit)
451  return Limit;
452  }
453  } else {
454  for (const Stmt *S : Seq.front()->children()) {
455  Complexity += calculateStmtComplexity(
456  StmtSequence(S, Seq.getContainingDecl()), Limit, MacroStack);
457  if (Complexity >= Limit)
458  return Limit;
459  }
460  }
461  return Complexity;
462 }
465  std::vector<CloneDetector::CloneGroup> &CloneGroups) {
467  CloneGroups, [](const StmtSequence &A, const StmtSequence &B) {
468  VariablePattern PatternA(A);
469  VariablePattern PatternB(B);
470  return PatternA.countPatternDifferences(PatternB) == 0;
471  });
472 }
475  std::vector<CloneDetector::CloneGroup> &CloneGroups,
476  llvm::function_ref<bool(const StmtSequence &, const StmtSequence &)>
477  Compare) {
478  std::vector<CloneDetector::CloneGroup> Result;
479  for (auto &HashGroup : CloneGroups) {
480  // Contains all indexes in HashGroup that were already added to a
481  // CloneGroup.
482  std::vector<char> Indexes;
483  Indexes.resize(HashGroup.size());
485  for (unsigned i = 0; i < HashGroup.size(); ++i) {
486  // Skip indexes that are already part of a CloneGroup.
487  if (Indexes[i])
488  continue;
490  // Pick the first unhandled StmtSequence and consider it as the
491  // beginning
492  // of a new CloneGroup for now.
493  // We don't add i to Indexes because we never iterate back.
494  StmtSequence Prototype = HashGroup[i];
495  CloneDetector::CloneGroup PotentialGroup = {Prototype};
496  ++Indexes[i];
498  // Check all following StmtSequences for clones.
499  for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < HashGroup.size(); ++j) {
500  // Skip indexes that are already part of a CloneGroup.
501  if (Indexes[j])
502  continue;
504  // If a following StmtSequence belongs to our CloneGroup, we add it.
505  const StmtSequence &Candidate = HashGroup[j];
507  if (!Compare(Prototype, Candidate))
508  continue;
510  PotentialGroup.push_back(Candidate);
511  // Make sure we never visit this StmtSequence again.
512  ++Indexes[j];
513  }
515  // Otherwise, add it to the result and continue searching for more
516  // groups.
517  Result.push_back(PotentialGroup);
518  }
520  assert(llvm::all_of(Indexes, [](char c) { return c == 1; }));
521  }
522  CloneGroups = Result;
523 }
525 void VariablePattern::addVariableOccurence(const VarDecl *VarDecl,
526  const Stmt *Mention) {
527  // First check if we already reference this variable
528  for (size_t KindIndex = 0; KindIndex < Variables.size(); ++KindIndex) {
529  if (Variables[KindIndex] == VarDecl) {
530  // If yes, add a new occurrence that points to the existing entry in
531  // the Variables vector.
532  Occurences.emplace_back(KindIndex, Mention);
533  return;
534  }
535  }
536  // If this variable wasn't already referenced, add it to the list of
537  // referenced variables and add a occurrence that points to this new entry.
538  Occurences.emplace_back(Variables.size(), Mention);
539  Variables.push_back(VarDecl);
540 }
542 void VariablePattern::addVariables(const Stmt *S) {
543  // Sometimes we get a nullptr (such as from IfStmts which often have nullptr
544  // children). We skip such statements as they don't reference any
545  // variables.
546  if (!S)
547  return;
549  // Check if S is a reference to a variable. If yes, add it to the pattern.
550  if (auto D = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(S)) {
551  if (auto VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(D->getDecl()->getCanonicalDecl()))
552  addVariableOccurence(VD, D);
553  }
555  // Recursively check all children of the given statement.
556  for (const Stmt *Child : S->children()) {
557  addVariables(Child);
558  }
559 }
562  const VariablePattern &Other,
563  VariablePattern::SuspiciousClonePair *FirstMismatch) {
564  unsigned NumberOfDifferences = 0;
566  assert(Other.Occurences.size() == Occurences.size());
567  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Occurences.size(); ++i) {
568  auto ThisOccurence = Occurences[i];
569  auto OtherOccurence = Other.Occurences[i];
570  if (ThisOccurence.KindID == OtherOccurence.KindID)
571  continue;
573  ++NumberOfDifferences;
575  // If FirstMismatch is not a nullptr, we need to store information about
576  // the first difference between the two patterns.
577  if (FirstMismatch == nullptr)
578  continue;
580  // Only proceed if we just found the first difference as we only store
581  // information about the first difference.
582  if (NumberOfDifferences != 1)
583  continue;
585  const VarDecl *FirstSuggestion = nullptr;
586  // If there is a variable available in the list of referenced variables
587  // which wouldn't break the pattern if it is used in place of the
588  // current variable, we provide this variable as the suggested fix.
589  if (OtherOccurence.KindID < Variables.size())
590  FirstSuggestion = Variables[OtherOccurence.KindID];
592  // Store information about the first clone.
593  FirstMismatch->FirstCloneInfo =
595  Variables[ThisOccurence.KindID], ThisOccurence.Mention,
596  FirstSuggestion);
598  // Same as above but with the other clone. We do this for both clones as
599  // we don't know which clone is the one containing the unintended
600  // pattern error.
601  const VarDecl *SecondSuggestion = nullptr;
602  if (ThisOccurence.KindID < Other.Variables.size())
603  SecondSuggestion = Other.Variables[ThisOccurence.KindID];
605  // Store information about the second clone.
606  FirstMismatch->SecondCloneInfo =
608  Other.Variables[OtherOccurence.KindID], OtherOccurence.Mention,
609  SecondSuggestion);
611  // SuspiciousClonePair guarantees that the first clone always has a
612  // suggested variable associated with it. As we know that one of the two
613  // clones in the pair always has suggestion, we swap the two clones
614  // in case the first clone has no suggested variable which means that
615  // the second clone has a suggested variable and should be first.
616  if (!FirstMismatch->FirstCloneInfo.Suggestion)
617  std::swap(FirstMismatch->FirstCloneInfo, FirstMismatch->SecondCloneInfo);
619  // This ensures that we always have at least one suggestion in a pair.
620  assert(FirstMismatch->FirstCloneInfo.Suggestion);
621  }
623  return NumberOfDifferences;
624 }
#define SM(sm)
Definition: Cuda.cpp:83
static bool containsAnyInGroup(StmtSequence &Seq, CloneDetector::CloneGroup &Group)
Returns true if and only if Stmt contains at least one other sequence in the Group.
static size_t createHash(llvm::MD5 &Hash)
static void CollectStmtSequenceData(const StmtSequence &Sequence, FoldingSetNodeIDWrapper &OutputData)
Writes the relevant data from all statements and child statements in the given StmtSequence into the ...
static bool containsGroup(CloneDetector::CloneGroup &Group, CloneDetector::CloneGroup &OtherGroup)
Returns true if and only if all sequences in OtherGroup are contained by a sequence in Group.
static size_t saveHash(const Stmt *S, const Decl *D, std::vector< std::pair< size_t, StmtSequence >> &StmtsByHash)
Generates and saves a hash code for the given Stmt.
#define SKIP(CLASS)
static bool areSequencesClones(const StmtSequence &LHS, const StmtSequence &RHS)
Returns true if both sequences are clones of each other.
This file defines classes for searching and analyzing source code clones.
This file declares helper methods for collecting data from AST nodes.
Defines the C++ template declaration subclasses.
StringRef Filename
Definition: Format.cpp:2976
Defines the SourceManager interface.
__DEVICE__ void * memcpy(void *__a, const void *__b, size_t __c)
__DEVICE__ int min(int __a, int __b)
__device__ __2f16 float c
__SIZE_TYPE__ size_t
Holds long-lived AST nodes (such as types and decls) that can be referred to throughout the semantic ...
Definition: ASTContext.h:185
SourceManager & getSourceManager()
Definition: ASTContext.h:708
A boolean literal, per ([C++ lex.bool] Boolean literals).
Definition: ExprCXX.h:720
static void splitCloneGroups(std::vector< CloneDetector::CloneGroup > &CloneGroups, llvm::function_ref< bool(const StmtSequence &, const StmtSequence &)> Compare)
Splits the given CloneGroups until the given Compare function returns true for all clones in a single...
void analyzeCodeBody(const Decl *D)
Generates and stores search data for all statements in the body of the given Decl.
CompoundStmt - This represents a group of statements like { stmt stmt }.
Definition: Stmt.h:1606
ConstStmtVisitor - This class implements a simple visitor for Stmt subclasses.
Definition: StmtVisitor.h:195
A reference to a declared variable, function, enum, etc.
Definition: Expr.h:1260
Decl - This represents one declaration (or definition), e.g.
Definition: DeclBase.h:86
ASTContext & getASTContext() const LLVM_READONLY
Definition: DeclBase.cpp:501
virtual Stmt * getBody() const
getBody - If this Decl represents a declaration for a body of code, such as a function or method defi...
Definition: DeclBase.h:1077
virtual bool hasBody() const
Returns true if this Decl represents a declaration for a body of code, such as a function or method d...
Definition: DeclBase.h:1083
MemberExpr - [C99] Structure and Union Members.
Definition: Expr.h:3224
size_t calculateStmtComplexity(const StmtSequence &Seq, std::size_t Limit, const std::string &ParentMacroStack="")
Calculates the complexity of the given StmtSequence.
void constrain(std::vector< CloneDetector::CloneGroup > &Sequences)
void constrain(std::vector< CloneDetector::CloneGroup > &Sequences)
ASTContext & getASTContext() const
Definition: Sema.h:526
Encodes a location in the source.
This class handles loading and caching of source files into memory.
A trivial tuple used to represent a source range.
Identifies a list of statements.
bool contains(const StmtSequence &Other) const
Returns true if and only if this sequence covers a source range that contains the source range of the...
iterator begin() const
Returns an iterator pointing to the first statement in this sequence.
const Stmt *const * iterator
const Stmt * back() const
Returns the last statement in this sequence.
Constructs an empty StmtSequence.
ASTContext & getASTContext() const
Returns the related ASTContext for the stored Stmts.
unsigned size() const
Returns the number of statements this object holds.
iterator end() const
Returns an iterator pointing behind the last statement in this sequence.
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const
Returns the end sourcelocation of the last statement in this sequence.
const Stmt * front() const
Returns the first statement in this sequence.
bool holdsSequence() const
Returns true if this objects holds a list of statements.
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const
Returns the start sourcelocation of the first statement in this sequence.
SourceRange getSourceRange() const
Returns the source range of the whole sequence - from the beginning of the first statement to the end...
const Decl * getContainingDecl() const
Returns the declaration that contains the stored Stmts.
Stmt - This represents one statement.
Definition: Stmt.h:84
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY
Definition: Stmt.cpp:350
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const LLVM_READONLY
Definition: Stmt.cpp:338
StringLiteral - This represents a string literal expression, e.g.
Definition: Expr.h:1773
Represents a variable declaration or definition.
Definition: Decl.h:919
Analyzes the pattern of the referenced variables in a statement.
unsigned countPatternDifferences(const VariablePattern &Other, VariablePattern::SuspiciousClonePair *FirstMismatch=nullptr)
Counts the differences between this pattern and the given one.
void addDataToConsumer(T &DataConsumer, llvm::StringRef Str)
Utility functions for implementing addData() for a consumer that has a method update(StringRef)
std::string getMacroStack(SourceLocation Loc, ASTContext &Context)
Returns a string that represents all macro expansions that expanded into the given SourceLocation.
ComparisonCategoryResult Compare(const T &X, const T &Y)
Helper to compare two comparable types.
Definition: Primitives.h:25
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
@ Seq
'seq' clause, allowed on 'loop' and 'routine' directives.
const FunctionProtoType * T
@ Other
Other implicit parameter.
std::shared_ptr< llvm::Regex > IgnoredFilesRegex
bool isAutoGenerated(const CloneDetector::CloneGroup &Group)
void constrain(std::vector< CloneDetector::CloneGroup > &CloneGroups)
void constrain(std::vector< CloneDetector::CloneGroup > &Result)
Utility class holding the relevant information about a single clone in this pair.
const VarDecl * Suggestion
The variable that should have been referenced to follow the pattern.
Describes two clones that reference their variables in a different pattern which could indicate a pro...
SuspiciousCloneInfo SecondCloneInfo
This other clone in the pair which can have a suggested variable.
SuspiciousCloneInfo FirstCloneInfo
The first clone in the pair which always has a suggested variable.