clang  19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===-- BlockInCriticalSectionChecker.cpp -----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // Defines a checker for blocks in critical sections. This checker should find
10 // the calls to blocking functions (for example: sleep, getc, fgets, read,
11 // recv etc.) inside a critical section. When sleep(x) is called while a mutex
12 // is held, other threades cannot lock the same mutex. This might take some
13 // time, leading to bad performance or even deadlock.
14 //
15 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
26 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
27 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
28 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
30 #include <iterator>
31 #include <utility>
32 #include <variant>
34 using namespace clang;
35 using namespace ento;
37 namespace {
39 struct CritSectionMarker {
40  const Expr *LockExpr{};
41  const MemRegion *LockReg{};
43  void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
44  ID.Add(LockExpr);
45  ID.Add(LockReg);
46  }
48  [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool
49  operator==(const CritSectionMarker &Other) const noexcept {
50  return LockExpr == Other.LockExpr && LockReg == Other.LockReg;
51  }
52  [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool
53  operator!=(const CritSectionMarker &Other) const noexcept {
54  return !(*this == Other);
55  }
56 };
58 class CallDescriptionBasedMatcher {
59  CallDescription LockFn;
60  CallDescription UnlockFn;
62 public:
63  CallDescriptionBasedMatcher(CallDescription &&LockFn,
64  CallDescription &&UnlockFn)
65  : LockFn(std::move(LockFn)), UnlockFn(std::move(UnlockFn)) {}
66  [[nodiscard]] bool matches(const CallEvent &Call, bool IsLock) const {
67  if (IsLock) {
68  return LockFn.matches(Call);
69  }
70  return UnlockFn.matches(Call);
71  }
72 };
74 class FirstArgMutexDescriptor : public CallDescriptionBasedMatcher {
75 public:
76  FirstArgMutexDescriptor(CallDescription &&LockFn, CallDescription &&UnlockFn)
77  : CallDescriptionBasedMatcher(std::move(LockFn), std::move(UnlockFn)) {}
79  [[nodiscard]] const MemRegion *getRegion(const CallEvent &Call, bool) const {
80  return Call.getArgSVal(0).getAsRegion();
81  }
82 };
84 class MemberMutexDescriptor : public CallDescriptionBasedMatcher {
85 public:
86  MemberMutexDescriptor(CallDescription &&LockFn, CallDescription &&UnlockFn)
87  : CallDescriptionBasedMatcher(std::move(LockFn), std::move(UnlockFn)) {}
89  [[nodiscard]] const MemRegion *getRegion(const CallEvent &Call, bool) const {
90  return cast<CXXMemberCall>(Call).getCXXThisVal().getAsRegion();
91  }
92 };
94 class RAIIMutexDescriptor {
95  mutable const IdentifierInfo *Guard{};
96  mutable bool IdentifierInfoInitialized{};
97  mutable llvm::SmallString<32> GuardName{};
99  void initIdentifierInfo(const CallEvent &Call) const {
100  if (!IdentifierInfoInitialized) {
101  // In case of checking C code, or when the corresponding headers are not
102  // included, we might end up query the identifier table every time when
103  // this function is called instead of early returning it. To avoid this, a
104  // bool variable (IdentifierInfoInitialized) is used and the function will
105  // be run only once.
106  const auto &ASTCtx = Call.getState()->getStateManager().getContext();
107  Guard = &ASTCtx.Idents.get(GuardName);
108  }
109  }
111  template <typename T> bool matchesImpl(const CallEvent &Call) const {
112  const T *C = dyn_cast<T>(&Call);
113  if (!C)
114  return false;
115  const IdentifierInfo *II =
116  cast<CXXRecordDecl>(C->getDecl()->getParent())->getIdentifier();
117  return II == Guard;
118  }
120 public:
121  RAIIMutexDescriptor(StringRef GuardName) : GuardName(GuardName) {}
122  [[nodiscard]] bool matches(const CallEvent &Call, bool IsLock) const {
123  initIdentifierInfo(Call);
124  if (IsLock) {
125  return matchesImpl<CXXConstructorCall>(Call);
126  }
127  return matchesImpl<CXXDestructorCall>(Call);
128  }
129  [[nodiscard]] const MemRegion *getRegion(const CallEvent &Call,
130  bool IsLock) const {
131  const MemRegion *LockRegion = nullptr;
132  if (IsLock) {
133  if (std::optional<SVal> Object = Call.getReturnValueUnderConstruction()) {
134  LockRegion = Object->getAsRegion();
135  }
136  } else {
137  LockRegion = cast<CXXDestructorCall>(Call).getCXXThisVal().getAsRegion();
138  }
139  return LockRegion;
140  }
141 };
143 using MutexDescriptor =
144  std::variant<FirstArgMutexDescriptor, MemberMutexDescriptor,
145  RAIIMutexDescriptor>;
147 class BlockInCriticalSectionChecker : public Checker<check::PostCall> {
148 private:
149  const std::array<MutexDescriptor, 8> MutexDescriptors{
150  MemberMutexDescriptor({/*MatchAs=*/CDM::CXXMethod,
151  /*QualifiedName=*/{"std", "mutex", "lock"},
152  /*RequiredArgs=*/0},
153  {CDM::CXXMethod, {"std", "mutex", "unlock"}, 0}),
154  FirstArgMutexDescriptor({CDM::CLibrary, {"pthread_mutex_lock"}, 1},
155  {CDM::CLibrary, {"pthread_mutex_unlock"}, 1}),
156  FirstArgMutexDescriptor({CDM::CLibrary, {"mtx_lock"}, 1},
157  {CDM::CLibrary, {"mtx_unlock"}, 1}),
158  FirstArgMutexDescriptor({CDM::CLibrary, {"pthread_mutex_trylock"}, 1},
159  {CDM::CLibrary, {"pthread_mutex_unlock"}, 1}),
160  FirstArgMutexDescriptor({CDM::CLibrary, {"mtx_trylock"}, 1},
161  {CDM::CLibrary, {"mtx_unlock"}, 1}),
162  FirstArgMutexDescriptor({CDM::CLibrary, {"mtx_timedlock"}, 1},
163  {CDM::CLibrary, {"mtx_unlock"}, 1}),
164  RAIIMutexDescriptor("lock_guard"),
165  RAIIMutexDescriptor("unique_lock")};
167  const CallDescriptionSet BlockingFunctions{{CDM::CLibrary, {"sleep"}},
168  {CDM::CLibrary, {"getc"}},
169  {CDM::CLibrary, {"fgets"}},
170  {CDM::CLibrary, {"read"}},
171  {CDM::CLibrary, {"recv"}}};
173  const BugType BlockInCritSectionBugType{
174  this, "Call to blocking function in critical section", "Blocking Error"};
176  void reportBlockInCritSection(const CallEvent &call, CheckerContext &C) const;
178  [[nodiscard]] const NoteTag *createCritSectionNote(CritSectionMarker M,
179  CheckerContext &C) const;
181  [[nodiscard]] std::optional<MutexDescriptor>
182  checkDescriptorMatch(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
183  bool IsLock) const;
185  void handleLock(const MutexDescriptor &Mutex, const CallEvent &Call,
186  CheckerContext &C) const;
188  void handleUnlock(const MutexDescriptor &Mutex, const CallEvent &Call,
189  CheckerContext &C) const;
191  [[nodiscard]] bool isBlockingInCritSection(const CallEvent &Call,
192  CheckerContext &C) const;
194 public:
195  /// Process unlock.
196  /// Process lock.
197  /// Process blocking functions (sleep, getc, fgets, read, recv)
198  void checkPostCall(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C) const;
199 };
201 } // end anonymous namespace
203 REGISTER_LIST_WITH_PROGRAMSTATE(ActiveCritSections, CritSectionMarker)
205 namespace std {
206 // Iterator traits for ImmutableList data structure
207 // that enable the use of STL algorithms.
208 // TODO: Move these to llvm::ImmutableList when overhauling immutable data
209 // structures for proper iterator concept support.
210 template <>
211 struct iterator_traits<
212  typename llvm::ImmutableList<CritSectionMarker>::iterator> {
213  using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
214  using value_type = CritSectionMarker;
216  using reference = CritSectionMarker &;
217  using pointer = CritSectionMarker *;
218 };
219 } // namespace std
221 std::optional<MutexDescriptor>
222 BlockInCriticalSectionChecker::checkDescriptorMatch(const CallEvent &Call,
223  CheckerContext &C,
224  bool IsLock) const {
225  const auto Descriptor =
226  llvm::find_if(MutexDescriptors, [&Call, IsLock](auto &&Descriptor) {
227  return std::visit(
228  [&Call, IsLock](auto &&DescriptorImpl) {
229  return DescriptorImpl.matches(Call, IsLock);
230  },
231  Descriptor);
232  });
233  if (Descriptor != MutexDescriptors.end())
234  return *Descriptor;
235  return std::nullopt;
236 }
238 static const MemRegion *getRegion(const CallEvent &Call,
239  const MutexDescriptor &Descriptor,
240  bool IsLock) {
241  return std::visit(
242  [&Call, IsLock](auto &&Descriptor) {
243  return Descriptor.getRegion(Call, IsLock);
244  },
245  Descriptor);
246 }
248 void BlockInCriticalSectionChecker::handleLock(
249  const MutexDescriptor &LockDescriptor, const CallEvent &Call,
250  CheckerContext &C) const {
251  const MemRegion *MutexRegion =
252  getRegion(Call, LockDescriptor, /*IsLock=*/true);
253  if (!MutexRegion)
254  return;
256  const CritSectionMarker MarkToAdd{Call.getOriginExpr(), MutexRegion};
257  ProgramStateRef StateWithLockEvent =
258  C.getState()->add<ActiveCritSections>(MarkToAdd);
259  C.addTransition(StateWithLockEvent, createCritSectionNote(MarkToAdd, C));
260 }
262 void BlockInCriticalSectionChecker::handleUnlock(
263  const MutexDescriptor &UnlockDescriptor, const CallEvent &Call,
264  CheckerContext &C) const {
265  const MemRegion *MutexRegion =
266  getRegion(Call, UnlockDescriptor, /*IsLock=*/false);
267  if (!MutexRegion)
268  return;
270  ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
271  const auto ActiveSections = State->get<ActiveCritSections>();
272  const auto MostRecentLock =
273  llvm::find_if(ActiveSections, [MutexRegion](auto &&Marker) {
274  return Marker.LockReg == MutexRegion;
275  });
276  if (MostRecentLock == ActiveSections.end())
277  return;
279  // Build a new ImmutableList without this element.
280  auto &Factory = State->get_context<ActiveCritSections>();
281  llvm::ImmutableList<CritSectionMarker> NewList = Factory.getEmptyList();
282  for (auto It = ActiveSections.begin(), End = ActiveSections.end(); It != End;
283  ++It) {
284  if (It != MostRecentLock)
285  NewList = Factory.add(*It, NewList);
286  }
288  State = State->set<ActiveCritSections>(NewList);
289  C.addTransition(State);
290 }
292 bool BlockInCriticalSectionChecker::isBlockingInCritSection(
293  const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C) const {
294  return BlockingFunctions.contains(Call) &&
295  !C.getState()->get<ActiveCritSections>().isEmpty();
296 }
298 void BlockInCriticalSectionChecker::checkPostCall(const CallEvent &Call,
299  CheckerContext &C) const {
300  if (isBlockingInCritSection(Call, C)) {
301  reportBlockInCritSection(Call, C);
302  } else if (std::optional<MutexDescriptor> LockDesc =
303  checkDescriptorMatch(Call, C, /*IsLock=*/true)) {
304  handleLock(*LockDesc, Call, C);
305  } else if (std::optional<MutexDescriptor> UnlockDesc =
306  checkDescriptorMatch(Call, C, /*IsLock=*/false)) {
307  handleUnlock(*UnlockDesc, Call, C);
308  }
309 }
311 void BlockInCriticalSectionChecker::reportBlockInCritSection(
312  const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C) const {
313  ExplodedNode *ErrNode = C.generateNonFatalErrorNode(C.getState());
314  if (!ErrNode)
315  return;
317  std::string msg;
318  llvm::raw_string_ostream os(msg);
319  os << "Call to blocking function '" << Call.getCalleeIdentifier()->getName()
320  << "' inside of critical section";
321  auto R = std::make_unique<PathSensitiveBugReport>(BlockInCritSectionBugType,
322  os.str(), ErrNode);
323  R->addRange(Call.getSourceRange());
324  R->markInteresting(Call.getReturnValue());
325  C.emitReport(std::move(R));
326 }
328 const NoteTag *
329 BlockInCriticalSectionChecker::createCritSectionNote(CritSectionMarker M,
330  CheckerContext &C) const {
331  const BugType *BT = &this->BlockInCritSectionBugType;
332  return C.getNoteTag([M, BT](PathSensitiveBugReport &BR,
333  llvm::raw_ostream &OS) {
334  if (&BR.getBugType() != BT)
335  return;
337  // Get the lock events for the mutex of the current line's lock event.
338  const auto CritSectionBegins =
339  BR.getErrorNode()->getState()->get<ActiveCritSections>();
341  llvm::copy_if(
342  CritSectionBegins, std::back_inserter(LocksForMutex),
343  [M](const auto &Marker) { return Marker.LockReg == M.LockReg; });
344  if (LocksForMutex.empty())
345  return;
347  // As the ImmutableList builds the locks by prepending them, we
348  // reverse the list to get the correct order.
349  std::reverse(LocksForMutex.begin(), LocksForMutex.end());
351  // Find the index of the lock expression in the list of all locks for a
352  // given mutex (in acquisition order).
353  const auto Position =
354  llvm::find_if(std::as_const(LocksForMutex), [M](const auto &Marker) {
355  return Marker.LockExpr == M.LockExpr;
356  });
357  if (Position == LocksForMutex.end())
358  return;
360  // If there is only one lock event, we don't need to specify how many times
361  // the critical section was entered.
362  if (LocksForMutex.size() == 1) {
363  OS << "Entering critical section here";
364  return;
365  }
367  const auto IndexOfLock =
368  std::distance(std::as_const(LocksForMutex).begin(), Position);
370  const auto OrdinalOfLock = IndexOfLock + 1;
371  OS << "Entering critical section for the " << OrdinalOfLock
372  << llvm::getOrdinalSuffix(OrdinalOfLock) << " time here";
373  });
374 }
376 void ento::registerBlockInCriticalSectionChecker(CheckerManager &mgr) {
377  mgr.registerChecker<BlockInCriticalSectionChecker>();
378 }
380 bool ento::shouldRegisterBlockInCriticalSectionChecker(
381  const CheckerManager &mgr) {
382  return true;
383 }
static char ID
Definition: Arena.cpp:183
static const MemRegion * getRegion(const CallEvent &Call, const MutexDescriptor &Descriptor, bool IsLock)
Declares an immutable list type NameTy, suitable for placement into the ProgramState.
SourceLocation End
LineState State
__PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t
This represents one expression.
Definition: Expr.h:110
One of these records is kept for each identifier that is lexed.
const BugType & getBugType() const
Definition: BugReporter.h:149
An immutable set of CallDescriptions.
A CallDescription is a pattern that can be used to match calls based on the qualified name and the ar...
bool matches(const CallEvent &Call) const
Returns true if the CallEvent is a call to a function that matches the CallDescription.
@ CLibrary
Match calls to functions from the C standard library.
@ CXXMethod
Matches a C++ method (may be static, may be virtual, may be an overloaded operator,...
Represents an abstract call to a function or method along a particular path.
Definition: CallEvent.h:153
CHECKER * registerChecker(AT &&... Args)
Used to register checkers.
const ProgramStateRef & getState() const
MemRegion - The root abstract class for all memory regions.
Definition: MemRegion.h:96
The tag upon which the TagVisitor reacts.
Definition: BugReporter.h:779
const ExplodedNode * getErrorNode() const
Definition: BugReporter.h:402
bool Call(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC, const Function *Func, uint32_t VarArgSize)
Definition: Interp.h:2179
bool matches(const til::SExpr *E1, const til::SExpr *E2)
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
if(T->getSizeExpr()) TRY_TO(TraverseStmt(const_cast< Expr * >(T -> getSizeExpr())))
bool operator==(const CallGraphNode::CallRecord &LHS, const CallGraphNode::CallRecord &RHS)
Definition: CallGraph.h:223
bool operator!=(CanQual< T > x, CanQual< U > y)
const FunctionProtoType * T
@ Other
Other implicit parameter.
Diagnostic wrappers for TextAPI types for error reporting.
Definition: Dominators.h:30
Definition: Format.h:5433
float __ovld __cnfn distance(float, float)
Returns the distance between p0 and p1.