Verify Intel® QuickAssist Technology provisioning

This workload runs qatlib sample tests using RedHat built and distributed Qatlib RPM packages from the codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms repo. Refer to the qatlib readme for more details.

  • Create and use intel-qat namespace for the workload

$ oc new-project intel-qat
  • Build the workload container image

Please replace the credentials in buildconfig yaml with your RedHat account login credentials.

$ oc apply -f 
  • Create SCC intel-qat-scc for Intel QAT based workload, if this SCC is not created

$ oc apply -f
  • Create the intel-qat service account to use intel-qat-scc

$ oc apply -f
  • Deploy the qatlib workload job with intel-qat service account

$ oc apply -f
  • Check the results.

  $ oc get pods -n intel-qat
  intel-qat-workload-c6g9v   0/1     Completed   0          4m13s
  • For all sample tests cpa_sample_code

$ oc logs intel-qat-workload-c6g9v -n intel-qat
qaeMemInit started
icp_sal_userStartMultiProcess("SSL") started
There are no crypto instances
*** QA version information ***
device ID               = 0
software                = 23.2.0
*** END QA version information ***
Inst 0, Affin: 0, Dev: 0, Accel 0, EE 0, BDF ED:00:01
Inst 1, Affin: 1, Dev: 0, Accel 0, EE 0, BDF ED:00:01
Inst 2, Affin: 2, Dev: 0, Accel 0, EE 0, BDF ED:00:01
Inst 3, Affin: 3, Dev: 0, Accel 0, EE 0, BDF ED:00:01
API                    Traditional
Session State          STATELESS
Algorithm              DEFLATE
Huffman Type           STATIC
Mode                   ASYNCHRONOUS
CNV Enabled            YES
Direction              COMPRESS
Packet Size            8192
Compression Level      1
Corpus                 CALGARY_CORPUS
Corpus Filename        calgary
CNV Recovery Enabled   YES
Number of threads      4
Total Responses        158400
Total Retries          2242671
Clock Cycles Start     126150916653843
Clock Cycles End       126151409143747
Total Cycles           492489904
CPU Frequency(kHz)     1700160
Throughput(Mbps)       35920
Compression Ratio      0.4897

Inst 0, Affin: 0, Dev: 0, Accel 0, EE 0, BDF ED:00:01
Inst 1, Affin: 1, Dev: 0, Accel 0, EE 0, BDF ED:00:01
Inst 2, Affin: 2, Dev: 0, Accel 0, EE 0, BDF ED:00:01
Inst 3, Affin: 3, Dev: 0, Accel 0, EE 0, BDF ED:00:01