Upgrade Intel Gaudi SPI Firmware

To upgrade Intel Gaudi SPI Firmware, follow below steps:

NOTE: Currently this is only supported on Single Node OpenShift cluster. Multi node cluster support will be added in the future.


  • Make sure Gaudi drivers are unloaded.

    • On Red Hat OpenShift, delete existing deviceConfig Custom Resource. Verify output on the node using below command:

      $ lsmod | grep habana
    • Check the firmware version following the firmware version check.

SPI Firmware Upgrade

Build the container image with habanalabs-firmware-odm tool:

$ oc apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/intel/intel-technology-enabling-for-openshift/gaudi/gaudi_spi_fw_upgrade_build.yaml

Create service account with required permissions:

$ oc create sa gaudi-fw-upgrade-sa -n gaudi-spi-fw-upgrade
$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z gaudi-fw-upgrade-sa -n gaudi-spi-fw-upgrade

Deploy and execute the SPI firmware upgrade tool:

$ oc apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/intel/intel-technology-enabling-for-openshift/gaudi/gaudi_spi_fw_upgrade_job.yaml

Verify Output:

$ oc get pods
NAME                               READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
gaudi-spi-firmware-upgrade-ndmjp   0/1     Completed   0          10m
$ oc logs gaudi-spi-firmware-upgrade-ndmjp
#### Finished sending firmware: OK

Verify by following the firmware version check.