Create Intel QAT Device Plugin CR

Create a CR via web console

  1. Go to Operator -> Installed Operators.

  2. Open Intel Device Plugins Operator.

  3. Navigate to tab Intel QuickAssist Technology Device Plugin.

  4. Click Create QatDevicePlugin -> set correct parameters -> Click Create

  5. Optional: If you want to make any customizations, select YAML view and edit the details. When you are done, click Create.

Verify via web console

  1. Verify CR by checking the status of Workloads -> DaemonSet -> intel-qat-plugin.

  2. Now QatDevicePlugin is created.

Create CR via CLI

Apply the CR yaml file:

$ oc apply -f

Verify via CLI

Verify that the device plugin CR is ready:

$ oc get QatDevicePlugin


NAME		        DESIRED		READY	NODE SELECTOR	                                    AGE
qatdeviceplugin-sample  1 	        1       {"":"true"}     3h27m

Verify QAT Device Plugin

After the plugin is deployed, use below command to verify QAT resources:

$ oc describe node <node name> | grep 32 32 32 32 

Note: By default the device plugin registers half resources each for and respectively. For more details about the QAT resources configuration, please refer to the QAT Device Plugin Configuration section below.

QAT Device Plugin Configuration

Note: The QAT device plugin can be configured with the flags. In this release, only the configurations in the table below are verified and supported on RHOCP.

For more details about the QAT device plugin configuration flags, see Modes and Configurations Options.






Using vfio-pci driver to manage QAT VFIO device. See details here



Supporting 4xxx QAT device
Note: Verified on 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors. See details here



It is the maximum VF device it can support for 4xxx QAT device. If the number exceeds the maximum number the QAT device supports, then the maximum number will be enabled.


Name of ConfigMap

See section QAT resource configuration

QAT Resource Configuration (experimental)

NOTE: In this release, this is an experimental feature. The efforts to enhance this feature and make it more stable are on going.

Users can use the steps below to customize the QAT resource configuration:

  1. Create the configmap for qat resource configuration

    $ oc create configmap --namespace=openshift-operators --from-literal "qat.conf=ServicesEnabled=<option>" <name-of-configmap> 

    Options- (refer to link for more details):
    dc : Configure all the QAT VF devices managed by the device plugin CR for compression services. The resource created is

    sym;asym and asym;sym: Configure all the QAT VF devices managed by the device plugin CR for crypto services. The resource created is

    sym;dc and dc;sym : Configure all the QAT VF devices managed by the device plugin CR for symmetric crypto and compression services. The resource created is

    asym;dc and dc;asym: Configure all the QAT VF devices managed by the device plugin CR for asymmetric crypto and compression services. The resource created is

    sym: Configure all the QAT VF devices managed by the device plugin CR for running symmetric crypto services. The resource created is

    asym: Configure all the QAT VF devices managed by the device plugin CR for running asymmetric crypto services. The resource created is

  2. Create QAT device plugin CR with -provisioning-config set as the name of the ConfigMap (created in step 1) in the qat_device_plugin.yaml file or set ConfigMap name in the provisioning-config option from web console.

Run Intel QAT based workloads on RHOCP

To run the Intel QAT based workloads as an unprivileged pod (see issue). The customized qat-scc Security Context Constraint (SCC) is provided to bind with service account and run the QAT based workload.

See Verify Intel QuickAssist Technology Provisioning for the detailed steps.