Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* Serving - Docker Container Guide


This document has instruction for running TensorFlow Serving using Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* in a Docker container.

Build the Docker Image

To build the docker container, enter into docker/tensorflow-serving folder and follow these steps.

I. Binaries Preparation

Refer to Install for Tensorflow Serving to build the TensorFlow Serving binary, and refer to Install for CPP to build the Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* CC library from source. Then package and copy these binaries into the ./models/binaries directory, as shown below.

mkdir -p ./models/binaries

# Package and copy Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* CC library
mkdir -p itex-bazel-bin/
cp -r <path_to_itex>/bazel-out/k8-opt-ST-*/bin/ itex-bazel-bin/
tar cvfh itex-bazel-bin.tar itex-bazel-bin/
cp itex-bazel-bin.tar  ./models/binaries/

# Copy TensorFlow Serving binary
cp <path_to_tensorflow_serving>/bazel-bin/tensorflow_serving/model_servers/tensorflow_model_server ./models/binaries/

II. Build the Container

If you build the container using an Intel GPU, make sure you meet these assumptions:

  • Host machine has an Intel GPU.

  • Host machine uses a Linux kernel that is compatible with GPU drivers.

  • Host machine has a compatible Intel GPU driver installed.

Refer to Install for GPU for detail.

Run the, specifying either gpu or cpu as appropriate, to build the target Docker image.

./ [gpu/cpu]

Running the Container

Run these commands to start the Docker container. You can use the -v option to mount your local directory into container. To make a GPU available in the container, attach the GPU to the container using the --device /dev/dri option and run the container:

docker run -v <your-local-dir>:/workspace \
           -v /dev/dri/by-path:/dev/dri/by-path \
           --device /dev/dri \
           --privileged \
           --ipc=host \
           -p 8500:8500 \
           -e MODEL_NAME=<your-model-name> \
           -e MODEL_DIR=<your-model-dir> \
           -e http_proxy=$http_proxy \
           -e https_proxy=$https_proxy \
           -e no_proxy=$no_proxy \
           -it \