Advanced Configuration
The default settings for Intel® Extension for PyTorch* are sufficient for most use cases. However, if users want to customize Intel® Extension for PyTorch*, advanced configuration is available at build time and runtime.
Build Time Configuration
The following build options are supported by Intel® Extension for PyTorch*. Users who install Intel® Extension for PyTorch* via source compilation could override the default configuration by explicitly setting a build option ON or OFF, and then build.
Build Option | Default Value |
Description |
USE_CHANNELS_LAST_1D | ON | Use channels last 1d. It is deprecated |
USE_PERSIST_STREAM | ON | Use persistent oneDNN stream |
USE_SCRATCHPAD_MODE | ON | Use oneDNN scratchpad mode |
USE_PRIMITIVE_CACHE | ON | Cache oneDNN primitives by FRAMEWORK for specific operators |
USE_QUEUE_BARRIER | ON | Use queue submit_barrier, otherwise use dummy kernel |
USE_OVERRIDE_OP | ON | Use the operator in IPEX to override the duplicated one in stock PyTorch |
USE_DS_KERNELS | ON | Build deepspeed kernels |
USE_SYCL_ASSERT | OFF | Enables assert in sycl kernel |
USE_ITT_ANNOTATION | OFF | Enables ITT annotation in sycl kernel |
USE_SPLIT_FP64_LOOPS | ON | Split FP64 loops into separate kernel for element-wise kernels |
BUILD_BY_PER_KERNEL | OFF | Build by DPC++ per_kernel option (exclusive with USE_AOT_DEVLIST) |
BUILD_INTERNAL_DEBUG | OFF | Use internal debug code path |
BUILD_SEPARATE_OPS | OFF | Build each operator in separate library |
BUILD_CONV_CONTIGUOUS | ON | Require contiguous in oneDNN conv |
USE_AOT_DEVLIST | "" | Set device list for AOT build |
USE_XETLA | "ON" | Use XeTLA based customer kernels; Specify a comma-sep list of gpu architectures (e.g. xe_lpg,xe_hpg) to only enable kernels for specific platforms |
USE_ONEDNN_DIR | "" | Specify oneDNN source path which contains its include directory and lib directory |
USE_XETLA_SRC | "${IPEX_GPU_ROOT_DIR}/aten/operators/xetla/kernels/" | Specify XETLA source path which contains its include dir |
BUILD_OPT_LEVEL | "" | Add build option -Ox, accept values: 0/1 |
BUILD_WITH_SANITIZER | "" | Build with sanitizer check. Support one of address, thread, and leak options at a time. The default option is address. |
------ | ------ | ------ |
USE_CHANNELS_LAST_1D | ON | Use channels last 1d. It is deprecated |
USE_PERSIST_STREAM | ON | Use persistent oneDNN stream |
USE_SCRATCHPAD_MODE | ON | Use oneDNN scratchpad mode |
USE_PRIMITIVE_CACHE | ON | Cache oneDNN primitives by FRAMEWORK for specific operators |
USE_QUEUE_BARRIER | ON | Use queue submit_barrier, otherwise use dummy kernel |
USE_OVERRIDE_OP | ON | Use the operator in IPEX to override the duplicated one in stock PyTorch |
USE_DS_KERNELS | ON | Build deepspeed kernels |
USE_SYCL_ASSERT | OFF | Enables assert in sycl kernel |
USE_ITT_ANNOTATION | OFF | Enables ITT annotation in sycl kernel |
USE_SPLIT_FP64_LOOPS | ON | Split FP64 loops into separate kernel for element-wise kernels |
BUILD_BY_PER_KERNEL | OFF | Build by DPC++ per_kernel option (exclusive with USE_AOT_DEVLIST) |
BUILD_INTERNAL_DEBUG | OFF | Use internal debug code path |
BUILD_SEPARATE_OPS | OFF | Build each operator in separate library |
BUILD_CONV_CONTIGUOUS | ON | Require contiguous in oneDNN conv |
USE_AOT_DEVLIST | "" | Set device list for AOT build |
USE_XETLA | "ON" | Use XeTLA based customer kernels; Specify a comma-sep list of gpu architectures (e.g. xe_lpg,xe_hpg) to only enable kernels for specific platforms |
USE_ONEDNN_DIR | "" | Specify oneDNN source path which contains its include directory and lib directory |
USE_XETLA_SRC | "${IPEX_GPU_ROOT_DIR}/aten/operators/xetla/kernels/" | Specify XETLA source path which contains its include dir |
BUILD_OPT_LEVEL | "" | Add build option -Ox, accept values: 0/1 |
BUILD_WITH_SANITIZER | "" | Build with sanitizer check. Support one of address, thread, and leak options at a time. The default option is address. |
For above build options which can be configured to ON or OFF, users can configure them to 1 or 0 also, while ON equals to 1 and OFF equals to 0.
Runtime Configuration
The following launch options are supported in Intel® Extension for PyTorch*. Users who execute AI models on XPU could override the default configuration by explicitly setting the option value at runtime using environment variables, and then launch the execution.
Launch Option CPU, GPU |
Default Value |
Description |
IPEX_FP32_MATH_MODE | FP32 | Set values for FP32 math mode (valid values: FP32, TF32, BF32). Refer to API Documentation for details. |
------ | ------ | ------ |
IPEX_FP32_MATH_MODE | FP32 | Set values for FP32 math mode (valid values: FP32, TF32, BF32). Refer to API Documentation for details. |
Launch Option GPU ONLY |
Default Value |
Description |
IPEX_LOG_LEVEL | -1 | Set log level to trace the execution and get log information, pls refer to '' for different log level. |
IPEX_LOG_COMPONENT | "ALL" | Set IPEX_LOG_COMPONENT = ALL to log all component message. Use ';' as separator to log more than one components, such as "OPS;RUNTIME". Use '/' as separator to log subcomponents. |
IPEX_LOG_ROTATE_SIZE | -1 | Set Rotate file size in MB for IPEX_LOG, less than 0 means unuse this setting. |
IPEX_LOG_SPLIT_SIZE | -1 | Set split file size in MB for IPEX_LOG, less than 0 means unuse this setting. |
IPEX_LOG_OUTPUT | "" | Set output file path for IPEX_LOG, default is null |
------ | ------ | ------ |
IPEX_LOG_LEVEL | -1 | Set log level to trace the execution and get log information, pls refer to '' for different log level. |
IPEX_LOG_COMPONENT | "ALL" | Set IPEX_LOG_COMPONENT = ALL to log all component message. Use ';' as separator to log more than one components, such as "OPS;RUNTIME". Use '/' as separator to log subcomponents. |
IPEX_LOG_ROTATE_SIZE | -1 | Set Rotate file size in MB for IPEX_LOG, less than 0 means unuse this setting. |
IPEX_LOG_SPLIT_SIZE | -1 | Set split file size in MB for IPEX_LOG, less than 0 means unuse this setting. |
IPEX_LOG_OUTPUT | "" | Set output file path for IPEX_LOG, default is null |
Launch Option Experimental |
Default Value |
Description |
------ | ------ | ------ |
Distributed Option GPU ONLY |
Default Value |
Description |
TORCH_LLM_ALLREDUCE | 0 | This is a prototype feature to provide better scale-up performance by enabling optimized collective algorithms in oneCCL and asynchronous execution in torch-ccl. This feature requires XeLink enabled for cross-cards communication. By default, this feature is not enabled with setting 0. |
CCL_BLOCKING_WAIT | 0 | This is a prototype feature to control over whether collectives execution on XPU is host blocking or non-blocking. By default, setting 0 enables blocking behavior. |
CCL_SAME_STREAM | 0 | This is a prototype feature to allow using a computation stream as communication stream to minimize overhead for streams synchronization. By default, setting 0 uses separate streams for communication. |
For above launch options which can be configured to 1 or 0, users can configure them to ON or OFF also, while ON equals to 1 and OFF equals to 0.
Examples to configure the launch options:
Set one or more options before running the model
Set one option when running the model
Set more than one options when running the model