
General Usage

  • Problem: FP64 data type is unsupported on current platform.

  • Problem: Runtime error invalid device pointer if import horovod.torch as hvd before import intel_extension_for_pytorch.

    • Cause: Intel® Optimization for Horovod* uses utilities provided by Intel® Extension for PyTorch*. The improper import order causes Intel® Extension for PyTorch* to be unloaded before Intel® Optimization for Horovod* at the end of the execution and triggers this error.

    • Solution: Do import intel_extension_for_pytorch before import horovod.torch as hvd.

  • Problem: Number of dpcpp devices should be greater than zero.

    • Cause: If you use Intel® Extension for PyTorch* in a conda environment, you might encounter this error. Conda also ships the dynamic library file that may conflict with the one shipped in the OS.

    • Solution: Export the file path in the OS to an environment variable LD_PRELOAD.

  • Problem: Symbol undefined caused by _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI.

    ImportError: undefined symbol: _ZNK5torch8autograd4Node4nameB5cxx11Ev
    • Cause: DPC++ does not support _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0, Intel® Extension for PyTorch* is always compiled with _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1. This symbol undefined issue appears when PyTorch* is compiled with _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0.

    • Solution: Pass export GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1 and compile PyTorch* with particular compiler which supports _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1. We recommend using prebuilt wheels in [download server](https:// to avoid this issue.

  • Problem: -997 runtime error when running some AI models on Intel® Arc™ A-Series GPUs.

    • Cause: Some of the -997 runtime error are actually out-of-memory errors. As Intel® Arc™ A-Series GPUs have less device memory than Intel® Data Center GPU Flex Series 170 and Intel® Data Center GPU Max Series, running some AI models on them may trigger out-of-memory errors and cause them to report failure such as -997 runtime error most likely. This is expected. Memory usage optimization is a work in progress to allow Intel® Arc™ A-Series GPUs to support more AI models.

  • Problem: Building from source for Intel® Arc™ A-Series GPUs fails on WSL2 without any error thrown.

    • Cause: Your system probably does not have enough RAM, so Linux kernel’s Out-of-memory killer was invoked. You can verify this by running dmesg on bash (WSL2 terminal).

    • Solution: If the OOM killer had indeed killed the build process, then you can try increasing the swap-size of WSL2, and/or decreasing the number of parallel build jobs with the environment variable MAX_JOBS (by default, it’s equal to the number of logical CPU cores. So, setting MAX_JOBS to 1 is a very conservative approach that would slow things down a lot).

  • Problem: Some workloads terminate with an error CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND after some time on WSL2.

    • Cause: This issue is due to the TDR feature on Windows.

    • Solution: Try increasing TDRDelay in your Windows Registry to a large value, such as 20 (it is 2 seconds, by default), and reboot.

  • Problem: Random bad termination after AI model convergence test (>24 hours) finishes.

    • Cause: This is a random issue when some AI model convergence test execution finishes. It is not user-friendly as the model execution ends ungracefully.

    • Solution: Kill the process after the convergence test finished, or use checkpoints to divide the convergence test into several phases and execute separately.

  • Problem: Runtime error munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer when executing some scaling LLM workloads on Intel® Data Center GPU Max Series platform

    • Cause: Users targeting GPU use, must set the environment variable ‘FI_HMEM=system’ to disable GPU support in underlying libfabric as Intel® MPI Library 2021.13.1 will offload the GPU support instead. This avoids a potential bug in libfabric GPU initialization.

    • Solution: Set the environment variable ‘FI_HMEM=system’ to workaround this issue when encounter.

Library Dependencies

  • Problem: Cannot find oneMKL library when building Intel® Extension for PyTorch* without oneMKL.

    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmkl_sycl
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmkl_intel_ilp64
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmkl_core
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmkl_tbb_thread
    dpcpp: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    • Cause: When PyTorch* is built with oneMKL library and Intel® Extension for PyTorch* is built without MKL library, this linker issue may occur.

    • Solution: Resolve the issue by setting:

      export USE_ONEMKL=OFF
      export MKL_DPCPP_ROOT=${HOME}/intel/oneapi/mkl/latest

    Then clean build Intel® Extension for PyTorch*.

  • Problem: Undefined symbol: mkl_lapack_dspevd. Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: cannot load or `

    • Cause: This issue may occur when Intel® Extension for PyTorch* is built with oneMKL library and PyTorch* is not build with any MKL library. The oneMKL kernel may run into CPU backend incorrectly and trigger this issue.

    • Solution: Resolve the issue by installing the oneMKL library from conda:

      conda install mkl
      conda install mkl-include

    Then clean build PyTorch*.

  • Problem: OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

    • Cause: Wrong MKL library is used when multiple MKL libraries exist in system.

    • Solution: Preload oneMKL by:

      export LD_PRELOAD=${MKL_DPCPP_ROOT}/lib/intel64/${MKL_DPCPP_ROOT}/lib/intel64/${MKL_DPCPP_ROOT}/lib/intel64/${MKL_DPCPP_ROOT}/lib/intel64/${MKL_DPCPP_ROOT}/lib/intel64/

      If you continue seeing similar issues for other shared object files, add the corresponding files under ${MKL_DPCPP_ROOT}/lib/intel64/ by LD_PRELOAD. Note that the suffix of the libraries may change (e.g. from .1 to .2), if more than one oneMKL library is installed on the system.

  • Problem: RuntimeError: could not create an engine.

    • Cause: OCL_ICD_VENDORS path is wrongly set when activate a exist conda environment.

    • Solution: export OCL_ICD_VENDORS=/etc/OpenCL/vendors after conda activate

  • Problem: If you encounter issues related to CCL environment variable configuration when running distributed tasks.

    • Cause: CCL_ROOT path is wrongly set.

    • Solution: export CCL_ROOT=${CONDA_PREFIX}

  • Problem: If you encounter issues related to MPI environment variable configuration when running distributed tasks.

    • Cause: MPI environment variable configuration not correct.

    • Solution: conda deactivate and then conda activate to activate the correct MPI environment variable automatically.

      conda deactivate
      conda activate
      export OCL_ICD_VENDORS=/etc/OpenCL/vendors

Performance Issue

  • Problem: Extended durations for data transfers from the host system to the device (H2D) and from the device back to the host system (D2H).

    • Cause: Absence of certain Dynamic Kernel Module Support (DKMS) packages on Ubuntu 22.04 or earlier versions.

    • Solution: For those running Ubuntu 22.04 or below, it’s crucial to follow all the recommended installation procedures, including those labeled as optional. These steps are likely necessary to install the missing DKMS packages and ensure your system is functioning optimally. The Kernel Mode Driver (KMD) package that addresses this issue has been integrated into the Linux kernel for Ubuntu 23.04 and subsequent releases.

Unit Test

  • Unit test failures on Intel® Data Center GPU Flex Series 170

    The following unit test fails on Intel® Data Center GPU Flex Series 170 but the same test case passes on Intel® Data Center GPU Max Series. The root cause of the failure is under investigation.
