Known Issues

Known Issues in GPU-Specific

  • [CRITICAL ERROR] Kernel ‘XXX’ removed due to usage of FP64 instructions unsupported by the targeted hardware

    FP64 is not natively supported by the Intel® Data Center GPU Flex Series platform. If you run any AI workload on that platform and receive this error message, it means a kernel requiring FP64 instructions is removed and not executed, hence the accuracy of the whole workload is wrong.

  • symbol undefined caused by _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI

    ImportError: undefined symbol: _ZNK5torch8autograd4Node4nameB5cxx11Ev

    DPC++ does not support _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0, Intel® Extension for PyTorch* is always compiled with _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1. This symbol undefined issue appears when PyTorch* is compiled with _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0. Pass export GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1 and compile PyTorch* with particular compiler which supports _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1. We recommend using prebuilt wheels in download server to avoid this issue.

  • Can’t find oneMKL library when build Intel® Extension for PyTorch* without oneMKL

    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmkl_sycl
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmkl_intel_ilp64
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmkl_core
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmkl_tbb_thread
    dpcpp: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

    When PyTorch* is built with oneMKL library and Intel® Extension for PyTorch* is built without oneMKL library, this linker issue may occur. Resolve it by setting:

    export USE_ONEMKL=OFF
    export MKL_DPCPP_ROOT=${PATH_To_Your_oneMKL}/__release_lnx/mkl

    Then clean build Intel® Extension for PyTorch*.

  • undefined symbol: mkl_lapack_dspevd. Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: cannot load or

    This issue may occur when Intel® Extension for PyTorch* is built with oneMKL library and PyTorch* is not build with any MKL library. The oneMKL kernel may run into CPU backend incorrectly and trigger this issue. Resolve it by installing MKL library from conda:

    conda install mkl
    conda install mkl-include

    then clean build PyTorch*.

  • OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    Wrong MKL library is used when multiple MKL libraries exist in system. Preload oneMKL by:

    export LD_PRELOAD=${MKL_DPCPP_ROOT}/lib/intel64/${MKL_DPCPP_ROOT}/lib/intel64/${MKL_DPCPP_ROOT}/lib/intel64/${MKL_DPCPP_ROOT}/lib/intel64/${MKL_DPCPP_ROOT}/lib/intel64/

    If you continue seeing similar issues for other shared object files, add the corresponding files under ${MKL_DPCPP_ROOT}/lib/intel64/ by LD_PRELOAD. Note that the suffix of the libraries may change (e.g. from .1 to .2), if more than one oneMKL library is installed on the system.

  • RuntimeError: Number of dpcpp devices should be greater than zero!

    Running some AI models (e.g. 3D-Unet inference) on Ubuntu22.04 may trigger this runtime error, as oneAPI Base Toolkit 2023.0 fails to return available GPU device on ubuntu22.04 in such scenario. The workaround solution is to update the model script to make sure import torch and import intel_extension_for_pytorch happen before importing other libraries.

  • OpenMP library could not be found

    Build Intel® Extension for PyTorch* on SLES15 SP3 using default GCC 7.5 and CentOS8 using default GCC 8.5 may trigger this build error.

    Make Error at third_party/ideep/mkl-dnn/third_party/oneDNN/cmake/OpenMP.cmake:118 (message):
      OpenMP library could not be found.  Proceeding might lead to highly
      sub-optimal performance.
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
      third_party/ideep/mkl-dnn/third_party/oneDNN/CMakeLists.txt:117 (include)

    The root cause is GCC 7.5 or 8.5 does not support -Wno-error=redundant-move option. Uplift to GCC version >=9 can solve this issue.

  • Unit test failures on Intel® Data Center GPU Flex Series 170

    The following unit tests fail on Intel® Data Center GPU Flex Series 170.

    The same test cases pass on Intel® Data Center GPU Max Series. The root cause of the failures is under investigation.

Known Issues in CPU-Specific

  • If you found the workload runs with Intel® Extension for PyTorch* occupies a remarkably large amount of memory, you can try to reduce the occupied memory size by setting the --weights_prepack parameter of the ipex.optimize() function to False.

  • Supporting of EmbeddingBag with INT8 when bag size > 1 is working in progress.

  • Compiling with gcc 11 might result in illegal instruction error.

  • RuntimeError: Overflow when unpacking long when a tensor’s min max value exceeds int range while performing int8 calibration. Please customize QConfig to use min-max calibration method.

  • For models with dynamic control flow, please try dynamic quantization. Users are likely to get performance gain for GEMM models.

  • Calibrating with quantize_per_tensor, when benchmarking with 1 OpenMP* thread, results might be incorrect with large tensors (find more detailed info here. Editing your code following the pseudocode below can workaround this issue, if you do need to explicitly set OMP_NUM_THREAEDS=1 for benchmarking. However, there could be a performance regression if oneDNN graph compiler prototype feature is utilized.

    Workaround pseudocode:

    # perform convert/trace/freeze with omp_num_threads > 1(N)
    prepared_model = prepare(model, input)
    converted_model = convert(prepared_model)
    traced_model = torch.jit.trace(converted_model, input)
    freezed_model = torch.jit.freeze(traced_model)
    # run freezed model to apply optimization pass
    # benchmarking with omp_num_threads = 1
    run_benchmark(freezed_model, input)
  • BF16 AMP(auto-mixed-precision) runs abnormally with the extension on the AVX2-only machine if the topology contains Conv, Matmul, Linear, and BatchNormalization

  • Runtime extension of MultiStreamModule doesn’t support DLRM inference, since the input of DLRM (EmbeddingBag specifically) can’t be simplely batch split.

  • Runtime extension of MultiStreamModule has poor performance of RNNT Inference comparing with native throughput mode. Only part of the RNNT models (joint_net specifically) can be jit traced into graph. However, in one batch inference, joint_net is invoked multi times. It increases the overhead of MultiStreamModule as input batch split, thread synchronization and output concat.

  • Incorrect Conv and Linear result if the number of OMP threads is changed at runtime

    The oneDNN memory layout depends on the number of OMP threads, which requires the caller to detect the changes for the # of OMP threads while this release has not implemented it yet.

  • Low performance with INT8 support for dynamic shapes

    The support for dynamic shapes in Intel® Extension for PyTorch* INT8 integration is still work in progress. When the input shapes are dynamic, for example inputs of variable image sizes in an object detection task or of variable sequence lengths in NLP tasks, the Intel® Extension for PyTorch* INT8 path may slow down the model inference. In this case, use stock PyTorch INT8 functionality.

    Note: Using Runtime Extension feature if batch size cannot be divided by number of streams, because mini batch size on each stream are not equivalent, scripts run into this issues.

  • Low throughput with DLRM FP32 Train

    A ‘Sparse Add’ PR is pending on review. The issue will be fixed when the PR is merged.

  • If inference is done with a custom function, conv+bn folding feature of the ipex.optimize() function doesn’t work.

    import torch
    import intel_pytorch_extension as ipex
    class Module(torch.nn.Module):
        def __init__(self):
            super(Module, self).__init__()
            self.conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(1, 10, 5, 1)
   = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(10)
            self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU()
        def forward(self, x):
            x = self.conv(x)
            x =
            x = self.relu(x)
            return x
        def inference(self, x):
            return self.forward(x)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        m = Module()
        m = ipex.optimize(m, dtype=torch.float32, level="O0")
        d = torch.rand(1, 1, 112, 112)
        with torch.no_grad():

    This is a PyTorch FX limitation. You can avoid this error by calling m = ipex.optimize(m, level="O0"), which doesn’t apply ipex optimization, or disable conv+bn folding by calling m = ipex.optimize(m, level="O1", conv_bn_folding=False).