Auto Mixed Precision (AMP) on GPU


torch.xpu.amp provides convenience for auto data type conversion at runtime. Deep learning workloads can benefit from lower-precision floating point data types such as torch.float16 or torch.bfloat16, because of its lighter calculation workload and smaller memory usage. Accuracy is sacrificed when using lower-precision floating point data types so there’s a trade-off between accuracy and performance. Thus, some operations should use the slower but more accurate torch.float32, while others can be converted to use the faster but less accurate torch.float16 or torch.bfloat16 data type. The Auto Mixed Precision (AMP) feature automates the tuning of data type conversions over all operators.

Inference workloads using torch.xpu.amp support torch.bfloat16 and torch.float16. Training workloads using torch.xpu.amp support torch.bfloat16. torch.bfloat16 is the default lower precision floating point data type when torch.xpu.amp is enabled.

Use Case

The following simple network should show a speedup with mixed precision.

class SimpleNet(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(SimpleNet, self).__init__()
        self.conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(64, 128, (3, 3), stride=(2, 2), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.conv(x)

Default Precision

Without torch.xpu.amp, the network executes all operators with default precision (torch.float32).

model = SimpleNet().to("xpu")
x = torch.rand(64, 64, 224, 224).to("xpu")
y = model(x)

Inference with Imperative Path

torch.xpu.amp.autocast is designed to be a context manager that allow scopes of your script to run with mixed precision. In these scopes, operations run in a data type chosen by the autocast class to improve performance while maintaining accuracy. See the operations category section for details on what precision the autocast class chooses for each operator, and under what circumstances.

model = SimpleNet().to("xpu").eval()
x = torch.rand(64, 64, 224, 224).to("xpu")
with torch.xpu.amp.autocast(dtype=torch.float16):
    y = model(x)

Inference with TorchScript Path

torch.xpu.amp.autocast can be used with torch.jit.trace to apply graph optimization. Due to PyTorch limitation, only torch.jit.trace is supported.

model = SimpleNet().to("xpu").eval()
x = torch.rand(64, 64, 224, 224).to("xpu")
with torch.xpu.amp.autocast(dtype=torch.float16):
    model = torch.jit.trace(model, x)
    model = torch.jit.freeze(model)
    y = model(x)

Training Support

torch.xpu.amp.autocast can be used in training to improve performance.

model = SimpleNet().to("xpu")
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)
for images, label in train_loader():
    with torch.xpu.amp.autocast():
        loss = criterion(model("xpu")),"xpu"))

Autocast Op Reference

Op Eligibility

Ops that run in float64 or non-floating-point dtypes are not eligible for mixed precision, and will run in these types whether or not autocast is enabled.

Only out-of-place ops and Tensor methods are eligible for mixed precision. In-place variants and calls that explicitly supply an out=... Tensor are allowed in autocast-enabled regions, but won’t go through autocasting. For example, in an autocast-enabled region a.addmm(b, c) can autocast, but a.addmm_(b, c) and a.addmm(b, c, out=d) cannot. For best performance and stability, use out-of-place ops in autocast-enabled regions.

Op-Specific Behavior

The following lists describe the behavior of eligible ops in autocast-enabled regions. These ops always go through autocasting whether they are invoked as part of a torch.nn.Module, as a function, or as a torch.Tensor method. If functions are exposed in multiple namespaces, they go through autocasting regardless of the namespace.

Ops not listed below do not go through autocasting. They run in the type defined by their inputs. However, autocasting may still change the type in which unlisted ops run if they’re downstream from autocasted ops.

If an op is unlisted, we assume it’s numerically stable in bfloat16 or float16. If you believe that an unlisted op is numerically unstable in bfloat16 or float16, file a GitHub issue.

Ops that can autocast to bfloat16

conv1d, conv2d, conv3d, _convolution, convolution, conv_tbc, conv_transpose1d, conv_transpose1d, conv_transpose3d, prelu, addmm, addmv, addr, linear, matmul, mm, mv, bmm, baddbmm, addbmm, chain_matmul, linalg_multi_dot, _thnn_fused_gru_cell, gru_cell

Ops that can autocast to float16

conv1d, conv2d, conv3d, _convolution, convolution, conv_tbc, conv_transpose1d, conv_transpose1d, conv_transpose3d, prelu, addmm, addmv, addr, linear, matmul, mm, mv, bmm, baddbmm, addbmm, chain_matmul, linalg_multi_dot, _thnn_fused_gru_cell, gru_cell

Ops that can autocast to float32

binary_cross_entropy, binary_cross_entropy_with_logits, log_softmax, nll_loss, nll_loss2d, nll_loss_nd, cross_entropy_loss, fft_fft, fft_ifft, fft_fft2, fft_ifft2, fft_fftn, fft_ifftn, fft_rfft, fft_irfft, fft_rfft2, fft_irfft2, fft_rfftn, fft_irfftn, fft_hfft, fft_ihfft, acos, asin, cosh, erfinv, exp, expm1, log, log10, log2, log1p, reciprocal, rsqrt, sinh, tan, pow, softplus, group_norm, frobenius_norm, nuclear_norm, cosine_similarity, poisson_nll_loss, cosine_embedding_loss, hinge_embedding_loss, kl_div, l1_loss, smooth_l1_loss , huber_loss, mse_loss, margin_ranking_loss, multilabel_margin_loss, soft_margin_loss, triplet_margin_loss, multi_margin_loss, dist, pdist, cdist, renorm

Ops that promote to the widest input type

These ops don’t require a particular dtype for stability, but take multiple inputs and require that the inputs’ dtypes match. If all of the inputs are bfloat16, the op runs in bfloat16. If any of the inputs is float32, autocast casts all inputs to float32 and runs the op in float32.

cat, stack, addcdiv, addcmul, atan2, bilinear, cross, dot, grid_sampler, index_put, tensordot, scatter_add

Some ops not listed here (e.g., binary ops such as add) natively promote inputs without autocasting’s intervention. If inputs are a mixture of bfloat16 and float32, these ops run in float32 and produce float32 output, regardless of whether autocast is enabled.