Advanced Configuration

The default settings for Intel® Extension for PyTorch* are sufficient for most use cases. However, if users want to customize Intel® Extension for PyTorch*, advanced configuration is available at build time and runtime.

Build Time Configuration

The following build options are supported by Intel® Extension for PyTorch*. Users who install Intel® Extension for PyTorch* via source compilation could override the default configuration by explicitly setting a build option ON or OFF, and then build.

Build Option Default
USE_ONEMKL ON If ON, use oneMKL BLAS library. If OFF, oneMKL is not built in.
USE_CHANNELS_LAST_1D ON If ON, channels last 1D memory format is supported. If OFF, channels last 1D memory format is not supported.
USE_PERSIST_STREAM ON If ON, persistent oneDNN stream is used. If OFF, oneDNN stream is created and destroyed on demand.
USE_PRIMITIVE_CACHE OFF If ON, use Intel® Extension for PyTorch* solution to cache oneDNN primitives.
If OFF, use oneDNN cache solution.
USE_QUEUE_BARRIER ON If ON, use queue submit barrier. If OFF, use dummy kernel.
USE_SCRATCHPAD_MODE ON If ON, use oneDNN user mode scratchpad. If OFF, use oneDNN library mode scratchpad.
USE_MULTI_CONTEXT ON If ON, create multiple DPC++ runtime contexts per device. If OFF, create single DPC++ runtime context per device.
USE_AOT_DEVLIST "" Device list for AOT compilation. Refer to AOT for how to configure this build option.
BUILD_STATS OFF If ON, count statistics for each component during build process. If OFF, statistics are not counted.
BUILD_BY_PER_KERNEL OFF If ON, build with -fsycl-device-code-split=per_kernel option. If OFF, this option is not set.
BUILD_STRIPPED_BIN OFF If ON, strip all symbols when building Intel® Extension for PyTorch* libraries. If OFF, symbols are kept.
BUILD_SEPARATE_OPS OFF If ON, build each operator in separate library. If OFF, build all operators in global library.
BUILD_SIMPLE_TRACE OFF If ON, collect simple trace info for each registered operator. If OFF, simple trace is not built in.
BUILD_OPT_LEVEL "" If set to 0, build with -O0 option, if ON and set to 1, build with -O1 option. Set to other value except 0 or 1, no build option is added.
BUILD_NO_CLANGFORMAT OFF If ON, build without force clang-format check. If OFF, build with force clang-format check.
BUILD_INTERNAL_DEBUG OFF If ON, use internal debug code path. If OFF, internal debug code path is not used.

For above build options which can be configured to ON or OFF, users can configure them to 1 or 0 also, while ON equals to 1 and OFF equals to 0.

Runtime Configuration

The following launch options are supported in Intel® Extension for PyTorch*. Users who execute AI models on XPU could override the default configuration by explicitly setting the option value at runtime using environment variables, and then launch the execution.

Launch Option Default
IPEX_VERBOSE 0 Verbose level in integer. Set to 1 to print verbose output for Intel® Extension for PyTorch* GPU customized kernel. Set to other value is not supported so far.
IPEX_SIMPLE_TRACE OFF Simple trace functionality. If set to ON, enable simple trace for all operators. Set to other value is not supported.
IPEX_TILE_AS_DEVICE ON Device partition. If set to OFF, tile partition will be disabled and map device to physical device. Set to other value is not supported.
IPEX_XPU_SYNC_MODE OFF Kernel Execution mode. If set to ON, use synchronized execution mode and perform blocking wait for the completion of submitted kernel. Set to other value is not supported.
IPEX_FP32_MATH_MODE FP32 Floating-point math mode. Set to TF32 for using TF32 math mode, BF32 for using BF32 math mode. Set to other value is not supported. Refer to for the definition of TF32 and BF32 math mode.

For above launch options which can be configured to 1 or 0, users can configure them to ON or OFF also, while ON equals to 1 and OFF equals to 0.

Examples to configure the launch options:

  • Set one or more options before running the model

  • Set one option when running the model

  • Set more than one options when running the model