Struct StreamInfoHeaderOriginal

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Derived Type

Struct Documentation

struct StreamInfoHeaderOriginal : public gpa::serialization::metadata::Header

Subclassed by gpa::serialization::metadata::StreamInfoHeaderVer1

Public Members

char watermark[8]

Magic string for identifying a valid GPA stream.

uint32_t fileVersion

Current file version.

uint32_t resolutionWidth

Width of the window.

uint32_t resolutionHeight

Height of the window.

uint64_t numApiCalls

Number of api calls captured.

uint32_t numFrames

Number of frames captured.

uint64_t dramMemory = 0

physical memory of capture computer

char hostName[128]

Name of the capture computer.

char gpuName[128]

Name of the used gpu.

char gpuVendor[128]

Name of the used gpu vendor.

char gpuDriverDate[16]

GPU driver revision data mm/dd/yyyy.

char gpuDriverVersion[16]

GPU driver version.

char osVersion[16]

Operating system version.

char architecture[16]

32 or 64

char graphicsAPIVersion[16]

Graphics API version.

uint8_t graphicsAPI

Primary graphics API used in the stream.

char locale[16]
bool developerModeEnabled
bool secureBootEnabled
uint64_t coresCount
char biosVersion[16]
char biosDate[16]
uint32_t gpuProductId
uint32_t gpuVendorId
uint32_t gpuStepping
uint32_t colorDepth
uint32_t gpaReleaseYear
uint32_t gpaReleaseQuarter
uint32_t gpaReleaseSprint
uint32_t gpaBuildNumber