Struct ResourceExtractor::Request

Nested Relationships

This struct is a nested type of Class ResourceExtractor.

Nested Types

Struct Documentation

struct Request

Parameters for obtaining resource data from a ResourceExtractor.

Public Types

enum class Execution

TODO: Documentation.


enumerator PreCall

TODO: Documentation.

enumerator PostCall

TODO: Documentation.

Public Functions

operator bool() const

Converts this ResourceExtractor::Request to a value indicating whether or not it's valid.


A valid ResourceExtractor::Request has a non zero value for infoCount, a non null pointer for pInfos, and a non null pointer for pData

Public Members

size_t infoCount = {0}

This ResourceExtractor::Request object's ResourceExtractor::Request::Info count.

Info *pInfos = {nullptr}

This ResourceExtractor::Request object's ResourceExtractor::Request::Info objects.

uint8_t *pData = {nullptr}

A pointer to this ResourceExtractor::Request object's result storage.


pData must point to a buffer at least as large as the value obtained from ResourceExtractor::GetRequestStorageSizeInBytes(request)

struct Info

Parameters for a single entry in a ResourceExtractor::Request.

Public Members

uint64_t callIndex = {0}

The call index to obtain resource data for.

Execution stage = {Execution::PostCall}
ResourceInfo const *pResourceInfo = {nullptr}

A pointer to the ResourceInfo to obtain resource data for.

ResourceInfo::Ex const *pResourceInfoEx = {nullptr}

A pointer to the ResourceInfo::Ex to obtain resource data for.

api_types::BufferRegion bufferRegion = {api_types::BufferRegion::WholeRegion}

The region of the buffer to objtain resource data for.


This field is only used if pResourceInfo points to a BufferInfo object


This field is only used if pResourceInfoEx is null

api_types::TextureRegion textureRegion = {api_types::TextureRegion::WholeRegion}

The region of the texture to objtain resource data for.


This field is only used if pResourceInfo points to a TextureInfo object


This field is only used if pResourceInfoEx is null

Result result = {}

The ResourceExtractor::Result populated when this ResourceExtractor::Request is submitted.