Struct ResourceBindings::ArgumentResource

Nested Relationships

This struct is a nested type of Struct ResourceBindings.

Struct Documentation

struct ArgumentResource

Represents the resource that used due to being provided as call argument.

Public Types

enum ArgumentType


enumerator kArgType_Unknown

Unknown/invalid ArgumentType.

enumerator kArgType_IndirectBuffer

Buffer used as indirect buffer.

enumerator kArgType_IndirectCountBuffer

Buffer used as indirect count source.

enumerator kArgType_SourceResource

Source resource for copy, blit, resolve etc.

enumerator kArgType_DestinationResource

Destination resource for copy, blit, resolve, clear, fill etc.

enumerator kArgType_BarrierTransitionTarget

Resource used as target of barrier or layout transition.

enumerator kArgType_LoadedResource

Resource data loaded as is, such as at the beginning of a render pass.

enumerator kArgType_Count

Total number of ArgumentType enumerations.

Public Members

ResourceID id
ArgumentType argumentType
uint32_t argumentIndex
ResourceType resourceType

For attachment images, the attachment index associated with the resource.

TextureRange textureRange
BufferRange bufferRange