Struct PipelineDescriptorBinding

Struct Documentation

struct PipelineDescriptorBinding

Graphics API agnostic information for input resource data for shaders.


For D3D12 this object represents a D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE or a D3D12_ROOT_DESCRIPTOR. For Vulkan this object represents a VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding.

Public Members

api_types::ShaderStageFlags shaderStageVisibility = {api_types::GPA_SHADER_STAGE_UNKNOWN}

Specifies which shader stage has access to this descriptor.

uint32_t descriptorCount = {0}

The number of descriptors in this binding.


This is always 1 for D3D12

uint32_t shaderBinding = {0}

The binding number of this entry and corresponds to a resource of the same binding number in the shader stages.

uint32_t shaderSpace = {0}

The shader register space.


This is always 0 for Vulkan

DescriptorType type = {DescriptorType::BUFFER}

This PipelineDescriptorBinding object's DescriptorType.