Template Struct BasicColor
Defined in File color.h
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Type
public gpa::api_types::detail::Color< T >
(Template Struct Color)
Struct Documentation
template<typename T>
struct BasicColor Graphics API agnostic representation of a four channel color.
- Param <T>
The type of data for each of this BasicColor<>'s channel values
Subclassed by gpa::api_types::detail::Color< T >
Public Functions
inline BasicColor(T const &_r = {}, T const &_g = {}, T const &_b = {}, T const &_a = {})
Constructs an instance of BasicColor<>
- Parameters
[in, optional -- = { }] r This BasicColor<>'s red channel value
[in, optional -- = { }] g This BasicColor<>'s green channel value
[in, optional -- = { }] b This BasicColor<>'s blue channel value
[in, optional -- = { }] a This BasicColor<>'s alpha channel value
BasicColor(BasicColor<T> const &other) = default
Constructs an instance of BasicColor<>
- Parameters
other -- [in] The BasicColor<> to copy from
- Returns
This BasicColor<> after being copied to
BasicColor<T> &operator=(BasicColor<T> const &other) = default
Constructs an instance of BasicColor<>
- Parameters
other -- [in] The BasicColor<> to copy from
- Returns
This BasicColor<> after being copied to
Public Members
Public Static Attributes
static size_t constexpr ChannelCount = {4}
The number of channels in a BasicColor<>