Struct IGPA

Struct Documentation

struct IGPA

IGPA implemenents an interface that allows to initialize and use the GPA capture functionality within external SW.

Public Types

enum class Result


enumerator Ok

Operation succeeded.

enumerator NotSupported

Function is not supported for current API or platform.

enumerator Failed

Operation failed.

Public Functions

virtual void SetHookApiMask(gpa::utility::HookApiFlags mask) = 0

Selects APIs that will be hooked by the GPA shim.


mask -- Bitmask containing values from gpa::utility::HookApiFlagBits @detail This method needs to be called before Initialize to have effect All APIs are hooked by default It is recommended to have kHookWin32 flag always enabled, unless there is specific reason not to

virtual void AddLayer(char const *layerName) = 0

Enables layer with provided name @detail This method needs to be called before Initialize to have effect.

virtual void AddLayerParameter(char const *layerName, char const *parameterKey, char const *parameterValue) = 0

Adds a key-value pair parameter to initialized layer @detail This method needs to be called before Initialize to have effect The layer must be added via AddLayer prior to this call Available layer parameters can be inspected via gpa-help tool.

virtual Result Initialize() = 0

Initialize the GPA capture library.


possible errors: NotSupported if the method is not supported for current API or platform Operation failed if errors occur during initialization

virtual void TriggerStreamCapture() = 0

Emit capture start/stop event that is handled by capture layer.

virtual void Release() = 0

Release all created GPA resources.