Program Listing for File windows-utilities.h

Return to documentation for file (include\utility\windows-utilities.h)

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#pragma once

#include <Windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <functional>
#include <tlhelp32.h>

namespace gpa {
namespace utility {

std::wstring ASCIIToUTF16(const char* ascii, int ascii_size);

std::wstring GetProcessNameFromCMDLine(const std::wstring& cmdLine);

bool IsProcessInSkipList(const wchar_t* skipListFilePath, const wchar_t* processName, bool reReadFile = false);

void EmitGpuViewEvent(TCHAR* pDesc);

bool GetDLLPath(LPCWSTR moduleName, bool address, wchar_t* const path, size_t pathSize, bool silent = false);

std::wstring GetCurrentApplicationPath();

std::wstring GetCurrentModulePath();

std::wstring GetCurrentDllDirectory();

class DllDirectoryGuard
    DllDirectoryGuard(const std::wstring& path)
        : mDllDirectory(GetCurrentDllDirectory())


    std::wstring mDllDirectory;

//Lightweight process listener that allows to get notifications about started and ended processes
class CProcessListener
    typedef std::set<DWORD> TPids;
    TPids mPids;

    std::vector<DWORD> mPidBuffer;  //for eEnumProcess

    //OnStart is called when first encountered in the process list, doesn't mean 'just started' for the first Refresh call
    virtual void OnStart(const PROCESSENTRY32W& pe)  // explicitely include winternl.h in the cpp that uses this struct

    virtual void OnEnd(DWORD pid)  //when pid is no more in the cached list

    enum EApproach { eSnapshot,
                     eEnumProcess };
    CProcessListener(EApproach ea = eSnapshot)
        : mApproach(ea)
        , mPidBuffer(eEnumProcess == ea ? 512 : 0)

    //call as often as you need and subscribe to OnStart/OnEnd - changes will be notified since last Refresh()
    //for the first call will get names of all processes, on next calls is cheap as it tracks the changes and works only on changed processes
    size_t Refresh();  //returns ~0x0 on failure OR how many started and finished since last call to Refresh, 0 means good moment to yeild/switch to other thread/sleep
    EApproach mApproach;
    size_t RefreshSnapshot();

    size_t RefreshEnumProcess();
    size_t UpdatePidsEnumProcess(size_t returned);

//handle must have SYNCHRONIZE access
HRESULT PauseResumeProcess(HANDLE proc, bool bPause);

//walk thru all the running processes
HRESULT WalkProcesses(const std::function<bool(const PROCESSENTRY32&)>& callback);  //see ProcessParents() below for example

//gets full map of pid->parent running at the moment
inline std::map<DWORD, DWORD> ProcessParents()
    decltype(ProcessParents()) pid2parent;
    gpa::utility::WalkProcesses([&](const PROCESSENTRY32& pe) {
        pid2parent[pe.th32ProcessID] = pe.th32ParentProcessID;
        return true;
    return pid2parent;

//full family chain from given pid up to last living forefather. Every time does fresh WalkProcesses. So cache the result to avoid if not necessary.
std::vector<DWORD> ProcessAncestry(DWORD pid);

//lists all threads of given process, pass ~0x0 for all threads
HRESULT WalkThreads(DWORD pid, const std::function<bool(const THREADENTRY32&)>& callback);

//just a helper for ExecuteCommand, use like ExecuteCommand(Shell("dir"), &output)
inline std::string Shell(const std::string& command)
    return "cmd.exe /C " + command;

//launch process, wait, get output and exit code
int ExecuteCommand(
    const std::string& command,
    std::string* pOutput = nullptr,
    LPCSTR lpCurrentDirectory = nullptr,
    LPVOID lpEnvironment = nullptr  //null delimited, double null terminated string or pairs (name=value\0name=value\0\0) MUST BE UNICODE! Consider gpa::secure::GetSafeEnvironment

}  // namespace utility
}  // namespace gpa