Program Listing for File assert.h

Return to documentation for file (include\utility\assert.h)

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assert.h replaces use of <assert> to enable better debugging.

Unlike <assert>, assert.h provides:
- Logging to STDOUT with file, line, and condition information.
- Always breaks debugger where the assertion fires.
- Instructs compiler where to optimize out code.

// MSVC triggers warning for `do {} while(0)` statements but this can be bypassed via the "owl face".
// The "owl face" makes the compiler treat the condition as a sequence-operator by evaluating the second "0" and thus prevents
// the compiler from complaining the loop is being controlled by a constant.
#if defined(_MSC_VER)

// Tell the compiler what code cannot be reached, ever.
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define GPA_UNREACHABLE() __assume(false)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)  // GCC 4.8+, Clang, Intel, and GCC-compatible compilers.
#define GPA_UNREACHABLE() __builtin_unreachable()
#error "Unsupported compiler."

// Casting any expression to void tricks the compiler to thinking its always being used.
#define GPA_UNUSED(expr) (void)expr

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
extern void __cdecl __debugbreak(void);
#define GPA_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT() __debugbreak();
#elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
#define GPA_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT() __asm__ __volatile__("int $3\n\t")
#error "Unsupported architecture."

// Generate the assertion code. When enabled, the assert handler is called. Else,
// tell the compiler the code is never reachable (so it can optimize it out).
#if defined(GPA_ALWAYS_ASSERT)
#define GPA_ASSERT_HELPER(file, func, line, condition)                   \
    do {                                                                 \
        if (!(condition)) {                                              \
            gpa::utility::HandleAssertion(file, func, line, #condition); \
        }                                                                \
// MSVC optimizes out the |condition| code if we __assume(condition)
// but if that logic is reversed, assuming the condition is never true,
// is equivelent and cannot be optimized-out.
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define GPA_ASSERT_HELPER(file, func, line, condition) \
    do {                                               \
        if (!(condition)) {                            \
            GPA_UNREACHABLE();                         \
        }                                              \

// For non-MSVC, casting the result of sizeof(condition) is a common workaround.
#define GPA_ASSERT_HELPER(file, func, line, condition) \
    do {                                               \
        GPA_UNUSED(sizeof(condition));                 \


#define GPA_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE()                                \
    do {                                                        \
        GPA_ASSERT(GPA_ASSERT_LOOP_CONDITION && "Unreachable"); \
        GPA_UNREACHABLE();                                      \

#define GPA_ASSERT(condition) \
    GPA_ASSERT_HELPER(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, condition)

// Short-hand macros.
#if !defined(ASSERT)

#if !defined(UNREACHABLE)

#if !defined(UNUSED)

namespace gpa {
namespace utility {

void HandleAssertion(const char* file, const char* function, int line, const char* condition);

}  // namespace utility
}  // namespace gpa