Program Listing for File keyframe-header.h

Return to documentation for file (include\stream-metadata-types\keyframe-header.h)

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#pragma once

#include "metadata-header.h"

namespace gpa {
namespace serialization {
namespace metadata {

enum class KeyframeHeaderVersions : uint32_t {
    VERSION_2,  // added flags to indicate deferred-capture keyframe
    VERSION_3,  // added frameNumber field
    VERSION_4,  // added subcapture data offset field

enum KeyframeFlagBits : uint32_t {
    DEFAULT_KEYFRAME_BIT = 0b00000000,
    SUB_CAPTURE_KEYFRAME_BIT = 0b00000010,

using KeyframeFlags = uint32_t;

struct KeyframeHeaderVer1 : public Header
        uint64_t timestamp;
        uint64_t beginKeyframeTimestamp;
    uint64_t endKeyframeTimestamp;
    uint64_t nextKeyframeOffset;
    uint32_t version;

struct KeyframeHeaderVer2 : public KeyframeHeaderVer1
    KeyframeFlags flags;

struct KeyframeHeaderVer3 : public KeyframeHeaderVer2
    int64_t frameNumber;

struct KeyframeHeaderVer4 : public KeyframeHeaderVer3
    uint64_t subcaptureDataStartOffset;

using KeyframeHeaderBase = KeyframeHeaderVer1;  // Should always point to the first version
using KeyframeHeader = KeyframeHeaderVer4;      // Should always point to the latest version

}  // namespace metadata
}  // namespace serialization
}  // namespace gpa