Program Listing for File stream-metadata-parser.h

Return to documentation for file (include\stream-metadata-parser\stream-metadata-parser.h)

Copyright (c) 2023 Intel Corporation

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#pragma once

#include <functional>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "stream-metadata-types/metadata-types.h"

namespace gpa {
namespace serialization {

class RandomAccessSerializer;

namespace metadata {

class StreamMetadataParser
    enum class CallbackState
        SUCCESS,  //Custom parsing is a success, keep going.
        FAILED,   //Custom parsing failed. Serializer/Inputstream could be in unknown state
        STOP,     //Stop parsing after this and exit.

    typedef std::function<CallbackState(uint64_t headerType, void* header, void* input, bool isGPASerializerType)> CustomParserCallback;

    StreamMetadataParser(CustomParserCallback callback);
    bool Parse(RandomAccessSerializer* serializer);
    bool Parse(std::istream* inputStream);

    StreamInfoHeader const* GetStreamInfoHeader() const;
    char const* GetCapturedProcessName() const;
    DeviceFeatureInfo const* GetDeviceFeatureInfo() const;
    void GetStreamCaptureArgsInfo(size_t* argsCount, StreamCaptureArgsInfo* streamCaptureArgsInfo) const;
    void GetErrorMessages(size_t* errorCount, char const** messages) const;
    void GetQueues(size_t* queueCount, QueueHeader* queuesHeaders) const;
    void GetKeyframeMetadata(size_t* keyframeCount, KeyframeHeader* keyframeHeader);
    uint64_t StartTimestamp() const;
    uint64_t EndTimestamp() const;

    StreamMetadataParser(StreamMetadataParser& ) = delete;
    StreamMetadataParser& operator=(const StreamMetadataParser& other) = delete;

    void OnReadTimestampHeader(TimestampHeader const& timeStampHeader);
    void OnCustomParse(uint64_t headerType, void* header, void* input, bool isGPASerializerType = false);

    uint64_t mStartTimestamp;
    uint64_t mEndTimestamp;
    CustomParserCallback mCallback;
    StreamInfoHeader mStreamInfoHeader;
    ProcessInfo mProcessInfo;
    DeviceFeatureInfo mDeviceFeatureInfo;
    std::vector<KeyframeHeader> mKeyframeInfos;
    std::vector<QueueHeader> mQueues;
    StreamArgsHistory mStreamArgsHistory;
    std::vector<std::string> mErrorMessages;
    CallbackState mParserCallbackState;
