Program Listing for File dxil-compiler.h

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#pragma once

#include <d3dcompiler.h>
#include <dxcapi.h>
#include "api-types/api-types.h"

namespace gpa {
namespace shader_utilities {
namespace dxil_compiler {

 * @brief Compiles HLSL source into DXIL machine code.
 * @details This can be used to compile HLSL code written with Shader Model 6.0 or above.
 *          To compile SM 5.x or below, @see dxbc_compiler::Compile.
bool Compile(_In_reads_bytes_(SrcDataSize) LPCVOID pSrcData,
             _In_ SIZE_T srcDataSize,
             _In_opt_ LPCSTR pSourceName,
             const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *pDefines,
             _In_opt_ IDxcIncludeHandler *pInclude,
             _In_opt_ LPCSTR pEntrypoint,
             _In_ LPCSTR pTarget,
             _In_ UINT flags1,
             _In_ UINT flags2,
             ID3DBlob **ppCode,
             ID3DBlob **ppErrorMsgs);

 * @brief Performs reflection on DXIL machine code.
bool Reflect(_In_reads_bytes_(SrcDataSize) LPCVOID pSrcData,
             _In_ SIZE_T srcDataSize,
             _In_ REFIID pInterface,
             _Out_ void **ppReflector);

 * @brief Disassembles DXIL machine code into readable DXBC source.
bool Disassemble(_In_reads_bytes_(SrcDataSize) LPCVOID pSrcData,
                 _In_ SIZE_T srcDataSize,
                 _In_ UINT flags,
                 _In_opt_ LPCSTR szComments,
                 _Out_ ID3DBlob **ppDisassembly);

 * @brief Disassembles DXIL machine code from a debug shader into readable HLSL source.
api_types::ManagedShaderSource Decompile(_In_reads_bytes_(SrcDataSize) LPCVOID pSrcData, _In_ SIZE_T SrcDataSize);

 * @brief Assembles DXIL machine code from readable DXIL.
HRESULT Assemble(const std::string &dxil, ID3DBlob **ppCode, ID3DBlob **ppErrorMsgs);

 * @brief Detects if provided source byte code is DXIL machine code
bool IsDXILMachineCode(_In_reads_bytes_(SrcDataSize) LPCVOID pSrcData,
                       _In_ SIZE_T srcDataSize);

 * @brief Creates IDxcBlobEncoding object from provided data pointer
 *        Data pointer must stay valid for the lifetime of the blob
bool CreateIDxcBlobFromPinned(void *pData, uint32_t size, void **ppBlob);

}  // namespace dxil_compiler
}  // namespace shader_utilities
}  // namespace gpa