Program Listing for File multiqueue-filter.h

Return to documentation for file (include\playback\multiqueue-filter.h)

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#pragma once

#include "playback/callable-cache.h"
#include "playback/stream-data-bookmark.h"
#include "serialization/common.h"

namespace gpa {
namespace playback {

class StreamData;

typedef uint64_t QueueID;

class QueueRange
     * ctor
     * @param id The unique ID of the queue containing this range.
    QueueRange(QueueID id);

    /* dtor */

    /* move ctor */
    QueueRange(QueueRange&& other);

    /* move assignment operator */
    QueueRange& operator=(QueueRange&& other);

     * @brief Returns the number of queue event calls within the range.
    size_t GetCallCount() const;

     * @brief Gets a bookmark associated with the queue event API call at a given index
     *        in the range.
     * @param index The index within the range, starting from 0 up to GetCallCount().
     * @return The bookmark corresponding to the queue event call, or an empty bookmark
     *         if index is invalid.
    StreamDataBookmark GetRangeBookmark(size_t index) const;

     * @brief Helper function that returns a CallableCache representation of the
     *        API calls within the range.
     * @param streamData Pointer to the object representing the captured stream data.
     *                   This must not be null.
    CallableCache GetCallables(StreamData* streamData) const;

     * @brief Adds a new call to the range by storing a bookmark to the data.
    void AddBookmark(StreamDataBookmark&& bookmark);

    /* @brief Returns the unique ID of the queue containing this range.  */
    QueueID GetQueueID() const;

     * @brief Returns the ordered global index of the range relative to all queue ranges from all queues.
     * @details Return SIZE_MAX if there is no global index associated with the range, e.g it couldn't be
     *          mapped to a presented frame.
    size_t GetGlobalIndex() const;

    /* @brief Sets the ordered global index of the range relative to all queue ranges from all queues. */
    void SetGlobalIndex(size_t index);

    class Impl;
    Impl* mImpl = nullptr;

    QueueRange(QueueRange const&) = delete;
    QueueRange& operator=(QueueRange const&) = delete;

class QueueLog
     * ctor
     * @param id The unique ID associated with this queue. @see QueueID
    QueueLog(QueueID id, serialization::PacketType packetType, uint32_t apiVersion);

    /* dtor */

    /* move ctor */
    QueueLog(QueueLog&& other);

    /* move assignment operator */
    QueueLog& operator=(QueueLog&& other);

     * @param callable The callable that is being added to the log.
     * @param bookmark The bookmark associated with the callable's location
     *                 in the stream.
     * @param globalIndex The current global range counter. This will be the global range index for
     *                    the range the call is added to.  If adding the call results in the ending
     *                    of a range in the log, this will be incremented as a side effect.
    void AddCall(Callable&& callable, StreamDataBookmark&& bookmark, size_t& globalIndex);

     * @brief Returns the ID associated with the context. @see QueueID
    QueueID GetID() const;

     * @brief Returns the number of ranges in the log.
     * @details The calls with the log are separated into ranges on delimiters.
     *          The default delimiters correspond to rendered frame boundaries,
     *          aka present calls.  Accordingly, async compute queues are expected to
     *          only contain one range by default.
    size_t GetRangeCount() const;

     * @brief Returns a reference to a single range with the queue's API log.
    QueueRange const* GetRange(size_t index) const;

    /* @brief Returns the ordered global index of the range relative to all queue ranges from all queues. */
    QueueRange const* GetRangeForGlobalIndex(size_t index) const;

     * @brief Returns API for current queue.
    serialization::PacketType GetApi() const;

     * @brief Returns version of API for current queue.
    uint32_t GetApiVersion() const;

    class Impl;
    Impl* mImpl = nullptr;

    QueueLog(QueueLog const&) = delete;
    QueueLog& operator=(QueueLog const&) = delete;

class MultiQueueFilter
    MultiQueueFilter(playback::StreamData* streamData);

     * dtor

    /* move ctor */
    MultiQueueFilter(MultiQueueFilter&& other);

    /* move assignment operator */
    MultiQueueFilter& operator=(MultiQueueFilter&& other);

     * @brief Filters the calls in the given StreamData by their execution context.
     * @details This has a performance impact of deserializing the stream data in
     *          order to inspect the argument data of the calls.  This also has a side effect
     *          of resetting the stream data read pointer to the beginning.
     * @return The number of contexts found.
    size_t FilterByQueues();

     * @brief Returns the number of contexts used in the stream.
    size_t GetQueueCount() const;

     * @brief Returns the IDs associated with each context.
     * @details By default, the context IDs are the capture time values of the
     *          queue pointers.
     * @param id [out] An array of QueueIDs to be filled out with size count.  This must not be null.
     * @param count The number of contexts. @see GetContextCount()
    void GetAvailableQueues(QueueID* id, size_t count) const;

     * @brief Returns the log of API calls associated with a given queue ID.
     * @param id The unique ID of the queue. @see QueueID
     * @return The API log for the queue, or null if one isn't found.
    QueueLog const* GetLogForQueue(QueueID id) const;

     * @brief Returns the QueueRange associated with the given global range index.
     * @param index The ordered global index of the range relative to all queue ranges from all queues.
     * @details This only retrieves queues that have been presented and thus can be mapped to frames.
    QueueRange const* GetRangeForGlobalIndex(size_t index) const;

    class Impl;
    Impl* mImpl = nullptr;

    MultiQueueFilter(MultiQueueFilter const&) = delete;
    MultiQueueFilter& operator=(MultiQueueFilter const&) = delete;

}  // namespace playback
}  // namespace gpa