Program Listing for File experiment-collection.h

Return to documentation for file (include\playback\experiments\experiment-collection.h)

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#pragma once

#include "playback/experiments/experiment.h"

#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>

namespace gpa {
namespace playback {

template<class ExperimentType>
class Collection
    using ActiveExperiments = std::map<uint64_t, std::shared_ptr<ExperimentType>>;

    Collection() = default;

    Collection(Collection&& other)
        *this = std::move(other);

    Collection& operator=(Collection&& other)
        if (this != &other) {
            mExperiments = std::move(other.mExperiments);
            mActiveExperiments = std::move(other.mActiveExperiments);
        return *this;

    bool Get(uint64_t callIndex, ExperimentType* pExperiment) const
        auto itr = mActiveExperiments.find(callIndex);
        bool exists = itr != mActiveExperiments.end();
        if (exists && pExperiment) {
            *pExperiment = *itr->second;
        return exists;

    void Add(uint64_t callIndex, ExperimentType const& experiment)
        Add(callIndex, callIndex, experiment);

    void Add(uint64_t startIndex, uint64_t endIndex, ExperimentType const& experiment)
        // NOTE : It looks a little strange to be using an object as a key, then
        //  creating a std::shared_ptr<> to an equivalent object.  The reason for
        //  this is that we need to be able to look up Experiments by value but we
        //  also need ref-counting...if we have a std::set<std::shared_ptr<>> then
        //  we end up having to do a linear search to find Experiments by value and
        //  we lose the benfit of the std::set<>/std::map<> over std::vector<>.
        auto itr = mExperiments.find(experiment);
        if (itr == mExperiments.end()) {
            itr = mExperiments.insert({experiment, std::make_shared<ExperimentType>(experiment)}).first;
        for (uint64_t callIndex = startIndex; callIndex <= endIndex; ++callIndex) {
            mActiveExperiments[callIndex] = itr->second;

        // NOTE : If it turns out that we spend too much time pruning we can make
        //  it public and call it at more oportune times than every time a new
        //  ExperimentType is added...should be an easy change if it needs to happen.

    void Remove(uint64_t callIndex)
        Remove(callIndex, callIndex);

    void Remove(uint64_t startIndex, uint64_t endIndex)
        for (uint64_t callIndex = startIndex; callIndex <= endIndex; ++callIndex) {

    void Clear()

    size_t UniqueCount() const
        return mExperiments.size();

    size_t ActiveCount() const
        return mActiveExperiments.size();

    typename ActiveExperiments::iterator begin()
        return mActiveExperiments.begin();

    typename ActiveExperiments::iterator end()
        return mActiveExperiments.end();

    void Prune()
        // NOTE : We could use std::weak_ptr<> here and achieve the same thing, but
        //  we still have to check if the std::weak_ptr<> is expired to remove them
        //  from this collection so it doesn't really gain us anything interesting
        //  and it keeps things simpler for both collections to be using the same
        //  type of object.
        for (auto itr = mExperiments.begin(); itr != mExperiments.end();) {
            if (itr->second.use_count() == 1) {
                itr = mExperiments.erase(itr);
            } else {

    std::unordered_map<ExperimentType, std::shared_ptr<ExperimentType>> mExperiments;
    ActiveExperiments mActiveExperiments;

    Collection(Collection const&) = delete;
    Collection& operator=(Collection const&) = delete;

}  // namespace playback
}  // namespace gpa