Program Listing for File callable.h

Return to documentation for file (include\playback\callable.h)

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#pragma once

#include "utility/enum-mask.h"
#include "utility/playback-common.h"

#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>

struct GPADispatchTable;

namespace gpa {

namespace serialization {
struct StreamPacketHeaderEx;
struct IFunctionCall;
struct GPAToken;
class Argument;
class ArgsReader;
class MemoryBackedSerializer;
}  // namespace serialization

namespace memory {
class Allocator;

namespace playback {

struct Context;
class IPlayable;

class Callable : public playback_common::ICallable
    Callable(serialization::StreamPacketHeaderEx const* header, memory::Allocator* allocator = nullptr);
    Callable(serialization::StreamPacketHeaderEx const* header, uint64_t storageID, uint64_t storageOffset, memory::Allocator* allocator = nullptr);
    Callable(Callable const& other);
    Callable& operator=(Callable const& other);

    // move ctor and operator
    Callable(Callable&& other);
    Callable& operator=(Callable&& other);

    gpa::playback_common::CallableKey UniqueKey() const;

    // Informational methods; some are non-const as their invocation may cause
    // deferred initialization of the Callable

    char const* Name();

    char const* Class();

    char const* API();

    uint32_t ArgumentCount();

    serialization::Argument const* Argument(uint32_t index, void const** value);

    serialization::Argument const* Argument(uint32_t index, void const** value, bool postExecute);

    serialization::Argument const* ReturnValue(void const** value);

    void* ApiObjectPtr();

    playback::Context const* Context() const;

    serialization::ArgsReader const* Reader() const;

    serialization::GPAToken Token() const;

    uint64_t Timestamp() const;

    bool IsOperation() const;

    bool IsValid() const;

    bool IsSuccessful(bool& success) const;

    gpa::playback_common::CallableType GetCategory();

    char const* GetAssociatedText();

    bool IsDelimiter();

    bool PreExecute(playback::Context* context);

    bool Execute(GPADispatchTable const*& table,
                 bool restore = false, bool releaseResources = true, bool shouldExecute = true);

    bool Ingress(GPADispatchTable const*& table, const void** params = nullptr, size_t paramCount = 0);

    bool Egress(GPADispatchTable const*& table, bool releaseResources = false, uint64_t returnValue = 0);

    size_t Hash() const;

    uint64_t StorageID() const;

    uint64_t StorageOffset() const;

    serialization::IFunctionCall* GetIFunctionCall();

    serialization::StreamPacketHeaderEx const* GetMappedStorageHeader();

    gpa::playback_common::CallableType GetCallableType() override;
    gpa::playback_common::CallableKey GetCallableKey() override;
    void* GetFunctionCallPointer() override;

    class AssociatedDataHelper
        AssociatedDataHelper(char const* data, bool owned);
        AssociatedDataHelper(AssociatedDataHelper&& other);
        AssociatedDataHelper& operator=(AssociatedDataHelper&& other);

        char const* Text() const;

        char const* mOwnedData;
        char const* mData;

        AssociatedDataHelper(AssociatedDataHelper const& other) = delete;
        AssociatedDataHelper& operator=(AssociatedDataHelper const& other) = delete;

    // pointer to data in mapped storage
    serialization::StreamPacketHeaderEx const* mHeader;
    // pointer to specific instance of an invokable call or operation
    serialization::IFunctionCall* mCallable;
    // pointer to specific instance of a playable call or operation
    gpa::playback::IPlayable* mPlayable;
    // pointer to an ArgsReader that is created in case we need to read args data
    serialization::ArgsReader* mReader;
    // pointer to a Context that is set during Execute and unset during ReleaseResources
    playback::Context* mContext;
    // allocator used by ArgsReader
    memory::Allocator* mAllocator;
    // flag indicating whether arguments have been deserialized. Used to delay reading of arguments
    // until needed at execution and to only read once.
    bool mArgsDeserialized;
    gpa::playback_common::CallableType mCategory;
    uint64_t mStorageID;
    uint64_t mStorageOffset;
    AssociatedDataHelper mAssociatedData;

    void Initialize();
    bool IsActualDelimiter();

    void Load(serialization::MemoryBackedSerializer* resourceSerializer, bool force = false);
    void ReleaseResources();

char const* CallableTypeToString(gpa::playback_common::CallableType type);

}  // namespace playback
}  // namespace gpa