Program Listing for File data-manager.h

Return to documentation for file (include\data-manager\data-manager.h)

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#pragma once

#include "concurrent/lock.h"

#include "utility/data-desc.h"
#include "utility/coverage-map.h"

#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

struct ID3D11ClassLinkage;

namespace gpa {

struct ResourceDataDescriptor;

namespace capture_support {

struct IObjectDataSource;

struct IVisitable
    virtual ~IVisitable();
    virtual void PreVisit(){};
    virtual void PostVisit() = 0;

class ObjectData : public IVisitable
    typedef std::shared_ptr<ObjectData> Ptr;


    // IVisitable implementation
    void PostVisit() override;

    // used for basic RTTI
    virtual bool IsMappedObjectData() const;

    // "Zombie" objects are required to support the Intel Arc D3D12 driver's implementation of
    // 64-bit emulated atomics extension in Unreal 5.1+ workloads (this is required for Nanite
    // to work). The nature of the extension implementation in the driver is such that, for
    // deferred and subcapture, we need to restore some objects (devices and extension-specific
    // resources) that were otherwise destroyed, prior to restore point state capture, during
    // execution of the workload. When the specified objects are destroyed during application
    // runtime, we mark them as "zombies" to keep them around for later enumeration during
    // state capture creation.
    virtual bool IsZombie() const;
    virtual void MakeZombie();

    void AddDependency(Ptr objectData);

    // list of other ObjectData on which I may depend
    std::vector<Ptr> mDependencies;

    // if this is a "zombie" object -- it's been deleted elsewhere, but
    // for some reason, the call cache should remain (for keyframe/deferred
    // purposes, for example)
    bool mZombie;

struct IObjectDataSource
    virtual ~IObjectDataSource();
    virtual ObjectData::Ptr GetDataForKey(void const* key) const = 0;

class MappedObjectData : public ObjectData
    typedef std::shared_ptr<MappedObjectData> Ptr;


    // ObjectData implementation
    bool IsMappedObjectData() const override;

    virtual void Apply(ResourceDataDescriptor const* desc);

    virtual void SaveChunkForRestore(ResourceDataDescriptor const* desc);

    virtual bool HasChunksToRestore() const;

    virtual void RestoreChunks(void* baseMappedObjectAddress);

    virtual void* GetBufferPtr() = 0;

    struct ModifiedChunk
        ResourceDataDescriptor resourceDescriptor;
        std::vector<uint8_t> originalData;

    std::vector<ModifiedChunk> mModifiedChunks;
    utility::CoverageMap mCoverageMap;

struct ObjectVisitor
    virtual ~ObjectVisitor();
    virtual bool Visit(ObjectData* object) = 0;

class DataManager
    // TODO: KeyframeWriter depends on the type of ObjectRef; until we move this
    //       to a common location, make sure that stays in sync with changes to
    //       this declaration
    typedef uint64_t ObjectRef;
    typedef void* Key;


    // @details Release() will be called on all contained entries.

    ObjectData::Ptr GetAssociatedDataRef(ObjectRef object, Key key);

    void AssociateDataRefForObject(ObjectRef object, Key key, ObjectData::Ptr data, bool retain = false, ObjectRef* retainedObjectId = nullptr);

    typedef void (*ObjectEnumerationCallback)(ObjectRef object, Key key, ObjectData::Ptr data, void* userData);
    void EnumerateObjectsWithKey(ObjectEnumerationCallback callback, Key key, void* userData);
    void EnumerateObjectsWithKeys(ObjectEnumerationCallback callback, Key const* keys, size_t nKeys, void* userData);

    void VisitAll(ObjectVisitor* visitor, void* key) const;

    struct KeyedObjectData
        Key key;
        ObjectData::Ptr data;

    void Clear();

    RWLock mRWLock;

    typedef std::vector<KeyedObjectData> KeyedData;
    typedef std::unordered_map<ObjectRef, KeyedData> ObjectKeyMap;
    ObjectKeyMap mObjectData;

}  // namespace capture_support

namespace playback {

struct ObjectReplacementKeyData : capture_support::ObjectData
    typedef std::shared_ptr<ObjectReplacementKeyData> Ptr;
    uint64_t replacementKey;

struct ID3D11ShaderCreateInfo : public capture_support::ObjectData
    typedef std::shared_ptr<ID3D11ShaderCreateInfo> Ptr;
    const void* pShaderBytecode;
    size_t bytecodeLength;
    ID3D11ClassLinkage* classLinkage;

struct ID3D11InputLayoutCreateInfo : public capture_support::ObjectData
    typedef std::shared_ptr<ID3D11InputLayoutCreateInfo> Ptr;
    std::vector<D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC> InputElementDescs;
    std::vector<std::string> InputElementDescsSemanticNames;

}  //namespace playback

}  // namespace gpa