Program Listing for File d3d12-object.h

Return to documentation for file (include\d3d12-state-tracking\d3d12-object.h)

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#pragma once

#include "utility/rdtsc.h"
#include <concurrent/critical-section.h>

#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <d3d12.h>
#include <string>
#include <memory>

namespace gpa {
namespace d3d12_state_tracker {

using DeathNotificationCallback = std::function<void(ID3D12Object* deadObjectPointer)>;

class D3D12ObjectState : public IUnknown
    static constexpr GUID sGUID = {0x69a84fd0, 0xb106, 0x4496, {0xbe, 0x30, 0xd6, 0xac, 0x1e, 0x30, 0x55, 0x2b}};

    std::list<DeathNotificationCallback> mDeathCallbacks;
    std::wstring mName;

    ID3D12Object* mRuntimeObject = nullptr;
    uint64_t mCreationTimestamp = RDTSC();

    D3D12ObjectState(ID3D12Object* runtimeObj);
    virtual ~D3D12ObjectState();

    HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObject) override;
    ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release() override;

    virtual GUID GetGUID();
    void SetName(LPCWSTR name);
    std::wstring GetName() const;
    ID3D12Object* GetRuntimeObject() const;
    uint64_t GetCreationTimestamp() const;

    void RegisterDeathNotificationCallback(DeathNotificationCallback cb);

namespace detail {

// This class is designed to control the runtimeObject's lifetime.
// An instance of this class is placed to the runtimeObject's private data,
// but it must nevertheless live longer the runtimeObject
// in order to tell everyone interested that the runtimeObject no longer exists
// Therefore, to control the lifetime of the LivetimeTracker itself, shared_ptr was chosed
template<typename RuntimeObjectType>
class D3D12LivetimeTracker : public IUnknown
    // {531A73DE-57D3-4782-AC4A-680997FAA7FD}
    static constexpr GUID sLivetimeTrackerGuid = {0x531a73de, 0x57d3, 0x4782, {0xac, 0x4a, 0x68, 0x9, 0x97, 0xfa, 0xa7, 0xfd}};

    RuntimeObjectType* mRuntimeObject = nullptr;
    std::weak_ptr<D3D12LivetimeTracker> mThisPtr;  //< a weak pointer to yourself

    HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID, void**) override
        return E_UNEXPECTED;
        return 0;
    ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release() override
        mRuntimeObject = nullptr;
        return 0;

    D3D12LivetimeTracker(RuntimeObjectType* runtimeObject)
        : mRuntimeObject(runtimeObject)

    D3D12LivetimeTracker(D3D12LivetimeTracker const&) = delete;
    D3D12LivetimeTracker& operator=(D3D12LivetimeTracker const&) = delete;

        if (mRuntimeObject && mThisPtr.expired()) {
            mRuntimeObject->SetPrivateDataInterface(sLivetimeTrackerGuid, nullptr);

    // It should only be called if the runtimeObject exists
    static std::shared_ptr<D3D12LivetimeTracker> GetLivetimeTracker(RuntimeObjectType* runtimeObject)
        static concurrent::CriticalSection sCriticalSection;

        if (!runtimeObject) {
            return nullptr;
        D3D12LivetimeTracker* livetimeTracker = nullptr;
        UINT dataSize = sizeof(livetimeTracker);

        concurrent::CriticalSectionScopedLock guard(sCriticalSection);
        HRESULT hr = runtimeObject->GetPrivateData(sLivetimeTrackerGuid, &dataSize, &livetimeTracker);

        if (FAILED(hr) || !livetimeTracker || livetimeTracker->mThisPtr.expired()) {
            std::shared_ptr<D3D12LivetimeTracker> livetimeTrackerPtr(new D3D12LivetimeTracker(runtimeObject));
            runtimeObject->SetPrivateDataInterface(sLivetimeTrackerGuid, livetimeTrackerPtr.get());
            livetimeTrackerPtr->mThisPtr = livetimeTrackerPtr;
            return livetimeTrackerPtr;
        return livetimeTracker->mThisPtr.lock();

    RuntimeObjectType* GetRuntimeObject()
        return mRuntimeObject;
}  // namespace detail

// This class behaves like a RuntimeObjectType, but it always knows if the runtimeObject still exists
template<typename RuntimeObjectType>
class WeakPtr
    // Since WeakPtr instances can be copied, so we have to share the LivetimeTracker between them
    std::shared_ptr<detail::D3D12LivetimeTracker<RuntimeObjectType>> mLivetimeTracker;

    WeakPtr() = default;
    WeakPtr(WeakPtr const& other) = default;
    WeakPtr(WeakPtr&& other) = default;
    WeakPtr& operator=(WeakPtr const& other) = default;
    WeakPtr& operator=(WeakPtr&& other) = default;

    WeakPtr(RuntimeObjectType* runtimeObject)
        *this = runtimeObject;

    WeakPtr& operator=(RuntimeObjectType* runtimeObject)
        mLivetimeTracker = detail::D3D12LivetimeTracker<RuntimeObjectType>::GetLivetimeTracker(runtimeObject);
        return *this;

    explicit operator uint64_t() const
        return mLivetimeTracker ? (uint64_t)mLivetimeTracker->GetRuntimeObject() : 0;

    operator RuntimeObjectType*() const
        return mLivetimeTracker ? mLivetimeTracker->GetRuntimeObject() : nullptr;

    RuntimeObjectType* operator->() const
        return mLivetimeTracker->GetRuntimeObject();

}  // namespace d3d12_state_tracker
}  // namespace gpa