Program Listing for File thread-pool.h

Return to documentation for file (include\concurrent\thread-pool.h)

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#pragma once

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>

#include <atomic>
#include <future>
#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>

#include "concurrent/queue.h"

namespace gpa {
namespace concurrent {

#ifdef _WIN32

//fastest possible async Task using Windows provided Thread Pool
class WinNativeThreadPool
    static DWORD WINAPI WorkItem(void* ctx);
    static size_t& GetCounter();

    struct Task  //inherit your tasks from this
        virtual void Run() = 0;

    //Fastest. This code doesn't handle the lifetime of Task. You can "new" it and delete in the end of Run, see below
    static HRESULT UnsafeQueue(Task& task, DWORD dwFlags = 0);  // flags come from WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT family

    template<class F>
    class Wrapper : public Task  //keeps copy of functor and deletes it after call
        F mCallable;

        Wrapper(F clb)  // protected to allow changing of "new/delete this" only by heirs:
            : mCallable(clb)

        static Wrapper<F>* Create(F clb)
            return new Wrapper<F>(clb);
        virtual void Run()
            delete this;

    template<class T>                                       //Fastest: takes only basic function that take no arguments to call
    static HRESULT Queue(T(callable)(), DWORD dwFlags = 0)  //costs sync on malloc / free
        return UnsafeQueue(*Wrapper<decltype(callable)>::Create(callable), dwFlags);

    template<class T>                                           //Takes any callable like lambda, std::function, std::bind, or whatever has operator ()
    static HRESULT Queue(const T& callable, DWORD dwFlags = 0)  //AND keeps the copy thrughout execution
        return UnsafeQueue(*Wrapper<T>::Create(callable), dwFlags);

    //Wait on this counter to make sure all tasks are finished
    static size_t Count()
        return GetCounter();

using VoidFunction = std::function<void()>;

class ThreadPool;

class Thread
    enum ThreadState {

    Thread(ThreadPool* parentPool, VoidFunction initializer = nullptr);


    void RequestShutdown();
    void WaitForShutdown();
    ThreadState State();

    void Execute();

    ThreadPool* mParentPool;

    std::atomic<bool> mStayAlive;
    std::atomic<ThreadState> mState;
    VoidFunction mInitializer;
    std::thread mThread;

struct ThreadPoolTask
    VoidFunction job;
    bool optional;

class ThreadPool
    template<typename Fun, typename... Args>
    auto SubmitJobImpl(bool optional, Fun&& function, Args&&... args) -> std::future<decltype(function(args...))>
        if (!mAcceptNewJobs) {
            // return invalid future object
            return std::future<decltype(function(args...))>();

        std::function<decltype(function(args...))()> functionWithParams = std::bind(std::forward<Fun>(function), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
        auto taskPtr = std::make_shared<std::packaged_task<decltype(function(args...))()>>(functionWithParams);
        VoidFunction wrappedFunction = [taskPtr, this]() {
        mTaskQueue.Push({wrappedFunction, optional});
        return taskPtr->get_future();

    ThreadPool(uint32_t threadCount = uint32_t(~0x0), VoidFunction initializer = nullptr);

    uint32_t ThreadCount();
    uint32_t ThreadCountWithState(Thread::ThreadState state);
    void AddThreads(uint32_t threadCount, VoidFunction initializer = nullptr);

    template<typename Fun, typename... Args>
    auto SubmitJob(Fun&& function, Args&&... args) -> std::future<decltype(function(args...))>
        return SubmitJobImpl(false, function, args...);

    template<typename Fun, typename... Args>
    auto SubmitOptionalJob(Fun&& function, Args&&... args) -> std::future<decltype(function(args...))>
        return SubmitJobImpl(true, function, args...);

    void WaitTillFinished();

    template<typename Fun, typename... Args>
    auto RunWhenFinished(Fun&& function, Args&&... args) -> std::future<decltype(function(args...))>
        if (!mAcceptNewJobs) {
            // return invalid future object
            return std::future<decltype(function(args...))>();

        std::function<decltype(function(args...))()> functionWithParams = std::bind(std::forward<Fun>(function), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
        auto taskPtr = std::make_shared<std::packaged_task<decltype(function(args...))()>>(functionWithParams);
        VoidFunction wrappedFunction = [taskPtr, this]() {
            uint64_t submittedTillNow = this->mSubmittedJobsCount;
            while (mFinishedJobsCount < submittedTillNow) {
        mTaskQueue.Push({wrappedFunction, false});
        return taskPtr->get_future();

    void Shutdown();

    void CancelOptionalJobs();

    void KillAllThreads();

    SimpleConcurrentQueue<ThreadPoolTask> mTaskQueue;
    std::vector<Thread*> mThreads;
    std::atomic<uint64_t> mSubmittedJobsCount = {0};
    std::atomic<uint64_t> mFinishedJobsCount = {0};
    std::condition_variable mJobAvailable;
    std::mutex mJobMutex;
    std::atomic_bool mAcceptNewJobs = {true};

    friend class Thread;

    void IncrementFinishedJobsCount();
    void IncrementSubmittedJobsCount();

}  // namespace concurrent
}  // namespace gpa