Program Listing for File lock.h

Return to documentation for file (include\concurrent\lock.h)

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@file lock.h

Reader-writer lock: Sync primitive that allows concurrent access for read-only
operations, while write operations require exclusive access. This means that
multiple threads can read the data in parallel but an exclusive lock is needed
for writing or modifying data. When a writer is writing the data, all other
writers or readers will be blocked until the writer is finished writing.

A common use might be to control access to a data structure in memory that
cannot be updated atomically and is invalid (and should not be read by another
thread) until the update is complete.

Also known as: shared-exclusive lock, multiple readers/single-writer lock


Depends on int32_t (e.g. stdint.h)

#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <atomic>
#include <immintrin.h>

namespace gpa {

constexpr size_t kCacheLineBytes = 64;

class RWLock;
typedef RWLock SharedExclusiveLock;
class RWLock
    std::atomic<int32_t> mNumWriters;

    // Separate the two counts into separate cache lines using padding
    int8_t _unused[(2 * kCacheLineBytes) - (2 * sizeof(int32_t))];

    std::atomic<int32_t> mNumReaders;

        : mNumWriters(0)
        , mNumReaders(0)

    // Override standard new and delete to force cache line alignment
    void* operator new(size_t size)
        void* const addr = _mm_malloc(size, kCacheLineBytes);
        return addr;
    void operator delete(void* addr) { _mm_free(addr); }
    // Single writer...
    inline void LockExclusive() { LockWrite(); }
    inline void LockWrite()
        // First, wait for the write lock to be released
        while (mNumWriters) {

        // Then, acquire the write lock
        while ( {
        // Then, wait until all of the reader locks are released
        while (mNumReaders) {
    inline bool TryLockExclusive() { return TryLockWrite(); }
    inline bool TryLockWrite()
        // Fail if a writer has the lock
        if (mNumWriters) {
            return false;
        // Acquire the write lock or fail
        if ( {
            return false;
        // If a reader has a lock, back out and fail
        if (mNumReaders) {
            mNumWriters = 0;
            return false;
        // If we get this far, we have the write lock
        return true;
    inline void UnlockExclusive() { UnlockWrite(); }
    inline void UnlockWrite() { mNumWriters = 0; }
    // ...or multiple readers
    inline void LockShared() { LockRead(); }
    inline void LockRead()
        while (1) {
            // First, wait until the write lock has been released
            while (mNumWriters) {
            // Acquire a reader lock

            // If no writers acquired a lock, we are done...
            if (mNumWriters == 0) {

            // ...otherwise, back out the reader lock and try again
    inline bool TryLockShared() { return TryLockRead(); }
    inline bool TryLockRead()
        // Fail if a writer has the lock
        if (mNumWriters) {
            return false;
        // Try to acquire the reader lock

        // If a writer has the lock, back out and fail
        if (mNumWriters) {
            return false;
        // If we got this far, we got the read lock
        return true;
    inline void UnlockShared() { UnlockRead(); }
    inline void UnlockRead() { mNumReaders.fetch_add(-1); }

struct ScopedReadLock
    ScopedReadLock(ScopedReadLock const&) = delete;
    ScopedReadLock& operator=(ScopedReadLock const&) = delete;
    ScopedReadLock(RWLock* const lock)
        : mLock(lock)
    ~ScopedReadLock() { mLock->UnlockRead(); }

    RWLock* const mLock;

struct ScopedWriteLock
    ScopedWriteLock(ScopedWriteLock const&) = delete;
    ScopedWriteLock& operator=(ScopedWriteLock const&) = delete;
    ScopedWriteLock(RWLock* const lock)
        : mLock(lock)
    ~ScopedWriteLock() { mLock->UnlockWrite(); }

    RWLock* const mLock;
using ScopedExclusiveLock = ScopedWriteLock;

struct OptionalScopedReadLock
    OptionalScopedReadLock(OptionalScopedReadLock const&) = delete;
    OptionalScopedReadLock& operator=(OptionalScopedReadLock const&) = delete;
    OptionalScopedReadLock(RWLock* const lock)
        : mLock(lock)
        if (mLock) {
        if (mLock) {

    RWLock* const mLock;

struct OptionalScopedWriteLock
    OptionalScopedWriteLock(OptionalScopedWriteLock const&) = delete;
    OptionalScopedWriteLock& operator=(OptionalScopedWriteLock const&) = delete;
    OptionalScopedWriteLock(RWLock* const lock)
        : mLock(lock)
        if (mLock) {
        if (mLock) {

    RWLock* const mLock;

}  // namespace gpa