Program Listing for File structures.h

Return to documentation for file (include\api-types\structures.h)


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#pragma once

#include "api-types/color.h"
#include "api-types/enumerations.h"
#include "api-types/format.h"

#include <cstdint>

namespace gpa {
namespace api_types {

// BufferRegion
struct BufferRegion
    uint64_t offset{0};
    uint64_t size{0};
    uint64_t stride{0};
    static const BufferRegion WholeRegion;

bool operator==(BufferRegion const& lhs, BufferRegion const& rhs);

bool operator!=(BufferRegion const& lhs, BufferRegion const& rhs);

bool operator<(BufferRegion const& lhs, BufferRegion const& rhs);

// Extent2D
struct Extent2D
    uint64_t width{0};
    uint64_t height{0};

bool operator==(Extent2D const& lhs, Extent2D const& rhs);

bool operator!=(Extent2D const& lhs, Extent2D const& rhs);

bool operator<(Extent2D const& lhs, Extent2D const& rhs);

// Extent3D
struct Extent3D
    uint64_t width{0};
    uint64_t height{0};
    uint64_t depth{0};

bool operator==(Extent3D const& lhs, Extent3D const& rhs);

bool operator!=(Extent3D const& lhs, Extent3D const& rhs);

bool operator<(Extent3D const& lhs, Extent3D const& rhs);

// Offset2D
struct Offset2D
    int64_t x{0};
    int64_t y{0};

bool operator==(Offset2D const& lhs, Offset2D const& rhs);

bool operator!=(Offset2D const& lhs, Offset2D const& rhs);

bool operator<(Offset2D const& lhs, Offset2D const& rhs);

// Offset3D
struct Offset3D
    int64_t x{0};
    int64_t y{0};
    int64_t z{0};

bool operator==(Offset3D const& lhs, Offset3D const& rhs);

bool operator!=(Offset3D const& lhs, Offset3D const& rhs);

bool operator<(Offset3D const& lhs, Offset3D const& rhs);

// Rect2D
struct Rect2D
    Offset2D offset{};
    Extent2D extent{};

bool operator==(Rect2D const& lhs, Rect2D const& rhs);

bool operator!=(Rect2D const& lhs, Rect2D const& rhs);

bool operator<(Rect2D const& lhs, Rect2D const& rhs);

// TextureSubresource
struct TextureSubresource
    uint32_t baseMipLevel{0};
    uint32_t mipLevelCount{0};
    uint32_t baseArrayLayer{0};
    uint32_t arrayLayerCount{0};
    TextureAspectFlags aspect{GPA_TEXTURE_ASPECT_UNKNOWN};

bool operator==(TextureSubresource const& lhs, TextureSubresource const& rhs);

bool operator!=(TextureSubresource const& lhs, TextureSubresource const& rhs);

bool operator<(TextureSubresource const& lhs, TextureSubresource const& rhs);

// TextureRegion
struct TextureRegion final
    TextureSubresource subresource{};
    Offset3D offset{};
    Extent3D extent{};
    static const TextureRegion WholeRegion;

bool operator==(TextureRegion const& lhs, TextureRegion const& rhs);

bool operator!=(TextureRegion const& lhs, TextureRegion const& rhs);

bool operator<(TextureRegion const& lhs, TextureRegion const& rhs);

// VertexInputAttribute
struct VertexInputAttribute
    uint32_t binding{0};
    uint32_t location{0};
    Format format{GPA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN};
    uint32_t offset{0};

bool operator==(VertexInputAttribute const& lhs, VertexInputAttribute const& rhs);

bool operator!=(VertexInputAttribute const& lhs, VertexInputAttribute const& rhs);

bool operator<(VertexInputAttribute const& lhs, VertexInputAttribute const& rhs);

// VertexInputBinding
struct VertexInputBinding
    uint32_t binding{0};
    uint32_t stride{0};
    VertexInputRate inputRate{GPA_VERTEX_INPUT_RATE_UNKNOWN};

bool operator==(VertexInputBinding const& lhs, VertexInputBinding const& rhs);

bool operator!=(VertexInputBinding const& lhs, VertexInputBinding const& rhs);

bool operator<(VertexInputBinding const& lhs, VertexInputBinding const& rhs);

// VertexInputElement
struct VertexInputElement
    uint32_t location{0};
    Format format{GPA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN};
    uint64_t offset{0};

bool operator==(VertexInputElement const& lhs, VertexInputElement const& rhs);

bool operator!=(VertexInputElement const& lhs, VertexInputElement const& rhs);

bool operator<(VertexInputElement const& lhs, VertexInputElement const& rhs);

// VertexInputElementExtended
struct VertexInputElementExtended : public VertexInputElement
    char const* semanticName{nullptr};
    uint32_t binding{0};
    api_types::VertexInputRate inputRate{api_types::GPA_VERTEX_INPUT_RATE_UNKNOWN};
    uint32_t instanceDataStepRate{0};

bool operator==(VertexInputElementExtended const& lhs, VertexInputElementExtended const& rhs);

bool operator!=(VertexInputElementExtended const& lhs, VertexInputElementExtended const& rhs);

bool operator<(VertexInputElementExtended const& lhs, VertexInputElementExtended const& rhs);

// Viewport
struct Viewport
    float x{0};
    float y{0};
    float width{0};
    float height{0};
    float minDepth{0};
    float maxDepth{0};

bool operator==(Viewport const& lhs, Viewport const& rhs);

bool operator!=(Viewport const& lhs, Viewport const& rhs);

bool operator<(Viewport const& lhs, Viewport const& rhs);

// SourceFile
struct SourceFile
    char const* pContent{nullptr};
    char const* pFilename{nullptr};

// ShaderMacro
struct ShaderMacro
    char const* pName{nullptr};
    char const* pDefinition{nullptr};

// EntryPoint
struct EntryPoint
    char const* pName{nullptr};
    ShaderStageFlagBits kind{GPA_SHADER_STAGE_UNKNOWN};

bool operator==(EntryPoint const& lhs, EntryPoint const& rhs);

bool operator!=(EntryPoint const& lhs, EntryPoint const& rhs);

bool operator<(EntryPoint const& lhs, EntryPoint const& rhs);

// ShaderSources
struct ShaderSource
    api_types::ShaderLanguage language{GPA_SHADER_LANGUAGE_UNKNOWN};
    size_t fileCount{0};
    SourceFile const* pFiles{nullptr};
    size_t macroCount{0};
    ShaderMacro const* pMacros{nullptr};
    size_t entryPointCount{0};
    EntryPoint const* pEntryPoints{nullptr};
    uint32_t flags{0};

// BlendStateAttachment
struct BlendStateAttachment
    bool blendEnable{false};
    BlendFactor srcBlend{GPA_BLEND_ONE};
    BlendFactor destBlend{GPA_BLEND_ONE};
    BlendOp blendOp{GPA_BLEND_OP_ADD};
    BlendFactor srcBlendAlpha{GPA_BLEND_ONE};
    BlendFactor destBlendAlpha{GPA_BLEND_ONE};
    BlendOp blendOpAlpha{GPA_BLEND_OP_ADD};
    uint8_t colorWriteMask{0};

bool operator==(BlendStateAttachment const& lhs, BlendStateAttachment const& rhs);

bool operator!=(BlendStateAttachment const& lhs, BlendStateAttachment const& rhs);

bool operator<(BlendStateAttachment const& lhs, BlendStateAttachment const& rhs);

// DepthStencilOp
struct DepthStencilOp
    StencilOp stencilFailOp{api_types::GPA_STENCIL_OP_KEEP};
    StencilOp stencilDepthFailOp{api_types::GPA_STENCIL_OP_KEEP};
    StencilOp stencilPassOp{api_types::GPA_STENCIL_OP_KEEP};
    ComparisonFunc stencilFunc{api_types::GPA_COMPARISON_NEVER};

bool operator==(DepthStencilOp const& lhs, DepthStencilOp const& rhs);

bool operator!=(DepthStencilOp const& lhs, DepthStencilOp const& rhs);

bool operator<(DepthStencilOp const& lhs, DepthStencilOp const& rhs);

}  // namespace api_types
}  // namespace gpa