Function gpa::metrics::GetGpuIdForGraphicsDevice

Function Documentation

Result gpa::metrics::GetGpuIdForGraphicsDevice(GraphicsApi graphicsApi, void *graphicsInstance, void *graphicsDevice, gpa::metrics::GpuId *pGpuId)

Used to determine the GPU's id associated with a graphics API device.

  • graphicsApi -- [in] Graphics API associated with the provided device.

  • graphicsInstance -- [in] Graphics instance whose type is based on the specified API. For D3D11, D3D12 and Metal must be a nullptr. For Vulkan must be a VkInstance.

  • graphicsDevice -- [in] Device whose type is based on the specified API. For D3D11 must be an ID3D11Device pointer. For D3D12 must be an ID3D12Device pointer. For Metal must be a MTLDevice. For Vulkan must be a VkPhysicalDevice.

  • pGpuId -- [inout] Pointer to a GpuId that is set to the GPU's id.


Upon success, kSuccess is returned and the GpuId pointed to by pGpuId is initialized with the GPU's id associated with the provided graphics device. Otherwise, a failure result code is returned.