Template Class Convertible

Class Documentation

template<typename BaseType, typename ...DerivedTypes>
class Convertible

Base class for a type that may be converted to its derived types via As<>()

Param <BaseType>

The type of object that will expose conversion to its derived types via As<>()

Param <DerivedTypes>

The types that an object of BaseType may be converted to

Public Functions

inline virtual ~Convertible() = 0

Destroys this instance of Convertible.

inline virtual TypeId GetTypeId() const

Gets this Convertible's TypeId.


This Convertible's TypeId

template<typename DerivedType>
inline DerivedType const *As() const

Converts this object to one of its derived types.


This method will return nullptr if this object's GetType() doesn't match that of the requested derived type's


<DerivedType> -- The derived type to convert this object to


A pointer to this object as the given DerivedType

template<typename DerivedType>
inline DerivedType *As()

Converts this object to one of its derived types.


This method will return nullptr if this object's GetType() doesn't match that of the requested derived type's


<DerivedType> -- The derived type to convert this object to


A pointer to this object as the given DerivedType

template<typename DerivedType, typename ProcessAsFunctionType>
inline bool ProcessAs(ProcessAsFunctionType processAsFunction) const

Executes a given function with this object as a given derived type.


The given function's signature must be compatible with void(DerivedType const&)


If the conversion to the given DerivedType is unsuccessful the given function will not be called

  • <DerivedType> -- The derived type to convert this object to

  • <ProcessAsFunctionType> -- The type of function to call with this object as the given DerivedType

  • processAsFunction -- [in] The function to call with this object as the given DerivedType


Whether or not the conversion was successful

Public Static Functions

template<typename DerivedType>
static inline constexpr TypeId GetTypeId()

Gets the TypeId of a given type.


The given type must have been specified in this Convertible<> type's DerivedTypes template parameter


<DerivedType> -- The type to get the TypeId of


The TypeId of the given type