Class SimpleFragmentShaderExperiment

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class SimpleFragmentShaderExperiment : public gpa::playback::PipelineExperiment::Prefab

Encapsulates the logic necessary to create a simple fragment shader Experiment.

Public Functions


Creates an instance of SimpleFragmentShaderExperiment.


Destroys this instance of SimpleFragmentShaderExperiment.

bool operator!=(SimpleFragmentShaderExperiment const &other) const

Gets a value indicating whether or not a given SimpleFragmentShaderExperiment is inequal to this SimpleFragmentShaderExperiment.


other -- The SimpleFragmentShaderExperiment to check for inequality


Whether or not the given SimpleFragmentShaderExperiment is inequal to this SimpleFragmentShaderExperiment

void GetColors(size_t *pColorCount, api_types::Color *pColors) const

Gets this SimpleFragmentShaderExperiment's Colors.

void SetColors(size_t colorCount, api_types::Color const *pColors)

Sets this SimpleFragmentShaderExperiment's Colors.

virtual BaseExperiment::Prefab::Impl const &GetImpl() const final override

Gets this SimpleFragmentShaderExperiment's implementation object.


This SimpleFragmentShaderExperiment's implemetation object

Public Static Attributes

static const api_types::Color DefaultColor

The default simple fragment shader color ({ 1, 0, 1, 1 })