Class ResourceExperiment

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class ResourceExperiment : public gpa::playback::BaseExperiment

Provides functionality to perform resource modifications to a stream, such as replacing textures for bindings.

Public Types

typedef uint64_t UserResourceID

Public Functions


Creates an instance of ResourceExperiment.

ResourceExperiment(ResourceExperiment const &other)

Creates an instance of ResourceExperiment from a given ResourceExperiment.


other -- The ResourceExperiment to copy from

ResourceExperiment &operator=(ResourceExperiment const &other)

Creates an instance of ResourceExperiment from a given ResourceExperiment.


other -- The ResourceExperiment to copy from


This ResourceExperiment after copying from the given ResourceExperiment

ResourceExperiment(ResourceExperiment &&other)

Moves an instance of ResourceExperiment from a given ResourceExperiment.


other -- The ResourceExperiment to move from

ResourceExperiment &operator=(ResourceExperiment &&other)

Moves an instance of ResourceExperiment from a given ResourceExperiment.


other -- The ResourceExperiment to move from


This ResourceExperiment after moving from the given ResourceExperiment

bool operator!=(ResourceExperiment const &other) const

Gets a value indicating whether or not a given ResourceExperiment is inequal to this ResourceExperiment.


other -- The ResourceExperiment to compare for inequlaity


Whether or not the given ResourceExperiment is inequal to this ResourceExperiment

void SetImageData(UserResourceID id, void const *pixels, ImageMetadata const &metadata)

Hands over user resource data to the ResourceExperiment that the user would like to use when making a binding modification later.

This call must be made before requesting to set an image on a binding.

  • The -- unique ID that will be associated with this user data. This is primarily used to prevent duplicating data and make resource data retrieval more efficient.

  • pixels -- The binary image data to save and associate with id

  • metadata -- Metadata about pixels, which is used to interpret the data when applying this experiment.

void SetImageAtBinding(UserResourceID id, uint64_t set, uint64_t binding, uint64_t arrayIndex = 0)

Requests that the resource associated with the given ID is set at the given binding.

This essentially requests a modification to the current resource bindings in the stream being analyzed.

  • id -- The ID associated with the resource that should be set.

  • set -- The index of the descriptor set, if applicable.

  • binding -- The index of the binding slot (within a descriptor set, if applicable).

  • arrayIndex -- The array index within a descriptor binding, if applicable.

void SetSamplerSettings(SamplerSettings *settings, uint64_t count, bool overrideAllSamplers)

Requests that certain sampler settings are applied.

Users should provide either one SamplerSettings per sampler, or provide one sampler and set the overrideAllSamplers option to true, this will use the single provided SamplerSetting for all samplers

  • settings -- A pointer to an array of SamplerSetting objects.

  • count -- The number of settings in the array.

  • overrideAllSamplers -- A flag that signals if settings[0] should be applied to all current samplers.

void RemoveImageData(UserResourceID id)

Disassociates the image associated with the given ID and removes its data on this ResourceExperiment.

void RemoveImageBinding(uint64_t set, uint64_t binding, uint64_t arrayIndex = 0)

Undos any currently set modification made to the given resource binding.

  • set -- The index of the descriptor set, if applicable.

  • binding -- The index of binding slot (within a descriptor set, if applicable).

  • arrayIndex -- The array index within a descriptor binding, if applicable.

void ClearAllImageBindings()

Removes all resource binding modifications set by SetImageAtBinding().

void GetImageList(UserResourceID *ids, size_t *count) const

Retrieves the full list of image IDs given set on this ResourceExperiment.

Call the method once first with null ids to retrieve the count.

void GetImageBindings(ImageBinding *bindings, size_t *count) const

Returns the list of binding modifications currently requested on this experiment.

Call the method once first with null bindings to retrieve the count.

void GetSamplerSettings(SamplerSettings *settings, size_t *count) const

Returns the list of SamplerSettings requested on this experiment.

Call the method once first with null bindings to retrieve the count.

bool GetSamplerOverride() const

returns the flag indicating if one SamplerSetting should override all current samplers.

ImageData const *GetImageData(UserResourceID id) const

Returns the image data associated with the given UserResourceID.

Protected Attributes

std::vector<ImageBinding> mImageBindings
std::vector<ImageData> mImageData
std::vector<SamplerSettings> mSamplerSettings
bool mOverrideAllSamplers = false
struct ImageBinding

Represents a location for a user resource to be bound during execution.

Public Members

UserResourceID handle

The ID associated with the user image data.

uint64_t binding

The index of binding slot (within a descriptor set, if applicable).

uint64_t set

The index of the descriptor set, if applicable.

uint64_t arrayIndex

The array index within a descriptor binding, if applicable.

struct ImageData

Data associated with an image given by the user.

Public Members

UserResourceID handle

The ID associated with the user image data.

std::vector<uint8_t> data

The binary data of the user image.

ImageMetadata metadata

Metadata about the user image so it can be interpreted.

See also


struct ImageMetadata

Information about an user image so that an image data blob can be interpreted.

Public Members

uint32_t totalSize
uint32_t width
uint32_t height
uint32_t depth

Depth value of the 3d texture. Default value: 0.

uint32_t slices

One slice describes one texture and all its subresources. Default number of slices: 1.

uint32_t mips

The number of MIP levels. Default value: 1 (no additional MIP levels).

uint64_t format
class Prefab : public gpa::playback::BaseExperiment::Prefab

Provides a common base and interface for ResourceExperiment prefabs.

Subclassed by gpa::playback::TwoByTwoTextureReplacementExperiment

struct SamplerSettings

Public Members

float mipMax

The max level of mip this sampler should use.

float mipMin

The min level of mip this sampler should use.