Class QueueLog

Class Documentation

class QueueLog

A filtered API log containing events related to a given queue.

The added events are the calls that are directly associated with execution or presentation of the queue. For example, in the case of D3D12, ID3D12CommandQueue::ExecuteCommandLists() and IDXGISwapChain::Present() are queue events, but ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::Dispatch() is not.

Public Functions

QueueLog(QueueID id, serialization::PacketType packetType, uint32_t apiVersion)
QueueLog(QueueLog &&other)
QueueLog &operator=(QueueLog &&other)
void AddCall(Callable &&callable, StreamDataBookmark &&bookmark, size_t &globalIndex)
QueueID GetID() const
size_t GetRangeCount() const
QueueRange const *GetRange(size_t index) const
QueueRange const *GetRangeForGlobalIndex(size_t index) const
serialization::PacketType GetApi() const
uint32_t GetApiVersion() const