Class PipelineConstantInfo

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class PipelineConstantInfo : public gpa::playback::ResourceInfo::Ex

Graphics API agnostic information for pipeline constants.


for D3D12 this object represents root consants and in Vulkan this object represents push constants

Public Functions

virtual TypeId GetTypeId() const final override

Gets this PipelineConstant's TypeId.


This PipelineConstant's TypeId

Public Members

PipelineInfo const *pPipelineInfo = {nullptr}

The Pipeline object containing pipeline constant data.

uint32_t index = {0}

The binding slot of the pipeline constant.

size_t offset = {0}

The offset, in bytes in the destination that the constants will be written to.

size_t dataSize = {0}

Size of the pipeline constant in pData, in units of bytes.

uint8_t const *pData = {nullptr}

The data being written to the pipeline constants.


for D3D12 this data will be an arrray of 32 bit values

Protected Functions

virtual void OnRegister() final override

This method will be called when this ResourceInfo::Ex is registered for the first time.


If this method is overriden ResourceInfo::Ex::OnRegister() must be called