Class IMetricsSourceComposite
Defined in File metrics-source-composite.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public gpa::metrics::IMetricsSource
(Class IMetricsSource)
Class Documentation
class IMetricsSourceComposite : public virtual gpa::metrics::IMetricsSource
Interface used to manage one or more MetricsSource objects and present them as a single composite object that supports the IMetricsSource interface.
Terminology Key:
Local Metric index
Index of a Metric object in the individual MetricGroup it is associated with.
Global Metric index
Index of a Metric object in the individual MetricsSource (not a composite) it is associated with.
Composite Metric index
Index of a Metric object in the composite MetricsSource it is associated with.
Local MetricGroup index
Index of a MetricGroup object in the individual MetricsSource (not a composite) it is associated with.
Composite/global MetricGroup index
Index of a MetricGroup object in the composite MetricsSource it is associated with.
MetricsSource index
Index of a MetricsSource object in the composite MetricsSource it is associated with. This could also be considered a local MetricsSource index but that distinction is unneeded as there are no global ones.
Metric Prototype
Local Metric Prototype index
Index of a Metric Prototype in the individual MetricSource (not a composite) it is associated with.
Composite/global Metric Prototype index
Index of a Metric Prototype in the composite MetricsSource it is associated with.
Instantiated Metric Prototype index
Local Instantiated Metric Prototype index
Index of an Instantiated Metric Prototype in the individual MetricSource (not a composite) it is associated with.
Composite/global Instantiated Metric Prototype index
Index of an Instantiated Metric Prototype in the composite MetricsSource it is associated with.
The type of a composite MetricsSource object is kComposite.
All of the MetricsSource objects in the composite are configured with the same graphics API, and thus the composite MetricsSource object's graphics API matches them.
All of the MetricsSource objects in the composite are associated with the same GPU, and thus the composite MetricsSource object's GpuId matches that GPU.
Be mindful that the number of available metric groups and metrics in the composite (as well as their associated indices), will change after instantiating a MetricsSource's available Metric Prototypes and preparing them for usage.
This interface is NOT thread-safe.
The composite object's MetricsSource objects (whose IMetricsSource interfaces are obtained via the MetricsSource function, and IMetricGroup interfaces are obtained via the MetricGroup function), have no knowledge they are part of a composite object. Thus, for each MetricsSource object, the global counts and global indices returned by it, its MetricGroup, and its individual Metric objects are relative to itself. Several functions were added to this interface to assist with this limitation and help ease usage.
Public Functions
virtual ~IMetricsSourceComposite()
virtual uint32_t NumMetricsSources() const = 0
Gets the number of MetricsSource objects contained by the composite MetricsSource object that can be obtained using the MetricsSource function.
- Returns
Number of available MetricsSource objects.
virtual IMetricsSource const *MetricsSource(uint32_t const metricsSourceIndex) const = 0
Gets the IMetricsSource interface for the specified MetricsSource object.
- Parameters
metricsSourceIndex -- [in] Index of the MetricsSource object whose interface will be returned. Must be in range: [0, IMetricsSourceComposite::NumMetricsSources).
- Returns
Upon success, returns an interface to the specified MetricsSource object. Otherwise, nullptr is returned.
virtual Result MetricsSourceContainingGroup(uint32_t const compositeMetricGroupIndex, uint32_t *pMetricsSourceIndex, uint32_t *pLocalMetricGroupIndex = nullptr) const = 0
Provides the MetricsSource index associated with a MetricGroup specified using its composite/global index in the composite MetricsSource object. Optionally, also provides the MetricGroup object's corresponding local index in the MetricsSource object.
- Parameters
globalMetricGroupIndex -- [in] Global MetricGroup index in range: [0, IMetricsSourceComposite::NumMetricGroups).
pMetricsSourceIndex -- [inout] Pointer to a MetricsSource object index that will be initialized upon success.
pLocalMetricGroupIndex -- [inout] Optional pointer to the corresponding local MetricGroup object index that will be initialized upon success.
- Returns
Upon success, initializes the provided indices and returns Result::kSuccess. Otherwise, another failure enumerator is returned.
virtual Result MetricsSourceContainingMetric(uint32_t const compositeMetricIndex, uint32_t *pMetricsSourceIndex, uint32_t *pGlobalMetricIndex = nullptr) const = 0
Provides the MetricsSource index associated with a Metric specified using its composite index in the composite MetricsSource object. Optionally, also provides the Metric object's corresponding global index in the MetricsSource object.
- Parameters
compositeMetricIndex -- [in] Composite Metric index in range: [0, IMetricsSourceComposite::NumAvailableMetrics).
pMetricsSourceIndex -- [inout] Pointer to a MetricsSource object index that will be initialized upon success.
pGlobalMetricIndex -- [inout] Optional pointer to the corresponding global Metric object index that will be initialized upon success.
- Returns
Upon success, initializes the provided indices and returns Result::kSuccess. Otherwise, another failure enumerator is returned.
virtual int32_t MetricsSourceStartGroupIndex(uint32_t const metricsSourceIndex) const = 0
Gets the composite/global MetricGroup index for the first MetricGroup of the specified MetricsSource object.
After creating the composite, when/if a MetricsSource's instantiated Metric Prototypes are prepared for usage, the first composite/global MetricGroup index returned for the specified MetricsSource object might be different afterwards.
- Parameters
metricsSourceIndex -- [in] Index of the MetricsSource object, for which the first MetricsGroup's composite/global index will be determined. Must be in range: [0, IMetricsSourceComposite::NumMetricsSources).
- Returns
Upon success, returns the composite MetricGroup index for the first MetricGroup of the specified MetricsSource object. Otherwise, an invalid MetricGroup index is returned such as -1.
virtual int32_t MetricsSourceStartMetricIndex(uint32_t const metricsSourceIndex) const = 0
Gets the composite Metric index for the first Metric in the first MetricGroup of the specified MetricsSource object.
After creating the composite, when/if a MetricsSource's instantiated Metric Prototypes are prepared for usage, the first composite Metric index returned for the first MetricGroup of the specified MetricsSource object might be different afterwards.
- Parameters
metricsSourceIndex -- [in] Index of the MetricsSource object, for which the first MetricGroup's first Metric's composite index will be determined. Must be in range: [0, IMetricsSourceComposite::NumMetricsSources).
- Returns
Upon success, returns the composite Metric index for the first Metric in the first MetricGroup of the specified MetricsSource. Otherwise, an invalid Metric index is returned such as -1.