Class ThreadPool

Class Documentation

class ThreadPool

Public Functions

ThreadPool(uint32_t threadCount, VoidFunction initializer = nullptr)

Main constructor.


threadCount -- Initial thread count

uint32_t ThreadCount()

Get current workers count.

uint32_t ThreadCountWithState(Thread::ThreadState state)

Get current workers count with provided state.

void AddThreads(uint32_t threadCount, VoidFunction initializer = nullptr)

Add new workers to the thread pool, with optional thread initializer callback.

template<typename Fun, typename ...Args>
inline auto SubmitJob(Fun &&function, Args&&... args) -> std::future<decltype(function(args...))>

Submits provided function to the task queue for execution by workers.


Future object representing task status

template<typename Fun, typename ...Args>
inline auto SubmitOptionalJob(Fun &&function, Args&&... args) -> std::future<decltype(function(args...))>
void WaitTillFinished()

Waits synchronously till all jobs submitted until now are finished.

template<typename Fun, typename ...Args>
inline auto RunWhenFinished(Fun &&function, Args&&... args) -> std::future<decltype(function(args...))>

Run this code when all jobs submitted until now are finished.

void Shutdown()

Wait for running threads to finish their work and then shut down cleanly.

void CancelOptionalJobs()

Cancels submitted jobs that are marked as optional and are not in execution yet.