Distributed Publish & Subscribe for IoT
dps.h File Reference

Public APIs. More...

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Data Structures

struct  _DPS_Buffer
 A buffer. More...
struct  _DPS_Key
 Union of supported key types. More...
struct  _DPS_KeyCert
 Certificate key data. More...
struct  _DPS_KeyEC
 Elliptic curve key data. More...
struct  _DPS_KeyId
 An identifier of a key in a key store. More...
struct  _DPS_KeySymmetric
 Symmetric key data. More...


#define DPS_FALSE   0
 FALSE boolean value.
#define DPS_LINK_LOSS_TIMEOUT   30000
 This establishes the base rate at which keep-alive subscription messages are sent to remote nodes. More...
 Disable multicast send and receive on the node. More...
 Enable multicast receive on the node. More...
 Enable multicast send on the node. More...
 The default maximum rate (in msecs) to compute and send out subscription updates. More...
#define DPS_TRUE   1
 TRUE boolean value.


typedef void(* DPS_AcknowledgementHandler) (DPS_Publication *pub, uint8_t *payload, size_t len)
 Function prototype for a publication acknowledgement handler called when an acknowledgement for a publication is received from a remote subscriber. More...
typedef void(* DPS_AckPublicationBufsComplete) (DPS_Publication *pub, const DPS_Buffer *bufs, size_t numBufs, DPS_Status status, void *data)
 Called when DPS_AckPublicationBufs() completes. More...
typedef struct _DPS_Buffer DPS_Buffer
 A buffer.
typedef struct _DPS_Node DPS_Node
 Opaque type for a node.
typedef struct _DPS_NodeAddress DPS_NodeAddress
 Opaque type for a remote node address.
typedef void(* DPS_OnLinkComplete) (DPS_Node *node, const DPS_NodeAddress *addr, DPS_Status status, void *data)
 Function prototype for function called when a DPS_Link() completes. More...
typedef void(* DPS_OnLinkLoss) (DPS_Node *node, const DPS_NodeAddress *addr, void *data)
 Function prototype for function called when a link is lossed. More...
typedef void(* DPS_OnNodeDestroyed) (DPS_Node *node, void *data)
 Function prototype for callback function called when a node is destroyed. More...
typedef void(* DPS_OnNodeShutdown) (DPS_Node *node, void *data)
 Function prototype for callback function called when a node is shutdown. More...
typedef void(* DPS_OnPublicationDestroyed) (DPS_Publication *pub)
 Function prototype for callback function called when a publication is destroyed. More...
typedef void(* DPS_OnResolveAddressComplete) (DPS_Node *node, const DPS_NodeAddress *addr, void *data)
 Function prototype for function called when a DPS_ResolveAddress() completes. More...
typedef void(* DPS_OnSubscriptionDestroyed) (DPS_Subscription *sub)
 Function prototype for callback function called when a subscription is destroyed. More...
typedef void(* DPS_OnUnlinkComplete) (DPS_Node *node, const DPS_NodeAddress *addr, void *data)
 Function prototype for function called when a DPS_Unlink() completes. More...
typedef struct _DPS_Publication DPS_Publication
 Opaque type for a publication.
typedef void(* DPS_PublicationHandler) (DPS_Subscription *sub, const DPS_Publication *pub, uint8_t *payload, size_t len)
 Function prototype for a publication handler called when a publication is received that matches a subscription. More...
typedef void(* DPS_PublishBufsComplete) (DPS_Publication *pub, const DPS_Buffer *bufs, size_t numBufs, DPS_Status status, void *data)
 Called when DPS_PublishBufs() completes. More...
typedef struct _DPS_Subscription DPS_Subscription
 Opaque type for a subscription.


const DPS_KeyIdDPS_AckGetSenderKeyId (const DPS_Publication *pub)
 Get the key identifier of an acknowledgement, only valid with the body of the DPS_AcknowledgementHandler function. More...
uint32_t DPS_AckGetSequenceNum (const DPS_Publication *pub)
 Get the sequence number being acknowledged, only valid with the body of the DPS_AcknowledgementHandler function. More...
DPS_Status DPS_AckPublication (const DPS_Publication *pub, const uint8_t *ackPayload, size_t len)
 Acknowledge a publication. More...
DPS_Status DPS_AckPublicationBufs (const DPS_Publication *pub, const DPS_Buffer *bufs, size_t numBufs, DPS_AckPublicationBufsComplete cb, void *data)
 Acknowledge a publication. More...
void DPS_CopyAddress (DPS_NodeAddress *dest, const DPS_NodeAddress *src)
 Copy a node address. More...
DPS_PublicationDPS_CopyPublication (const DPS_Publication *pub)
 Creates a partial copy of a publication that can be used to acknowledge the publication. More...
DPS_NodeAddressDPS_CreateAddress (void)
 Creates a node address. More...
DPS_NodeDPS_CreateNode (const char *separators, DPS_KeyStore *keyStore, const DPS_KeyId *keyId)
 Allocates space for a local DPS node. More...
DPS_PublicationDPS_CreatePublication (DPS_Node *node)
 Allocates storage for a publication. More...
DPS_SubscriptionDPS_CreateSubscription (DPS_Node *node, const char **topics, size_t numTopics)
 Allocate memory for a subscription and initialize topics. More...
void DPS_DestroyAddress (DPS_NodeAddress *addr)
 Frees resources associated with an address. More...
DPS_Status DPS_DestroyNode (DPS_Node *node, DPS_OnNodeDestroyed cb, void *data)
 Destroys a node and free any resources. More...
DPS_Status DPS_DestroyPublication (DPS_Publication *pub, DPS_OnPublicationDestroyed cb)
 Delete a publication and frees any resources allocated. More...
DPS_Status DPS_DestroySubscription (DPS_Subscription *sub, DPS_OnSubscriptionDestroyed cb)
 Stop subscribing to the subscription topic and free resources allocated for the subscription. More...
const DPS_NodeAddressDPS_GetListenAddress (DPS_Node *node)
 Get the address this node is listening for connections on. More...
const char * DPS_GetListenAddressString (DPS_Node *node)
 Get text representation of the address this node is listening for connections on. More...
void * DPS_GetNodeData (const DPS_Node *node)
 Get application data pointer previously set by DPS_SetNodeData() More...
void * DPS_GetPublicationData (const DPS_Publication *pub)
 Get application data pointer previously set by DPS_SetPublicationData() More...
void * DPS_GetSubscriptionData (DPS_Subscription *sub)
 Get application data pointer previously set by DPS_SetSubscriptionData() More...
DPS_Status DPS_InitPublication (DPS_Publication *pub, const char **topics, size_t numTopics, int noWildCard, const DPS_KeyId *keyId, DPS_AcknowledgementHandler handler)
 Initializes a newly created publication with a set of topics. More...
DPS_Status DPS_Link (DPS_Node *node, const char *addrText, DPS_OnLinkComplete cb, void *data)
 Link the local node to a remote node. More...
const char * DPS_NodeAddrToString (const DPS_NodeAddress *addr)
 Get text representation of an address. More...
DPS_Status DPS_PublicationAddSubId (DPS_Publication *pub, const DPS_KeyId *keyId)
 Adds a key identifier to use for encrypted publications. More...
DPS_NodeDPS_PublicationGetNode (const DPS_Publication *pub)
 Get the local node associated with a publication. More...
size_t DPS_PublicationGetNumTopics (const DPS_Publication *pub)
 Get the number of topics in a publication. More...
const DPS_KeyIdDPS_PublicationGetSenderKeyId (const DPS_Publication *pub)
 Get the key identifier of a publication. More...
uint32_t DPS_PublicationGetSequenceNum (const DPS_Publication *pub)
 Get the sequence number for a publication. More...
const char * DPS_PublicationGetTopic (const DPS_Publication *pub, size_t index)
 Get a topic for a publication. More...
int16_t DPS_PublicationGetTTL (const DPS_Publication *pub)
 Get the TTL for a publication. More...
const DPS_UUIDDPS_PublicationGetUUID (const DPS_Publication *pub)
 Get the UUID for a publication. More...
int DPS_PublicationIsAckRequested (const DPS_Publication *pub)
 Check if an acknowledgement was requested for a publication. More...
void DPS_PublicationRemoveSubId (DPS_Publication *pub, const DPS_KeyId *keyId)
 Removes a key identifier to use for encrypted publications. More...
DPS_Status DPS_Publish (DPS_Publication *pub, const uint8_t *pubPayload, size_t len, int16_t ttl)
 Publish a set of topics along with an optional payload. More...
DPS_Status DPS_PublishBufs (DPS_Publication *pub, const DPS_Buffer *bufs, size_t numBufs, int16_t ttl, DPS_PublishBufsComplete cb, void *data)
 Publish a set of topics along with an optional payload. More...
DPS_Status DPS_ResolveAddress (DPS_Node *node, const char *host, const char *service, DPS_OnResolveAddressComplete cb, void *data)
 Resolve a host name or IP address and service name or port number. More...
DPS_NodeAddressDPS_SetAddress (DPS_NodeAddress *addr, const char *addrText)
 Set a node address. More...
DPS_Status DPS_SetLinkLossCallback (DPS_Node *node, DPS_OnLinkLoss cb, void *data)
 Set a callback function to called when a link explicily established by this node was lost. More...
DPS_Status DPS_SetNodeData (DPS_Node *node, void *data)
 Store a pointer to application data in a node. More...
void DPS_SetNodeLinkLossTimeout (DPS_Node *node, uint32_t linkLossMsecs)
 Override the default link-loss detection timeout (in msecs) More...
void DPS_SetNodeSubscriptionUpdateDelay (DPS_Node *node, uint32_t subsRateMsecs)
 Override the default time delay (in msecs) between subscription updates. More...
DPS_Status DPS_SetPublicationData (DPS_Publication *pub, void *data)
 Store a pointer to application data in a publication. More...
DPS_Status DPS_SetSubscriptionData (DPS_Subscription *sub, void *data)
 Store a pointer to application data in a subscription. More...
DPS_Status DPS_ShutdownNode (DPS_Node *node, DPS_OnNodeShutdown cb, void *data)
 Shutdowns a node. More...
DPS_Status DPS_StartNode (DPS_Node *node, int mcastPub, DPS_NodeAddress *listenAddr)
 Initialized and starts running a local node. More...
DPS_Status DPS_Subscribe (DPS_Subscription *sub, DPS_PublicationHandler handler)
 Start subscribing to a set of topics. More...
DPS_Status DPS_SubscribeExpired (DPS_Subscription *sub, int enable)
 Call the publication handler when a matching retained publication expires. More...
DPS_NodeDPS_SubscriptionGetNode (const DPS_Subscription *sub)
 Get the local node associated with a subscription. More...
size_t DPS_SubscriptionGetNumTopics (const DPS_Subscription *sub)
 Get the number of topics registered with an active subscription. More...
const char * DPS_SubscriptionGetTopic (const DPS_Subscription *sub, size_t index)
 Get a topic for an active subscription. More...
DPS_Status DPS_Unlink (DPS_Node *node, const DPS_NodeAddress *addr, DPS_OnUnlinkComplete cb, void *data)
 Unlink a local node from a remote node. More...


Hooks for implementing an application-defined key store.

#define DPS_AES_256_KEY_LEN   32
 AES 256 key length, in bytes.
 A DPS key type. More...
enum  DPS_ECCurve { DPS_EC_CURVE_RESERVED = 0, DPS_EC_CURVE_P384 = 2, DPS_EC_CURVE_P521 = 3 }
 Allowed elliptic curves. More...
typedef struct _DPS_KeySymmetric DPS_KeySymmetric
 Symmetric key data. More...
typedef struct _DPS_KeyEC DPS_KeyEC
 Elliptic curve key data. More...
typedef struct _DPS_KeyCert DPS_KeyCert
 Certificate key data. More...
typedef struct _DPS_Key DPS_Key
 Union of supported key types.
typedef struct _DPS_KeyId DPS_KeyId
 An identifier of a key in a key store.
typedef struct _DPS_KeyStore DPS_KeyStore
 Opaque type for a key store.
typedef struct _DPS_KeyStoreRequest DPS_KeyStoreRequest
 Opaque type for a key store request.
typedef DPS_Status(* DPS_KeyAndIdHandler) (DPS_KeyStoreRequest *request)
 Function prototype for a key store handler called when a key and key identifier is requested. More...
typedef DPS_Status(* DPS_KeyHandler) (DPS_KeyStoreRequest *request, const DPS_KeyId *keyId)
 Function prototype for a key store handler called when a key with the provided key identifier is requested. More...
typedef DPS_Status(* DPS_EphemeralKeyHandler) (DPS_KeyStoreRequest *request, const DPS_Key *key)
 Function prototype for a key store handler called when an ephemeral key with the provided type is requested. More...
typedef DPS_Status(* DPS_CAHandler) (DPS_KeyStoreRequest *request)
 Function prototype for a key store handler called when the trusted CA chain is requested. More...
DPS_Status DPS_SetKeyAndId (DPS_KeyStoreRequest *request, const DPS_Key *key, const DPS_KeyId *keyId)
 Provide a key and key identifier to a key store request. More...
DPS_Status DPS_SetKey (DPS_KeyStoreRequest *request, const DPS_Key *key)
 Provide a key to a key store request. More...
DPS_Status DPS_SetCA (DPS_KeyStoreRequest *request, const char *ca)
 Provide a trusted CA chain to a key store request. More...
DPS_KeyStoreDPS_KeyStoreHandle (DPS_KeyStoreRequest *request)
 Returns the DPS_KeyStore* of a key store request. More...
DPS_KeyStoreDPS_CreateKeyStore (DPS_KeyAndIdHandler keyAndIdHandler, DPS_KeyHandler keyHandler, DPS_EphemeralKeyHandler ephemeralKeyHandler, DPS_CAHandler caHandler)
 Creates a key store. More...
void DPS_DestroyKeyStore (DPS_KeyStore *keyStore)
 Destroys a previously created key store. More...
DPS_Status DPS_SetKeyStoreData (DPS_KeyStore *keyStore, void *data)
 Store a pointer to application data in a key store. More...
void * DPS_GetKeyStoreData (const DPS_KeyStore *keyStore)
 Get application data pointer previously set by DPS_SetKeyStoreData(). More...

In-memory Key Store

The implementation of an in-memory key store.

typedef struct _DPS_MemoryKeyStore DPS_MemoryKeyStore
 Opaque type for an in-memory key store.
DPS_MemoryKeyStoreDPS_CreateMemoryKeyStore (void)
 Creates an in-memory key store. More...
void DPS_DestroyMemoryKeyStore (DPS_MemoryKeyStore *keyStore)
 Destroys a previously created in-memory key store. More...
DPS_Status DPS_SetContentKey (DPS_MemoryKeyStore *keyStore, const DPS_KeyId *keyId, const DPS_Key *key)
 Create or replace a key with the specified key identifier in the key store. More...
DPS_Status DPS_SetNetworkKey (DPS_MemoryKeyStore *keyStore, const DPS_KeyId *keyId, const DPS_Key *key)
 Create or replace the network key in the key store. More...
DPS_Status DPS_SetTrustedCA (DPS_MemoryKeyStore *mks, const char *ca)
 Create or replace the trusted CA(s) in the key store. More...
DPS_Status DPS_SetCertificate (DPS_MemoryKeyStore *mks, const char *cert, const char *key, const char *password)
 Create or replace a certificate in the key store. More...
DPS_KeyStoreDPS_MemoryKeyStoreHandle (DPS_MemoryKeyStore *keyStore)
 Returns the DPS_KeyStore* of an in-memory key store. More...

Detailed Description

Public APIs.