
This is an example of how you can use the web API from javascript. Create the following files.

We’ll import the API from api.js, and our code will go in index.js.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script src="api.js" ></script>
    <script src="index.js" ></script>
    <h1>Open the console to see logs</h1>


var runit = async function() {
  // Create an instance of the API class, use the same URL we are on as the
  // endpoint
  var api = new DFFMLHTTPAPI(window.location.origin);

  console.log("Created api", window.location.origin, api);

  // Training data and source
  var training_source = api.source();
  console.log("Created training_source", training_source);

  var training_csv_contents = "Years,Expertise,Trust,Salary\n";
  training_csv_contents += "0,1,0.2,10\n";
  training_csv_contents += "1,3,0.4,20\n";
  training_csv_contents += "2,5,0.6,30\n";
  training_csv_contents += "3,7,0.8,40\n";

  await api.upload("my_training_dataset.csv", training_csv_contents);
  console.log("Uploaded my_training_dataset.csv");

  await training_source.configure("csv", "my_training_dataset", {
    "source": {
      "plugin": null,
      "config": {
        "filename": {
          "plugin": [
          "config": {}
  console.log("Configured training_source", training_source);

  var training_sctx = await training_source.context("my_training_dataset_context");
  console.log("Created training_sctx", training_sctx);

  // Test data and source

  var test_source = api.source();
  console.log("Created test_source", test_source);

  var test_csv_contents = "Years,Expertise,Trust,Salary\n";
  test_csv_contents += "4,9,1.0,50\n";
  test_csv_contents += "5,11,1.2,60\n";

  await api.upload("my_test_dataset.csv", test_csv_contents);
  console.log("Uploaded my_test_dataset.csv");

  await test_source.configure("csv", "my_test_dataset", {
    "source": {
      "plugin": null,
      "config": {
        "filename": {
          "plugin": [
          "config": {}
  console.log("Configured test_source", test_source);

  var test_sctx = await test_source.context("my_test_dataset_context");
  console.log("Created test_sctx", test_sctx);

  // Create an array of all the records for fun
  var records = await training_sctx.records(100);
  console.log("Training records", records);

  var records_array = [];
  for (var key of Object.keys(records)) {
  console.log("Array of training records", records_array);

  // Create a model
  var model = api.model();
  console.log("Created model", model);

  await model.configure("scikitlr", "mymodel", {
    "model": {
      "plugin": null,
      "config": {
        "predict": {
          "plugin": [{
            "name": "Salary",
            "dtype": "int",
            "length": 1
          }, ],
          "config": {}
        "features": {
          "plugin": [{
            "name": "Years",
            "dtype": "int",
            "length": 1
          }, {
            "name": "Expertise",
            "dtype": "int",
            "length": 1
          }, {
            "name": "Trust",
            "dtype": "float",
            "length": 1
          "config": {}

  console.log("Configured model", model);

  var mctx = await model.context("mymodel_context");
  console.log("Created model context", mctx);

  await mctx.train([training_sctx]);
  console.log("Trained model context", mctx);

  // Create a scorer
  var scorer = api.scorer();
  console.log("Created scorer", scorer);

  await scorer.configure("mse", "mymse", {});
  console.log("Configured scorer", scorer);

  var actx = await scorer.context("mymse_context");
  console.log("Created scorer context", actx);

  var accuracy = await actx.score([test_sctx]);
  console.log("Scorer accuracy", accuracy);

  var prediction = await mctx.predict({
    "mish_the_smish": {
      "features": {
        "Years": 6,
        "Expertise": 13,
        "Trust": 1.4
  console.log("Model context predict", prediction);

  if (prediction.mish_the_smish.prediction.Salary.value !== 70) {
    throw new Error("prediction.mish_the_smish.prediction.value was not 70!");



Be aware that we’re about to upload to the your current working directory (wherever your shell is right now). You should have created the index.html and index.js in this directory.

$ dffml service http server -port 8080 -insecure -js -upload-dir . -static .

Go to http://localhost:8080/index.html and pop open the console to see what happened, it should look like this.

Created api http://localhost:8080 Object { endpoint: "http://localhost:8080" }
Created training_source Object { plugin_type: "source", context_cls: DFFMLHTTPAPISourceContext(args), api: {…}, plugin: null, label: null, config: {} }
Uploaded my_training_dataset.csv
Configured training_source Object { plugin_type: "source", context_cls: DFFMLHTTPAPISourceContext(args), api: {…}, plugin: "csv", label: "my_training_dataset", config: {…} }
Created training_sctx Object { api: {…}, parent: {…}, label: "my_training_dataset_context" }
Created test_source Object { plugin_type: "source", context_cls: DFFMLHTTPAPISourceContext(args), api: {…}, plugin: null, label: null, config: {} }
Uploaded my_test_dataset.csv
Configured test_source Object { plugin_type: "source", context_cls: DFFMLHTTPAPISourceContext(args), api: {…}, plugin: "csv", label: "my_test_dataset", config: {…} }
Created test_sctx Object { api: {…}, parent: {…}, label: "my_test_dataset_context" }
Training records Object(4) [ {…}, {…}, {…}, {…} ]
Array of training records Array(4) [ {…}, {…}, {…}, {…} ]
Created model Object { plugin_type: "model", context_cls: DFFMLHTTPAPIModelContext(args), api: {…}, plugin: null, label: null, config: {} }
Configured model Object { plugin_type: "model", context_cls: DFFMLHTTPAPIModelContext(args), api: {…}, plugin: "scikitlr", label: "mymodel", config: {…} }
Created model context Object { api: {…}, parent: {…}, label: "mymodel_context" }
Trained model context Object { api: {…}, parent: {…}, label: "mymodel_context" }
Model context accuracy undefined
Model context predict Object { mish_the_smish: {…} }